Campy vs. Shimano


New Member
Apr 29, 2005
I've been looking for a new bike except I'm not sure which componentry would be best, campy or shimano. I pretty much know what the shimano line has to offer, but I do not know what campagnolo has to offer, which components are best etc. Is it worth it for me to go for camagnolo or stay with shimano which i currently ride?
It's the old(relatively) question of MAC or PC? They both are great. I decided to go with Shimano because of my MTB background. All my components are Shimano on it and I am very familiar with it. I just built up a Fuji Team road bike with complete Shimano Ultegra components. I've been very happy with it and it functions perfectly as I expected it to. I have heard one shop owner describe the difference between Campy and Shimano. He said that Campy components wear "in"; only getting better as they get used. Where he said that Shimano components wear "out". This may be true but then again, if the component is all wearing "out" together; they should still be in sync. I think that your choice will depend on availability (of parts when needed) and what you're more comfortable with(ergonomics and as a consumer). Good luck. Dont' take too long to decide, summer's almost here! :)

kag5 said:
I've been looking for a new bike except I'm not sure which componentry would be best, campy or shimano. I pretty much know what the shimano line has to offer, but I do not know what campagnolo has to offer, which components are best etc. Is it worth it for me to go for camagnolo or stay with shimano which i currently ride?
Newbie warning: this is one of those contentious issues for which there is no clear answer. Use the search function, and you will find threads capable of flogging an entire ranch of horses to death on this very subject. Amazingly enough, this massive expenditure of bandwith achieves no clear concensus.

Both groups will ride just fine. Neither has any clear performance advantage. Pricewise, theyr'e comparable. Biggest difference is the shifters on the brake handles. BFD. Try 'em both and see which you like - you'll get used to whatever you choose within a week. Campy gear probably lasts longer - I have a 30 year old bike with Campy Record gear on it that is in perfect working order. Obsolete as all get out, but it still works perfectly. Shimano gear wears out about the time the next generation comes along, and you're ready to upgrade anyway.

Of course, if you're a classy sort of rider, impossibly handsome, witty, brilliant, modest to the point of self depreciation, and in general a Renaissance Man, you'll let your appreciation of detailed metalwork and historical perspective guide you to Campy gear. But I'm not biased about the subject. Not the least bit.
Trust shimano if you're going for the big lunkers, chinook, walleye, groupers and tarpon, shimano can take 'em all!

But, if you're going for a rolling road race, take Campy with you.

oh, come on, it's an oldie but a goodie. ;)
OK, so that covers last week and this week... so who's on deck to ask the "Campy vs. Shimano" question next week?