'bent on eBay: Challenge Mistral SWB OSS

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 20:17:46 +0100, Danny Colyer
<[email protected]> wrote in message
<[email protected]>:

>100 miles, but that was coincidental to my having booked time off work.

Oh, that's all right then. I did centuries on two successive Sundays
and rode 75 miles in the week in between, I thought I had cheated
myself of some time off :)

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after posting.

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at Washington University
Just zis Guy, you know? wrote:
> Oh, that's all right then. I did centuries on two successive Sundays
> and rode 75 miles in the week in between, I thought I had cheated
> myself of some time off :)

Nah, I booked 3 days off work to make the most of Catherine taking the
kids away for a few days. Having the family away was also the reason
that I was able to spend the whole of Sunday out cycling.

Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine