Almost Ran Over Again!


New Member
Mar 10, 2007
Today on the way from work I was on a two lane road nearing an intersection in a semi busy residential 25 mph zone. when a big gas guzzling stupid truck side swiped me and gave me no room on the road. I ahd to actually hold on to the side of the trucks bed toi hold my self up while he and I moved along at about 18 mph. He then (I believe to hurt me) swereved to the left! I flung off the bike and right into the assphalt and ditch. Thank God I only have a little bit of road rash and thats all the injuries that I incurred. The bike is ok the derailier seems to not be working correctly but I think I made out okay.
NickInNC said:
Today on the way from work I was on a two lane road nearing an intersection in a semi busy residential 25 mph zone. when a big gas guzzling stupid truck side swiped me and gave me no room on the road. I ahd to actually hold on to the side of the trucks bed toi hold my self up while he and I moved along at about 18 mph. He then (I believe to hurt me) swereved to the left! I flung off the bike and right into the assphalt and ditch. Thank God I only have a little bit of road rash and thats all the injuries that I incurred. The bike is ok the derailier seems to not be working correctly but I think I made out okay.
Happens here all the time. I've lost flesh from the palm of my hands (I wear Mechanix wear gloves now, stopped that bloodletting on the spot!), flesh off my knees, ruined helmets, had gravel embedded in my elbows and chin, etc.

You have to realize, the cars and trucks, they think they own the road because they are faster. When I ride on the road, I keep my head on a constant swivel, if I see a car or truck coming, I head for the farthest away point I can find, even if it means going into a ditch.
That's terrible NickinNC - don't suppose you got the number plate of the truck... then again - don't suppose the police would do anything if you did?

This is exactly the reason I'm too scared to ride on any of the main roads.

Just a wondering though - do you use rear view mirrors on your bike? Would it make any difference? Maybe you would just see them coming sooner but still not be able to get out of their way?

By the way - still shaking my head over the driver swerving to ditch you from the back of the truck... accidents do happen whether right or wrong from inattention etc but deliberately "getting rid of the evidence" is just about as low as you can get.
Well I don't use mirrors I never have and it wouldn't help in this case. As far as the pigs..oops I mean cops the person that was in the fossil burner behind me offered to call the cops and the guy in the truck stopped after about 12 feet and I was so angry I scared him off. I was so mad that I'm glad he didn't get out because one of us would have been knocked out by the time the cops came. I fixed my chain licked my wounds and rode off bitter and angry at the fossil burners.
NickInNC said:
Today on the way from work I was on a two lane road nearing an intersection in a semi busy residential 25 mph zone. when a big gas guzzling stupid truck side swiped me and gave me no room on the road. I ahd to actually hold on to the side of the trucks bed toi hold my self up while he and I moved along at about 18 mph. He then (I believe to hurt me) swereved to the left! I flung off the bike and right into the assphalt and ditch. Thank God I only have a little bit of road rash and thats all the injuries that I incurred. The bike is ok the derailier seems to not be working correctly but I think I made out okay.
as hard as this might be to deal with mentally, you will probably have to take the lane at that part so that motorists are not encouraged to pass you like that... it does work and I use that tactic at certain points when I commute to work by bike...

you might get honked at, but remember getting honked at is alot better than rolling in a ditch...

the fear I had with "taking the lane" was the fear of getting run over... if you merge properly, that won't happen...

some books that I studied here in NJ:

the art of urban cycling, robert hurst
the complete book of bicycle commuting, john allen
effective cycling, john forrester

online pamphlets
street wise, john allen
That's real stupid. When drivers do bad stuff like that to bikers they should be sued by bikers and tried in court for bad driving or attempted murder. You were real stupid not getting his plates and reporting him to the cops.
In hind sight I still believe that I did the right thing because if I ever had to confront the SOB in any way lawsuit etc. I may have beaten him to a pulp. I usually don't have such a bad temper but when someone does such a thing to impact me well I wanna beat em'.
NickInNC said:
Today on the way from work I was on a two lane road nearing an intersection in a semi busy residential 25 mph zone. when a big gas guzzling stupid truck side swiped me and gave me no room on the road. I ahd to actually hold on to the side of the trucks bed toi hold my self up while he and I moved along at about 18 mph. He then (I believe to hurt me) swereved to the left! I flung off the bike and right into the assphalt and ditch. Thank God I only have a little bit of road rash and thats all the injuries that I incurred. The bike is ok the derailier seems to not be working correctly but I think I made out okay.
He probably read your reply to my post in the dog attack thread. :rolleyes:

NickInNC said:
Today on the way from work I was on a two lane road nearing an intersection in a semi busy residential 25 mph zone. when a big gas guzzling stupid truck side swiped me and gave me no room on the road. I ahd to actually hold on to the side of the trucks bed toi hold my self up while he and I moved along at about 18 mph. He then (I believe to hurt me) swereved to the left! I flung off the bike and right into the assphalt and ditch. Thank God I only have a little bit of road rash and thats all the injuries that I incurred. The bike is ok the derailier seems to not be working correctly but I think I made out okay.
Today I was in a bike lane on my way to the office when some joker decided it would be funny to F#@& with me, he started swerving in and out of the bike lane, slowing down, speeding up, slamming on the brakes, I really had no where to go.

I tried slowing down, speeding up, I went over as far as I could to the right but he kept on. When the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed his mirror for a few moments and locked eyes with him. I had to let go to keep from going into the guard rail and after that he sped up to get away, but I rolled right up next to him at the next three stop lights. Crazy thing was, it wasn't funny to him anymore. I don't doubt for a minute he would have beat me into a pulp but I was determined to fight.

I called the cops when I got to the office, I gave him a description, the license plate etc. but I doubt anything will be done by the police.

I have been hit once before and had several near collisions, it is always because some idiot was to busy with the cell phone or the radio knobs to see me.

I am seriously thinking of carrying a can of neon yellow spray paint and tagging the jerks.
e0richt said:
as hard as this might be to deal with mentally, you will probably have to take the lane at that part so that motorists are not encouraged to pass you like that... it does work and I use that tactic at certain points when I commute to work by bike...

you might get honked at, but remember getting honked at is alot better than rolling in a ditch...

the fear I had with "taking the lane" was the fear of getting run over... if you merge properly, that won't happen...

some books that I studied here in NJ:

the art of urban cycling, robert hurst
the complete book of bicycle commuting, john allen
effective cycling, john forrester

online pamphlets
street wise, john allen
I am so glad to see this post e0richt. I've never seen or heard anyone recommending "taking the lane" but I have been demanding my right to the road for years. You're right it does **** the drivers off but so what. When you take the lane you make it so that the driver will be 100% at fault if he were to hit you. (As long as you do it correctly of course. The same way you should in a car) I do this always and I end up having all the cars give me a very wide berth as opposed to clipping my handlebars with their mirrors. Maybe they think I'm nuts and want to stay as far away as possible who knows? All I can say is that it works, it pisses off the motorist, but it's 100% legal and a much safer way to ride. We need more cyclists to learn this.

It's better to be annoying and SEEN, then "polite" and shoved off in a ditch or worse. The other guy that posted and said he was thrown off a truck. I personally would have got out and helped if I saw you beating the guy to a pulp. Taking on a bicycle with your truck or car is like a pro wrestler assaulting a small child. It's the act of a complete coward. It's probably a good idea to take a pen or pencil and a slip of paper with you in case you have to write down a license number. And for the guy that said he didn't think the cops would do anything, with a witness like he had they sure would. He would even stand a pretty good chance of getting an assault with a deadly weapon charge.

A guy in So Cal was just killed by a motorist a couple of days ago. Witnesses said it looked like he ran the bike over on purpose. I'm willing to bet the motorist already has a record and would be behind bars if the laws we already have were just inforced.

This brings to mind another question. With all the hullaballoo about Global warming and fuel prices etc., etc., why aren't we cyclists better taken care of by our government officials? We should get tax breaks and much better protection from our police. Has anyone figured out how much money we save the country in the way of cleaner air and less wear and tear to our streets? Not to mention less dependance on foreign oil. Hell we should be hailed as heroes, not bullied by motorists that find us "annoying". You find us annoying? Get used to it. Someday there won't be any more fuel for your Hummer and you'll be on a bike yourself. (By the way, if you're driving a Hummer 3 it's not a real Hummer. )
azul_fahrrad said:
Today I was in a bike lane on my way to the office when some joker decided it would be funny to F#@& with me, he started swerving in and out of the bike lane, slowing down, speeding up, slamming on the brakes, I really had no where to go.

I tried slowing down, speeding up, I went over as far as I could to the right but he kept on. When the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed his mirror for a few moments and locked eyes with him. I had to let go to keep from going into the guard rail and after that he sped up to get away, but I rolled right up next to him at the next three stop lights. Crazy thing was, it wasn't funny to him anymore. I don't doubt for a minute he would have beat me into a pulp but I was determined to fight.

I called the cops when I got to the office, I gave him a description, the license plate etc. but I doubt anything will be done by the police.

I have been hit once before and had several near collisions, it is always because some idiot was to busy with the cell phone or the radio knobs to see me.

I am seriously thinking of carrying a can of neon yellow spray paint and tagging the jerks.
I like that idea fahrrad. I carry a can of bear repellent. It shoots a 35 foot stream of pepper spray and or mace. It will stop a 700 pound bear so my guess is that it will work on a speeded out 90 pound truckdriver and all in between. There's no permanent damage and I'm willing to bet that F***ing with cyclists becomes a bit less desirable to guys like the one that messed with you. I know there's a lot of rhetoric out there that says it's wrong to do what I suggest here. Maybe that's a huge part of the problem. It used to be that "Trespassers Will Be Shot". There wasn't alot of trespassing going on. If there's enough of an urban legend that says messing with a cyclist is likely to be very painful than maybe we'll stop having things like this happen.

I had one guy comment that he's been riding for 30 years and has never had anything bad happen. Must be nice. I'll tell you what though. He doesn't live in Southern California.
Well since I almost got killed by the truck I have had only one more incident. It is rather funny. I was riding on a residential street(25 mph speed limit) that has gotten to be known as sort of a great short cut for locals. It is perfect for riding to work and I use it every day. Typically I only will see 10 or so cars coming and going. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I was riding over a hilly curvey section that is hard for motorist to see around me to go around me. I heard a lot of honking and i couls hear a car getting closer and closer. The honking continued for thirty seconds until the hilly curvey section was over, then I saw the car and driver from hell it was brand new Cadilac and an elderly(probably in her late 70's) lady. She yelled out her window "Get the F*%$# out of the f%&$*ing street.". So I did what every young man on a bike would do I smiled and waved for a good 15 seconds just so she get even more mad because I wasn't mad. :D
NickInNC said:
Well since I almost got killed by the truck I have had only one more incident. It is rather funny. I was riding on a residential street(25 mph speed limit) that has gotten to be known as sort of a great short cut for locals. It is perfect for riding to work and I use it every day. Typically I only will see 10 or so cars coming and going. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I was riding over a hilly curvey section that is hard for motorist to see around me to go around me. I heard a lot of honking and i couls hear a car getting closer and closer. The honking continued for thirty seconds until the hilly curvey section was over, then I saw the car and driver from hell it was brand new Cadilac and an elderly(probably in her late 70's) lady. She yelled out her window "Get the F*%$# out of the f%&$*ing street.". So I did what every young man on a bike would do I smiled and waved for a good 15 seconds just so she get even more mad because I wasn't mad. :D
Haha, brilliant.
I like that idea fahrrad. I carry a can of bear repellent. It shoots a 35 foot stream of pepper spray and or mace. It will stop a 700 pound bear so my guess is that it will work on a speeded out 90 pound truckdriver and all in between. There's no permanent damage and I'm willing to bet that F***ing with cyclists becomes a bit less desirable to guys like the one that messed with you. I know there's a lot of rhetoric out there that says it's wrong to do what I suggest here. Maybe that's a huge part of the problem. It used to be that "Trespassers Will Be Shot". There wasn't alot of trespassing going on. If there's enough of an urban legend that says messing with a cyclist is likely to be very painful than maybe we'll stop having things like this happen.

I had one guy comment that he's been riding for 30 years and has never had anything bad happen. Must be nice. I'll tell you what though. He doesn't live in Southern California.
All in all, this is a terrible idea.

I get the whole 'Yeah - let's teach 'em a lesson' mentality...but think about it for a second....First - most/many motorists will be driving with their windows closed. And, at least in the US; you'll have to spray the driver, that means aiming through the passanger window and hitting the driver in the eyes. I'm not sure how accurate you are with a spray bottle, but it's a tough shot.

Consider also, that the guy in the car is probably going signifcantly faster than you.

Finally, think of what will happen should you actually hit the driver in the face. He's now unable to see. For you to be able to spray him, you have to be directly to his right. His first instict will either be a.) Get off the road, which means he'll pull to the right hitting you or b.) Teach that damn biker a lesson, which means he'll pull to the right hitting you.

Let's be realistic - as much as it bothers us to have drivers disregard us; we are at a VERY real, VERY LARGE disadvantage. We have 15-20 pound bikes. How much does the average SUV weigh?

And let's not forget the legal have a legal right to defend yourself, but not to 'make a point' or 'set an example' for other drivers to fear. You spray a guy, he veers off the road and hits a pole and dies. Now his family sues you. Can you convince a jury that spraying the guy as he passes you was nessecary to protect yourself from serious bodily harm - or will they feel that, since the guy was already passing you you were simply a ****** off biker. If they feel you weren't acting in self defense, now you are looking at some very serious crimes.

EDIT: Unless I'm misunderstanding how you mean. If the driver has exited the vehicle and is keeping pace with you on foot, or something, sure.
Edudbor said:
All in all, this is a terrible idea.

I get the whole 'Yeah - let's teach 'em a lesson' mentality...but think about it for a second....First - most/many motorists will be driving with their windows closed. And, at least in the US; you'll have to spray the driver, that means aiming through the passanger window and hitting the driver in the eyes. I'm not sure how accurate you are with a spray bottle, but it's a tough shot.

Consider also, that the guy in the car is probably going signifcantly faster than you.

Finally, think of what will happen should you actually hit the driver in the face. He's now unable to see. For you to be able to spray him, you have to be directly to his right. His first instict will either be a.) Get off the road, which means he'll pull to the right hitting you or b.) Teach that damn biker a lesson, which means he'll pull to the right hitting you.

Let's be realistic - as much as it bothers us to have drivers disregard us; we are at a VERY real, VERY LARGE disadvantage. We have 15-20 pound bikes. How much does the average SUV weigh?

And let's not forget the legal have a legal right to defend yourself, but not to 'make a point' or 'set an example' for other drivers to fear. You spray a guy, he veers off the road and hits a pole and dies. Now his family sues you. Can you convince a jury that spraying the guy as he passes you was nessecary to protect yourself from serious bodily harm - or will they feel that, since the guy was already passing you you were simply a ****** off biker. If they feel you weren't acting in self defense, now you are looking at some very serious crimes.

EDIT: Unless I'm misunderstanding how you mean. If the driver has exited the vehicle and is keeping pace with you on foot, or something, sure.
That is a very good point. I have been considering the wording of my criminal defense. My original idea for the paint was to tag their vehicle. I already have pepper spray for any dogs that I encounter be they on two legs or four.

I have a nifty little carrier that I have made that carries a can of spray paint.

If they are out of their vehicle, they get pepper spray. If they exit their vehicle and get a face full of pepper, they don't have much of a case against me.

If they "assault" or attempt to "assault" me with their vehicle but do not exit, they get the paint where ever I can put it. By far most of the drivers I have encountered that want to pursue this endeavor drive large vehciles so I have lot's of target area.

If they try to prosecute me for property damage, they will have to defend them self for assault.

My justification to the police for tagging the vehicle is that of identification, the same way banks put paint bombs in bags of money for bank robbers or the neon colored, foaming spray some women carry to ward off and later identify rapist and muggers. If I give them a vehicle description and license plate number, they never find the person. Tagging the vehicle with paint is merely an attempt to help the police do a better job of protecting it's citizens, mainly me.

The fact that I will get satisfaction out of it is purely coincidental.

Today, on my way in there was a truck that was riding dangerously close behind me, right on my back wheel, laying on the horn for two or three minutes. We passed a cop, I waved at the cop and motioned to the truck and the cop just smirked. Serve and protect?

I tried to tag him but all he got was mist, when he drove off he floored it and moved into the other lane.

The thing is, my commute is on a well marked designated bike route, most of which has bike lanes or wide shoulders.

My motto, my mantra while on the commute is "I will not be bullied". The cops are not going to do their job, I might end up dead but I will not be bullied.
JTE83 said:
That's real stupid. When drivers do bad stuff like that to bikers they should be sued by bikers and tried in court for bad driving or attempted murder. You were real stupid not getting his plates and reporting him to the cops.
then what? if he brings suit against the fossil burner, he has burden of proof. his words against another guys word (assuming no forthcoming witnesses). injuries or not, the judges and lawyers are probably not cyclists. if fact, they would see us as burdens to commerce or something. if he were able to get good witnesses (i.e. a video from a following police cruiser), then burn the fossil burner at the stake!