

New Member
Sep 7, 2010
Hi all. I usually start my riding day at about 6am. I grab a cup of coffee and Im out the door! I take my power bars and water with me. My question is: should I eat a good breakfast before I take off? Im really curious to know most riders eat before heading out. I ride 100+ miles twice a week.

Thank You,

I do a lot better if I eat at the end of the ride. I take lime water and Fig Newtons on
the ride.
Depends on you. But I would say that if you have the time to make a cup of coffee then a quick bowl of cereal or some toast wouldn't be too hard to make as well. I prefer oatmeal myself, as I find the whole grains stay with me longer.

If you eat a bit before you start then you will probably not have to take as much food with you.
A hungry Lion runs a hell of a lot faster than one with a full gut. This doesn't apply to me. I eat a good breakfast every morning as soon as I get up. I go out for my rides shortly thereafter.:cool:
TKOS said:
Depends on you. But I would say that if you have the time to make a cup of coffee then a quick bowl of cereal or some toast wouldn't be too hard to make as well. I prefer oatmeal myself, as I find the whole grains stay with me longer.

If you eat a bit before you start then you will probably not have to take as much food with you.


Remember also that eating breakfast in the morning (most especially fruits) will help jump-start your metabolism, and the right foods (like those mentioned above) will become a reserve of sustained energy. Otherwise you run into bonk scenarios faster and run the risk of cannibalizing muscle for energy.

For example: I usually wake up and start drinking water and have a cup of coffee; then eat fruit, followed by toast or oatmeal. I try to give myself a good 30-60 minutes between the end of my food and heading out the door.
I don't eat a thing.

I have found it affects my power-weight ratio, especially when racing.

davereo said:
A hungry Lion runs a hell of a lot faster than one with a full gut.

Carbo loading the night before for me.
Goddard789 said:
You should take proper breakfast before go on riding. You should take some protein foods such as yogurt, cheese, milk, or eggs etc to get some energy for your workout.
Cool. I like how you weren't smart enough to include your spam in your first post, so you posted the exact same thing again to be sure the thread got polluted by your spam.
I like to eat oats with water and table sugar. Let the oats soak for 10 minutes before you eat them. This way, they won't expand in your stomach in an uncomfortable way.
I think you should take some fruit before going out and after it take a glass of juice. It will boost your energy up.
Oats are a great source of energy. I like to eat them in the mornings, then take my supplements (Actigin and Beast Creature). IMO, milk is also a good breakfast 'food'. I don't like to go too heavy, so no bacon or meats if I'm going out cycling.
Well riding is a great and beneficial workout but in my opinion you should have to do breakfast after that because body need to recover its energy and a good breakfast is a good source to regain the energy that you applied on your workout. Truthful details are available here
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Breakfast sets me up for the day ahead. If I've ridden the previous day I always wake up hungry and need to eat.

Lately I've been eating steel cut oats for breakfast. I like the taste and texture but they always result in me feeling hungry again an hour later. Something to do with the spike from the carbs metabolizing into sugar or whatever.

But now I'm reading all this stuff on the health forums where oats and grains are bad for you. So finally there's nothing left to eat, it's all bad.

I had to laugh over some experiment I read about where they took 3 groups of rats, fed group one their regular rat-food diet, and they lived as long as rats do. They fed group 2 some Cornflakes and water. They fed group 3 the cardboard box that the cornflakes came in and some water. The group that ate the box lived on average a week longer than the rats who ate cornflakes. I'm not sure what the moral of the story is - I think maybe we're supposed to eat rat food, 'cos it makes you live longer.

Anyway....two thumbs up for breakfast.
You should always eat a good breakfast, no matter what you're doing. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as they say! I'd reccomend an egg, 2 cups of oatmeal, and some fruit. That's what I eat at least.
For breakfast I try to make sure that I put every single thing that is green in a shake and after I do that I also have a bunch of vitamins as well. I usually use Centrum because it's a multivitamin and I definitely enjoy those and I also incorporate a Kirkland multivitamin as well.
Try to take a long breakfast at the end of the ride. After the ride, I'll usually feel exhausted and tired. A lovely breakfast would kickstart my day and i'd be filled with energy again.
That routine will be the death of you soon. I suggest making a bigger breakfast than coffee and an energy bar. I usually wake up and whip up a small bowl of cereal, THEN I go for my workout. Usually, I bring some small snacks with me just in case. Nutrition is important, and hydrating yourself is as equally important!
trek59 said:
Hi all. I usually start my riding day at about 6am. I grab a cup of coffee and Im out the door! I take my power bars and water with me. My question is: should I eat a good breakfast before I take off? Im really curious to know most riders eat before heading out. I ride 100+ miles twice a week.

Thank You,


I get in a good serve of healthy grass fed meats and fats, humans are at the top of the food chain for a reason and I need to eat like I belong there. Eat your grass fed meats and double the KM's you're doing on the bike. Good meats like sausage or seafood will do wonders for your form.
Well, personally I try to fill in my stomach before a morning workout. A slice of bread is enough as long as I don't work on a completely empty stomach. It provides me with enough energy to perform better than if I go without eating. Also, since I only eat enough, I generally don't feel bloated or lethargic compared to if I eat a full set meal beforehand. If you eat your power bar before your ride, I think that will be equivalent to what I am doing right now.

I do notice that people who do intermittent fasting perform better on empty stomach though so I cannot say if what I do work for other people. It works for me, that's all I am trying to say.