Bravo Bobby J.

I agree. I don't even know if Julich really peaked out for this one or
not, I think he was definitel in the right place at the right time. I
think we are going to see some more out of him later in the year.
"DA74" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Tom Kunich wrote:
>> "DA74" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> >> "B. Lafferty" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> But was it the drugs?
>> >
>> > Ask Mr 60+

>> I find that statement interesting. What the hell do you know about
>> it? SOMEONE was called Mr. 60% and someone else suggested
>> that it was Riis. But I NEVER saw anything that indicated that it
>> was anything more than a rumor and there were riders tested at
>> the time who were 60%.
>> So by all means give us a reliable citation of where Riis was the Mr.
>> 60% that was mentioned.

> First I'll make my last reply to TK and then get on to the rest of you.
> Tom, I don't know jack. And I wouldn't post it here anyway. Of course
> you NEVER saw anything more than a rumor, because you're a fan and
> that's it. Why the hell would anyone risk losing friends by going
> public about something like that? Especially to freds like you?
> By the way it wasn't 60 either. It was 60+.

Not to be too critical of your posting Dave but you can die with 60+ very
easily. I also note that Benjo mentioned that Ferrari's records only showed
Riis at 56%. That that is pretty much conclusive evidence that he was using
EPO, but was the playing field flat? Yes. Will a clean rider beat the
records set by the mid-90's dopers? Yes.

This senseless knocking of anyone that "isn't me" is pretty disgusting.
Isn't this a bicycle racing discussion group? Or is it your ***** session
about people who are better than you are?

Just because two bit assholes like chimp and CP want to spend their time
knocking other riders ain't a signal that it's the thing to do for all you
easily impressed wannabees.
benjo maso wrote:

> "Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>"DA74" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>news:[email protected]...
>>>Tom Kunich wrote:
>>>>"B. Lafferty" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>>news:[email protected]...
>>>>>First and only USA rider to win Paris-Nice.
>>>>But was it the drugs?
>>>Ask Mr 60+

>>I find that statement interesting. What the hell do you know about it?
>>SOMEONE was called Mr. 60% and someone else suggested that it was Riis.
>>But I NEVER saw anything that indicated that it was anything more than a
>>rumor and there were riders tested at the time who were 60%.
>>So by all means give us a reliable citation of where Riis was the Mr. 60%
>>that was mentioned.

> That Bjarne Riis had the nickname "Monsieur 60 %" was made public in *****
> Voet's "Massacre à la chaîne", but already known by insiders. If it was
> justified is another matter and the answer is that there no proof that his
> hematocrit level rose ever to 60 %. According to Ferrari's files, Ugrumov
> was the only Gewiss-rider whose hematocrit level was 60 %. Riis's not more
> than 56,3.
> Benjo Maso

Benjo, sir,

I think it would be fitting for you to write some articles for
Wikipedia. Maybe one about "Monsieur 60%" or "Monsieur 60+"...whichever
it is.

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