Chainring - have I got this backwards? (try 2)


fred knieman

Hi ab all

Short version.
Shouldn't the side of a chainring with the manufacturer's name on it
point outward? My new middle won't fit that way. Am I, or is the ring
being stoopid? (ps: ok, ok, "both" is the obvious answer...)

Long-winded version.
(missed the bit in * *s, first time)
Chain had started regularly skipping on middle chaninring, so I shelled
out for new running gear. And got great service and good price from LBS
BSC, etc etc.

I had a choice between buying a $ 60 or so Blackspire chaninring or a $
32 or so Shimoano one (I only needed to replace the middle one.) The
Blackspire one just had uniform teeth, the Shimoano one had the
differently shaped exit teeth and the usual bumps and lumps... and also
4 steel ramps near 4 out of 5 the bolt-holes. Fine, I thought, there's
$ 30 towards the new Lakes fund.

(I briefly looked for a pic. Closest I could find is this:
.. It's a 9/10 sp 110/74 bcd and mine's 7/8 94/58. It's only got two
ramps, and they're not visible, but you can see the rivets holding them
on on the top ond bottom of the ring.)

Anyway, the ramps are on the side which has the name. (Also the other
side has the teeth flush with the alu, whereas the side with the ramps
has the alu cut back from the teeth.) I assumed that because of this,
and that the ramps were there to assiist changing from middle to big
ring, this was the side that faced outwards. Except when I tried to put
it on the crank, two of the ramps got in the way of the crank arms (FSA
170s, for my little legs).
*When I put the ring on the other way, with the ramps and the Shimano
name facing inwards, it* fitted fine, but I'm pretty sure I've got the
middle chainring round the wrong way. (ps: I picked the old ring out of
the "to be hard rubbished" bin just to check out what was going on this
time last year... and noticed underneath all the black oily grunk were
steel ramps, facing inwards!!!)

Have I got things ****-around (yet) again?


"fred knieman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi ab all
> Short version.
> Shouldn't the side of a chainring with the manufacturer's name on it
> point outward? My new middle won't fit that way. Am I, or is the ring
> being stoopid? (ps: ok, ok, "both" is the obvious answer...)
> Long-winded version.
> (missed the bit in * *s, first time)
> Chain had started regularly skipping on middle chaninring, so I shelled
> out for new running gear. And got great service and good price from LBS
> BSC, etc etc.
> I had a choice between buying a $ 60 or so Blackspire chaninring or a $
> 32 or so Shimoano one (I only needed to replace the middle one.) The
> Blackspire one just had uniform teeth, the Shimoano one had the
> differently shaped exit teeth and the usual bumps and lumps... and also
> 4 steel ramps near 4 out of 5 the bolt-holes. Fine, I thought, there's
> $ 30 towards the new Lakes fund.
> (I briefly looked for a pic. Closest I could find is this:
> . It's a 9/10 sp 110/74 bcd and mine's 7/8 94/58. It's only got two
> ramps, and they're not visible, but you can see the rivets holding them
> on on the top ond bottom of the ring.)
> Anyway, the ramps are on the side which has the name. (Also the other
> side has the teeth flush with the alu, whereas the side with the ramps
> has the alu cut back from the teeth.) I assumed that because of this,
> and that the ramps were there to assiist changing from middle to big
> ring, this was the side that faced outwards. Except when I tried to put
> it on the crank, two of the ramps got in the way of the crank arms (FSA
> 170s, for my little legs).
> *When I put the ring on the other way, with the ramps and the Shimano
> name facing inwards, it* fitted fine, but I'm pretty sure I've got the
> middle chainring round the wrong way. (ps: I picked the old ring out of
> the "to be hard rubbished" bin just to check out what was going on this
> time last year... and noticed underneath all the black oily grunk were
> steel ramps, facing inwards!!!)
> Have I got things ****-around (yet) again?
> ***
> Bruce

I'm a bit of a noob with regards to this, but my understanding is that those
ramps are part of a Shimano system that makes shifting smoother. I'd say fit
it in the exact same orientation as the old one, that is, not just same side
out, but ramps positioned the same relative to the other chainrings.