
If you smoke a sativa, it will stimulate you rather than make you unproductive. Some of those strains are like caffeine.
I remember hearing someone famous say: "If you punish someone for smoking a plant that makes them happy, then you're the bad guy." Don't remember who it was, but I agree 100%.
My country has a long way to go until legalization. The government is pretty far behind when it comes to drugs and what to do about them. Up until about a month ago, hard drug addicts were being sent to prison instead of rehab.
How does it turn people into slaves? And unproductive people? I do not understand how recreational use of the drug at parties or hangouts has any bigger of an effect on productivity than alcohol. I think it is a very good drug for governments to profit off of.
His parents must have told him that, and their parents before that, and on and on... devil's cabbage!
Of coarse it should be legal. I don't partake in it, but something about someone who's never done anything to hurt anyone rotting in a jail cell makes me kind of sad. Sure, they made the choice to partake in it, but is that a reason to lock them up with killers and rapists? I don't think so.
AlexKabam said:
How does it turn people into slaves? And unproductive people? I do not understand how recreational use of the drug at parties or hangouts has any bigger of an effect on productivity than alcohol. I think it is a very good drug for governments to profit off of.
Good point. I think they are both terrible to be honest however. I wont tell others they can't do it though.
I love weed! It isn't bad for you at all. Alcohol is legal and has many more negative consequences on your body. While it is true that the act of smoking can cause lung damage, cigarettes are legal as well, and infinitely more harmful than weed could ever be! I believe that before long, weed will be legal everywhere, just as it should be. I have found that I enjoy it most when I am alone, as opposed to in large groups of people. As long as you aren't driving or partaking in other activities where your impaired judgement could be harmful to you or those around you, weed is perfectly safe!
I refer to your habits. What do like doing before before out to cycle. I like taking a cold shower then I go cycling. That might not be the case with you. You may be taking weed before cycling and you get on problem with it. It might not be the same with me. Before I clearly know the effects of drugs on sports then am not in a position to support that.
Cannabis has great benefits. In my opinion it is just as effective without the THC in it. Cannabis oil is a great way to use it without getting high.
I've not heard of increased perception. Not sure I believe that. Sounds like a marketing ploy. Good luck with it people if you like it. It usually becomes an addiction for some people. We'll be seeing packs with the weed plant on it in the 7-11 soon "Weeds". Lol
Hmm I'm the type of person who tends to steer well clear of drugs. I don't really have a problem with people who do smoke it but I just don't feel like it is for me at all. Plus I have heard that one of the side-effects is paranoia and considering my mental health at the moment that would be all I need :D
I used to consume it when I was a teenager, but I was never fan because I also enjoyed physical activity and let's face it, both don't mix. So, nothing like living health and avoid what's bad for us. :)
In my country it is illegal although I am not completely against it since it has advantages such as pain relief although it could also make an user really passive in a long run. In addition smoking it may produce five times more tar than regular cigarettes therefore being being unhealthy.
I am not sure marijuana can be addictive. I never had any problems with that. If you check the stats in America for people who died from various drugs you will see that weed has zero kills. Anyway, i never met a person addicted to marijuana and i believe it is very conservative to see cannabis in that fashion. The plant itself is a source of all kind of goodies. Hemp seeds are rich in protein and healthy in general. The oil from this plant is a cure for many diseases. When you some the buds, if you do not overdo it, you will have a great time. Everything is better with weed and the fear of becoming an addict or to have your brain killed or whatever is just not real. I mean, i haven't been smoking for three years without any problems. I have no need to do it. If someone offers me, i may take a hit, or may not.
oportosanto said:
I used to consume it when I was a teenager, but I was never fan because I also enjoyed physical activity and let's face it, both don't mix. So, nothing like living health and avoid what's bad for us. :)
What sort of physical effects did it have in you?

I have heard that it sometimes helps in hand-eye coordination but of course that could be an old wives tale or just differ depending on the person.
Susimi said:
What sort of physical effects did it have in you?

I have heard that it sometimes helps in hand-eye coordination but of course that could be an old wives tale or just differ depending on the person.
I have never heard that it helps the hand-eye coordination. From a personal standpoint, I'd even say it hinders it, but I'm not a trained researcher now am I? I've heard it helps in calming the eye nerves which can help people who suffer from seizures.
The marijuana plant wasn't made to be sprayed with chemicals and smoked to get high off of. It was made for the body. It's extremely healthy for the body when juiced.
bykster said:
I have never heard that it helps the hand-eye coordination. From a personal standpoint, I'd even say it hinders it, but I'm not a trained researcher now am I? I've heard it helps in calming the eye nerves which can help people who suffer from seizures.
That's why I say it could just be an old wives tale or something I heard from someone trying to push their agenda for some pro canabis movement.

Volnix - The funniest bit of that scene was the Christmas album :D
One funny story happened at my school, a local newspaper discovered that we had a cannabis plant right in the middle of the school, so it was very funny until the point they took the plant away. :)