Boonen wins Paris-Roubaix

The glaring similarity is the Italian physicians.

You are totally correct!!!!!!!

Hilarious, how did I miss that one, especially Berzin who beat the one clean rider in the peloton in 1994, Lance Armstrong!

You missed it because you do not understand our sport, especially the medical care aspect of it.

Berzin and Armstrong had the exact same blood booster----Michele Ferrari.

Now you know.
Flyer said:
You missed it because you do not understand our sport, especially the medical care aspect of it.

Berzin and Armstrong had the exact same blood booster----Michele Ferrari.

Now you know.

ummm, I was trying to be nice.
Now I see I have to teach you a lesson or two in manners.
First, I think it is presumptuous for you to comment about what I may or may not know. I understand plenty about the sport, I was making a joke.

Second, as a physician who has worked in Bone Marrow transplantation I think its safe to say I know a bit more than you about medicine, blood, boosters etc.

Calm down and dont take yourself so seriously.

As for you others, Boonen will never win a stage race like a Grand Tour, much less Liege.
He is a great rider though.

Lance has never tested positive, been arrested, given drugs to his dog or seen a vet, unlike other Quickstep riders like Franf VdB or Museeuw. Oh my gosh. what a surprise, in today's news, more about the doper of flanders: from cyclingnews

Museeuw's House Searched Again:
again by police acting under the authority of the court in Kortrijk, as part of the Jose Landuyt doping affair, according to Police were looking for Museeuw's health booklet, which would contain details of any medications that he had taken during his racing career. The UCI requires all professional riders to have one. However, the booklet could not be found.

Museeuw, who retired exactly one year ago and is now working in a PR role for Quick.Step, was given a four year ban (with two years suspended) by the Belgian cycling federation's disciplinary commission for his involvement in the Landuyt affair. Landuyt was a Belgian veterinarian who was accused of supplying doping products to horses and pigeon racers, as well as cyclists. Three other professionals were also implicated: Jo Planckaert, Chris Peers, and Mario de Clercq. All of them received similar sentences and all have since ended their careers.

No connection, eh? VdB, Museeuw, Boonen? Quickstep?
hombredesubaru said:
As for you others, Boonen will never win a stage race like a Grand Tour

Well duh. What's your point? Are grand tours the be all and end all of cycling?
Wow! Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black?

After reading so many of your posts for months---my curt response while rude, was far from presumptuous. Doping & lying is not a joke!

Your bone marrow experience has apparently bestowed upon you the unique gift of being able to distinguish the "real dopers' from the 'clean riders'.

You really ought to notify WADA & USADA immedaiately so that we can resolve the Tyler Hamilton blood doping case. Perahaps you can determine if HBOCs were used---or just plain old organic human blood. You apparently can do it.

I call a spade a spade. I do not attempt to apologize for Lance Armstrong and his many run ins and associations with doping, and blood doping experts.

You do.

Insofar as your presumptuous remark that Tom Boonen will never win a Grand Tour or LBL----now that takes the cake.

If Michele Ferrari get involved----'anything is possible'. Just ask Lance.

hombredesubaru said:
ummm, I was trying to be nice.
Now I see I have to teach you a lesson or two in manners.
First, I think it is presumptuous for you to comment about what I may or may not know. I understand plenty about the sport, I was making a joke.

Second, as a physician who has worked in Bone Marrow transplantation I think its safe to say I know a bit more than you about medicine, blood, boosters etc.

As for you others, Boonen will never win a stage race like a Grand Tour, much less Liege.
He is a great rider though.

Lance has never tested positive, been arrested, given drugs to his dog or seen a vet, unlike other Quickstep riders like Franf VdB or Museeuw. Oh my gosh. what a surprise, in today's news, more about the doper of flanders: from cyclingnews

Museeuw's House Searched Again:
again by police acting under the authority of the court in Kortrijk, as part of the Jose Landuyt doping affair, according to Police were looking for Museeuw's health booklet, which would contain details of any medications that he had taken during his racing career. The UCI requires all professional riders to have one. However, the booklet could not be found.

Museeuw, who retired exactly one year ago and is now working in a PR role for Quick.Step, was given a four year ban (with two years suspended) by the Belgian cycling federation's disciplinary commission for his involvement in the Landuyt affair. Landuyt was a Belgian veterinarian who was accused of supplying doping products to horses and pigeon racers, as well as cyclists. Three other professionals were also implicated: Jo Planckaert, Chris Peers, and Mario de Clercq. All of them received similar sentences and all have since ended their careers.

No connection, eh? VdB, Museeuw, Boonen? Quickstep?
I find it fascinating that Museeuw relied upon a Veterinarian (Jose Landuyt) who learned anemia doping and other PED medical enhancement from pigeons & ponies.

Apparently the Lion King of Flanders did not seek out a bone marrow specialist to perfect his dosage/frequency and protocols.

btw: the medical log books on Johnan Museeuw and Lance Armstrong are not found in a hand written journals awaiting a police raid. They are kept of secure web servers and accessable only by the doper and the doper's scientist, drug research rep, and the medical care specialist (aka: Schumi)

Most trauma and anemia specialist would have no practical experience in doping athletes properly. Being familar with some of these drugs, does not help the administration of dosage/frequencies and combinations without casuing an 'overdose'.

Just ask Mauro Gianetti who nearly died on May 6, 1998 when his organs began shutting down after his PFC (Peraflouracarbon) abuse.

Pigeon doper veterinarians seem to know more about this process than do otherwise competent cancer doctors.

Such is the crazy world of high-performance sport.
House is not an American and he does not have nice days. His fantacy world is under constant siege.

He is the member of the Communist party and is the Party Chief of the ad hominem society.

He is decidely unAmerican and otherwise unhelpful to the understanding of Tom Boonen or road cycling history.

Might have to rename some signs in Belgium. There's a new kid in town---and his name is Tom.

BelgianDude said:
I can say the same how your posts reflect on Americans on this forum

anyway, Boonen will prove you wrong, maybe you can start hate threads then together with that guy who starts anti-lance threads all the time. You both would make a nice couple

I have no desire to discuss this any further with you. You can have the last word and I'm sure it's going to be more of the same blabla.

have a nice day
Flyer , , Do you have to infect all the threads with your obsession?????/ What is your agenda in all this ????? Are you angry because you could not get into medical school ??? Did a "cyclist" steal your woman away from you ????
This is a tread about Paris -Roubaix & Tom Boonen. His victories need to be celebrated by all because he a champion...... And he should have that reputation . If he ever has a positive, then you should start your rant.......

Please reread the posts---and you will discover that a MD postulated that height/weight similarities of previous winners appeared to answer the question of who is qualified to win Liege Bastogne Liege. This medical expert even stated that Tom Boonen is incapable of winning such a hilly road race.

I could not disagree more.

When you realize that 100% of the LBL winners list from the past 10 years were patients of only three Italian doctors---all suspected---one convicted of malpractice, it is both astounding and relevant to the discussion of LBL & Boonen (Quick Step, Museeuw, Vandenbroucke, Mario de Clerq, Plankaert)

Just as in horse racing and betting in the USA---the odds makers have learned that betting on the trainer/doper is the secret to the probable outcome, the horse is less relevant.

So called drug testing has little to do with winning bike races. Winning LBL requires special meds---and that is what the winners believe. (Even 1995 LBL winner Mauro Gianetti & his PFC HBOC overdose)

The agenda is cycling. If cyclist did not require powerful trauma and anemia drugs, we would not discuss it. They do, and so we shall disclose it.

wolfix said:
Flyer , , Do you have to infect all the threads with your obsession?????/ What is your agenda in all this ????? Are you angry because you could not get into medical school ??? Did a "cyclist" steal your woman away from you ????
This is a tread about Paris -Roubaix & Tom Boonen. His victories need to be celebrated by all because he a champion...... And he should have that reputation . If he ever has a positive, then you should start your rant.......

House said:
This post is without a doubt the most idiotic response I have ever seen on a message board.

Clearly you have not read many of Flyers posts.

This "my dad can beat up your dad" back and forth with your favorite rider is much more entertaining that the constant doping highjackings. Thank you for a brief but well needed diversion before the inevitable began again.
wolfix said:
Flyer , , Do you have to infect all the threads with your obsession?????/ What is your agenda in all this ????? Are you angry because you could not get into medical school ??? Did a "cyclist" steal your woman away from you ????
This is a tread about Paris -Roubaix & Tom Boonen. His victories need to be celebrated by all because he a champion...... And he should have that reputation . If he ever has a positive, then you should start your rant.......

Again I think you need to give him more credit regarding cycling. I bet he has nothing against cycling... it is competition that he hates. When his response to my sarcasm about using caffiene in another post was clarified in that he felt disclosure was necessary it became very lucid for me. He is the type of guy that thinks kids should get A's for effort, and that everyone has the same potential, just that in some people it is unrealized. He probably thinks I should tell my competitors what products we are developing, and that companies should share process knowledge that gives them an "unfair" advantage. Fact is life isn't fair, some people have more talant than others, and that the whole purpose of competition (in whatever form you measure) is to try to outdo your opponents by whatever means necessary within a set of agreed upon parameters (laws, governing bodies, etc.). If he feels those parameters need modification (i.e. WADA needs to blah blah blah) that is fine. But you will notice he spends all of his time going after individuals at the top of their game(or were at the top) not the parameters that define what is fair competition. It is unfortunante that this entire forum is becoming his personal soap box, but I am not a moderator so I hope that people stop feeding his rants and that he will go away quietly or keep it limited to one thread somewhere else, if not there are plenty of other forums where the content in the road racing area is limited to insulting each others favorite riders and other such wastes of time that are actually somewhat related to the reason you visit that forum in the first place.
hombredesubaru said:
Have you read any of Boonen's quotes in the press?
He has got more ego than Cipo and Lance combined:

"I knew I would have no problems against Hincapie and Flecha"

" I knew I had to get rid of the fast riders Backstedt and Michaelsoen."

"Hincapie and Flechas have never won big races, so I knew I would be calmer and win."

What rider or a##hole has ever been such a ***** to fellow professionals?
I can only hope he crashes and gets injured. The guy is a total jerk.

He is only 24... I know my IQ is (hopefully) the same as when I was 24, but I am much much more wise. Everything he said is true, but don't judge him as an ass yet, just be glad you didn't have the world listening to your every word when you were 24. Even if he is really a cocky ass and that wasn't taken out of context, he is still a force to be reckoned with and will become more so as he matures as a rider (and gains some PR savy)
Especially the inescapable connection by winners of Liege Bastogne Liege and two Italian doctors. Only Rebellin has a connection with Lazzaro. Schumi and Tyler's doctor Luigi Cecchini otherwsie control the LBL podium. Ferrari owns the TDF!

Idiotic comment, jealous lie or the brutal truth?

btw: Is you father on drugs?

wilmar13 said:
Clearly you have not read many of Flyers posts.

This "my dad can beat up your dad" back and forth with your favorite rider is much more entertaining that the constant doping highjackings. Thank you for a brief but well needed diversion before the inevitable began again.
wilmar13 said:
Again I think you need to give him more credit regarding cycling. I bet he has nothing against cycling... it is competition that he hates.

No---it is pharmaceutical experiments presented in the form of so-called Corinthean-like Commercially funded themes that I detest.


Fact is life isn't fair, some people have more talant than others, and that the whole purpose of competition (in whatever form you measure) is to try to outdo your opponents by whatever means necessary within a set of agreed upon parameters (laws, governing bodies, etc.). If he feels those parameters need modification (i.e. WADA needs to blah blah blah) that is fine. But you will notice he spends all of his time going after individuals at the top of their game(or were at the top) not the parameters that define what is fair competition. ....

Insofar as life not being fair--how fair is having Michele Ferrari (Schumi) as your personal doctor?
You seem to suggest that doping somehow levels the playing field. Or the old tired tune; 'if everybody does it, then it does not matter.' The doping makes sports more unfair, not less. I can easy mention the names of riders who never were at the top if it make s you feel better. But then the argument becomes---Oh those are losers, and that's why they doped.

I think we'll stick with the famous names and the infamous names of the blood doper doctors.

snip... insulting each others favorite riders and other such wastes of time that are actually somewhat related to the reason you visit that forum in the first place.

If disclosing obvious links to doping insults your rider's reputation----then you need to find another activity. Virtually all the UCI road racers are linked to doping. It's part of the landscape.

If we can discuss race tactics we can certainly review race preparations and those who assist with them.
Flyer said:
hombredesubaru said:
Look at what Concini did for Indurain. Based on height/weight/sustainable power-potential Boonen is a perfect candidate!

I ain't hieight/weight, its the total package and the drug/training protocol. If Boonen gets to the final one kilometer cone, he can win any race.
Two years ago (at the age of 22) Boonen had to go for physical tests to the University of Leuven. The professor who performed the physical tests has seen all the major Belgian cyclists in recent years. After testing him he stated that he had never seen a cyclist with that much power as Boonen.

So, even at that young age he was already stronger than all the other and older cyclists. In the next few years he will develop some more strenght which will help him in taking that big body of his to the finish line in L-B-L and finish 1st!!
wilmar13 said:
He is only 24... I know my IQ is (hopefully) the same as when I was 24, but I am much much more wise. Everything he said is true, but don't judge him as an ass yet, just be glad you didn't have the world listening to your every word when you were 24. Even if he is really a cocky ass and that wasn't taken out of context, he is still a force to be reckoned with and will become more so as he matures as a rider (and gains some PR savy)
Ego .... Funny thing. Most champions have supreme confindence in themselves. That's what drives them to make the winning moves..... I find it odd that we want champions , but we want them to be humble ...... I see Boonens comments based on what he thought he needed to do to win .... And he was correct..... Sport is not for the meek...
Sean Kelly was a great rider and was seen as a humble man ...... But when you read his interviews in the past , he too showed confidence in his statements.....
As I learn more about this Boonen rider I think I have found the guy to replace Zabel [upon retirement] as my favorite one day rider ...... I would sell my "Gitane wool jersey" to the devil to see Zabel win this years worlds.....
Of course , I need a post from Flyer to tell me how Boonen is connected to some doping scandal ........
I think it's clear Boonen is the one day rider for the next decade.

It's amazing to me how many posters jumped all over my quoting Eddy Merckx as saying Boonen won't win Liege or stage races and that Eddy did so in the context of protecting Boonen from unrealistic expectations from the press and public. The responses on the board then went, predictably, to doping, how I was wrong about Boonen, weight has no factor in climbing--again all based on comments from Eddy Mercxk.

Since you guys know more thean the Cannibal, go argue with him. Cripes.
hombredesubaru said:
I think it's clear Boonen is the one day rider for the next decade.

It's amazing to me how many posters jumped all over my quoting Eddy Merckx as saying Boonen won't win Liege or stage races and that Eddy did so in the context of protecting Boonen from unrealistic expectations from the press and public. The responses on the board then went, predictably, to doping, how I was wrong about Boonen, weight has no factor in climbing--again all based on comments from Eddy Mercxk.

Since you guys know more thean the Cannibal, go argue with him. Cripes.
I hope he goes on to dominate the one dayers........ But I do not see him as a stage race winner..... or at least a winner of the big 3...... But that's OK , I find those races to be rather boring compared to the one dayers....... I always hear as to how the TDF is won in the mountains , won with a strong team, etc. etc....... And these are all factors , but it seems to me that the TDF is actually won by great Time trialers...... And it is the time trialers that fight it out in the mountains ........ Always a great time trialer....... And maybe that should be the way it is. After all , time trials are the "race of truth." It just not lead to real exciting racing .
In the one dayers , there are many more contenders..... A sprinter can win if his team can keep him in the front , a climber can win if it is a hilly finish , and a time trialer can win if a break goes .......
Starting the tour this year , there are maybe just 5 contenders barring a major crash .... And I do not remember a crash in recent times that wiped out the contenders.....
hombredesubaru said:
I think it's clear Boonen is the one day rider for the next decade.

It's amazing to me how many posters jumped all over my quoting Eddy Merckx as saying Boonen won't win Liege or stage races and that Eddy did so in the context of protecting Boonen from unrealistic expectations from the press and public. The responses on the board then went, predictably, to doping, how I was wrong about Boonen, weight has no factor in climbing--again all based on comments from Eddy Mercxk.

Since you guys know more thean the Cannibal, go argue with him. Cripes.
The funny thing is I saw an interview with Merckx on the Belgian television the other day. He said Boonen is capable of winning all the classics and has the talent to become the biggest Belgian cyclist ever. I won't argue about that. ;)