Anyone got some training tips for NZ bike ride?


New Member
May 26, 2004

Myself and some friends are planning on riding the South Island of NZ this summer (Dec/Jan), and I was wondering if anyone had any good training tips in order to work up to something like this?

We are all basically casual riders at the moment (meaning that we will get out on the bikes for a few hours on a weekend a few times a month). Most of us are reasonably fit with other sporting commitments so we are not starting from complete nothing.

However NZ is going to very hilly and at times windy. Could some people provide some tips on what would be a good way to start out easy and work up to this.

At this stage we are not sure how far each day we will travel it will depend on fitness, weather, terrain etc... but want to go in prepared.

We are aiming to mostly tour on roads, however we are looking into maybe doing a few off road rides (not major downhill or anything though).

Any thoughts appreciated.


What route you looking at Dan? Have ridin most of the south Island with the exception of southland/fiordland there is nothing to daunting realy. Absolutly gorgous ride through some parts.
Originally posted by Fixey
What route you looking at Dan? Have ridin most of the south Island with the exception of southland/fiordland there is nothing to daunting realy. Absolutly gorgous ride through some parts.

Hi Fixey,

We are flying into Christchurch. Thinking of riding over to West Coast to have a look at the Marlborough Region, then down past Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier, Milford sound and Queenstown.

We are not going to ride teh whole way (dont have enough time) but basically at this stage we are aiming at the West Coast North to South.

We have bought the lonely planets Cycling NZ and also the Biking NZ books. We will be looking at them over the comming months to finalise the actual course.

However want to be in shape for when we get there.

We are flying into Christchurch. Thinking of riding over to West Coast to have a look at the Marlborough Region, then down past Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier, Milford sound and Queenstown.

Just a small issue but the Marlborough region is at the top of the South Island. You'll be doing some back-tracking unless you go up the East Coast, towards Nelson and then back down the West Coast.

How many days riding and what distance do you hope to do?

I'd suggest John Friels's book "Cycling Past 50" and focus on training for a century and then some :)

Also, what time of year are you planning this trip?

Originally posted by dbuckingham
Hi Fixey,

We are flying into Christchurch. Thinking of riding over to West Coast to have a look at the Marlborough Region, then down past Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier, Milford sound and Queenstown.

We are not going to ride teh whole way (dont have enough time) but basically at this stage we are aiming at the West Coast North to South.

We have bought the lonely planets Cycling NZ and also the Biking NZ books. We will be looking at them over the comming months to finalise the actual course.

However want to be in shape for when we get there.


North to south is the best way to go. Couple of hills near the start, Spooners and Hope Saddle. I have done them both south - north and where very "do-able" for an average fit person. I have not riden south of Hokitika so not sure what lurks that way. All up you are looking at a very nice bike ride over the parts I have riden anyhow. Training wise work out how many days you will ride and how far. Add about 10 - 20k on top of lonest ride and build up to that over time.