Charles & Camilla to marry :

FredC said:
She's probably a bit past that stage now. Perhaps an incontinent pad might be the modern day equivalent.

I guess it depends. Get it "depends". Oh never mind!
jhuskey said:
With all the media muck is it possible that the keys to the kingdom may skip a generation and pass to William when the Queen Mother is no more. He seems to be popular and well liked and respected.
He is old enough ,is he not.

just a small point (and I ain't no royal, expert, mind) but when you refer to the
Quenn Mother, you are presumably referring to Charles mother, Queen
Elizabeth ?
On this side of the pond, the Queen Mother is more commonly known as Queen Elizabeths mother (she died two years ago, aged 100).

But I take your point, William might well get the job before his father.
The weekend papers had Charles saying that the British people were being unfair to Camilla.
He said that they don't give her a chance.
What are the people supposed to say/do ?
limerickman said:
But I take your point, William might well get the job before his father.
The weekend papers had Charles saying that the British people were being unfair to Camilla.
He said that they don't give her a chance.
What are the people supposed to say/do ?

Could be that marrying Camilla is his way out of the throne. He knows what the public think of him, knows they don't want him to be king, probably doesn't want it himself badly enough anymore... he might be planning to say that his marriage prevents him from becoming king so it looks like he chose love over the throne rather than just admitting he'd suck at being king.

The whole point of the royals is the tourism money they bring in to the country - Harry would bring in more than Charles would.
DiabloScott said:
Could be that marrying Camilla is his way out of the throne. He knows what the public think of him, knows they don't want him to be king, probably doesn't want it himself badly enough anymore... he might be planning to say that his marriage prevents him from becoming king so it looks like he chose love over the throne rather than just admitting he'd suck at being king.

The whole point of the royals is the tourism money they bring in to the country - Harry would bring in more than Charles would.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. lost connection.
limerickman said:
just a small point (and I ain't no royal, expert, mind) but when you refer to the
Quenn Mother, you are presumably referring to Charles mother, Queen
Elizabeth ?
On this side of the pond, the Queen Mother is more commonly known as Queen Elizabeths mother (she died two years ago, aged 100).

But I take your point, William might well get the job before his father.
The weekend papers had Charles saying that the British people were being unfair to Camilla.
He said that they don't give her a chance.
What are the people supposed to say/do ?
Just read my tag.
DiabloScott said:
Could be that marrying Camilla is his way out of the throne. He knows what the public think of him, knows they don't want him to be king, probably doesn't want it himself badly enough anymore... he might be planning to say that his marriage prevents him from becoming king so it looks like he chose love over the throne rather than just admitting he'd suck at being king.

The whole point of the royals is the tourism money they bring in to the country - Harry would bring in more than Charles would.

I agree - they're great for British Tourism.

And you could well be right - he may realise that he has no real future as king and has decided to try to act in his own interests.
bcbob said:
Ah thanks for that i had no idea!
As for being " Only titular heads of state" this may be true but being, the head of state means that he will represent our country. Now like i said i find the fact that he will represent our country a lot more disturbing than the fact that he will marry Camilla!
Of course its only my opinion. so, i suppose now that i have an opinion that is different than Freds i shall have to go and live in Zimbabwe and find a leader of the people??????

Saw Prince Charles once in San Francisco many years ago and that was from a distance. (I was several stories up in an Embarcadaro building and he was just coming out of the BART have just been given the grand tour of San Francisco's new [at that time] subway system.) The one thing that we all commented on was that he stood out in a crowd. There was something about him. His clothes looked better; the red flower in his lapel looked brighter; we couldn't put our fingers on it. It was just everyone else looked drab next to him.
limerickman said:
I agree - they're great for British Tourism.

i have no doubt that they are great for the tourist industry...but what do people in this day and age think...>>>? 'oh, we'll just pop over to the UK to see the Queen and prince Charlie'.

do they expect to get invited to tea?
MountainPro said:
i have no doubt that they are great for the tourist industry...but what do people in this day and age think...>>>? 'oh, we'll just pop over to the UK to see the Queen and prince Charlie'.

do they expect to get invited to tea?

No but I would stop in for a pint or two of royal brew and I am still waiting for my invitation.Don't know what the hold up is!
MountainPro said:
i have no doubt that they are great for the tourist industry...but what do people in this day and age think...>>>? 'oh, we'll just pop over to the UK to see the Queen and prince Charlie'.

do they expect to get invited to tea?
Well Bill Gates got knighted...Come to think of it..he kind of looks like camilla... :confused:
zapper said:
Well Bill Gates got knighted...Come to think of it..he kind of looks like camilla... :confused:
yeah, i read that...imagine getting knighted just because your flaming rich...some guys have all the luck...

he must have passed the points test...

in Aus they throw women in prison just because they are ugly...(prisoner cell H), ugliness is a crime there just as passing a friends house in Scotland and not popping in for a bevvy and a curry...(FRED)
MountainPro said:
yeah, i read that...imagine getting knighted just because your flaming rich...some guys have all the luck...

he must have passed the points test...

in Aus they throw women in prison just because they are ugly...(prisoner cell H), ugliness is a crime there just as passing a friends house in Scotland and not popping in for a bevvy and a curry...(FRED)
No wonder I've never seen a bad looking Aussie woman...Kind of like litter patrol...novel idea!
MountainPro said:
yeah, i read that...imagine getting knighted just because your flaming rich...some guys have all the luck...

he must have passed the points test...

in Aus they throw women in prison just because they are ugly...(prisoner cell H), ugliness is a crime there just as passing a friends house in Scotland and not popping in for a bevvy and a curry...(FRED)

Could be a good law. I have seen some women that could be arrested for mooning for just sticking their head out the window.
zapper said:
No wonder I've never seen a bad looking Aussie woman...Kind of like litter patrol...novel idea!
The Uk is the same...but instead of imprisoning them we used to export them to the colonies. Aus would recieve them and imprison them and Yankshire would simple let them roam free to ingerate with the bears and moose. Thats why the burds there are so rough.

Now times have changed we just try and marry them off to the royalty...(you didnt think big Chick had a say in this did you?)
zapper said:
Well Bill Gates got knighted...Come to think of it..he kind of looks like camilla... :confused:
Bob Geldof got knighted, and he kind of looks like Godzilla.
jhuskey said:
Could be a good law. I have seen some women that could be arrested for mooning for just sticking their head out the window.
LOL...Yeah and thought they needed a bikini wax only to find out it was a mustache... :D
FredC said:
Bob Geldof got knighted, and he kind of looks like Godzilla.
are you talkin about the guy from that ever popular superband the boomtown rats??? :rolleyes:
zapper said:
are you talkin about the guy from that ever popular superband the boomtown rats??? :rolleyes:
Yes, good man he is too. One of Lims crew.
FredC said:
Yes, good man he is too. One of Lims crew.
Am I to take it that in addition to being a “world renown cycling dynamo”, Lance Armstrong’s acupuncturist, Chief Justice, world economist and U.N. Inspector and king of nostalgic television....Lim is also an old washed up “one hit wonder” rock star???? :confused