Cycling With Girl Friends


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
I still have to experience riding with my girl friends particularly with my former close friends in school. It would be one heck of a ride because I can imagine it to be more of chatting than riding, I mean the enjoyment. When I would ride with a group, all I do during stops is check on my phone or listen to conversations since I am mostly alone by myself. Have you experienced riding with your female friends?
I like riding with friends, female or male. I'm not particularly chatty while riding (except with my SO, who doesn't mind riding at my pace), but I do have a couple of friends from my local cycling group I enjoy chatting with pre-ride and during stops, it's nice to catch up with them because we only see each other at rides. I have a friend from work who also commutes on her bike, sometimes we ride together on the way home but we don't chat much (considering we chatted through the workday :v).

Riding in a group of people you don't know can be intimidating at first. I'm an introvert and during my first rides I got really uncomfortable when people spoke to me, asking me stuff, etc (I kept wondering what possessed me to attend in the first place). But as time passed and I got used to some of the "regulars" I started talking and getting to know them, and now I kinda miss them when I go to a ride and they're not there lol.
One of my really close girlfriends rides in the same mountain biking group that I do, and there are definitely some days where we take it easy on the trails and so some chatting in between the more intense areas. Usually though if we're in that kind of mood we just stay in and have a coffee and a gossip together rather than trying to do it all at once :D
I once rode with my female friend. It was just great fun. It was not even about riding, or staying fit anymore. It turned out to just be a very interesting way to gossip, while on your bikes. There was when biking with my girl friend just got another connotation to it - a gossip ride. After the ride we had some lunch together and got back home on our bikes, too. Such a nice thing to have, a good friend that likes cycling.
Riding in a group can be better than solo but a lot also depends on the ride your going on.

Road cycling, I definitely prefer to ride in a group as not only does it relieve the boredom, it also helps to motivate you depending on how long tmyour ride is of course.

Mountain biking I prefer to do alone though, as I find a group can be off putting and I don't concentrate as much as I should.
I ride most time with my wife so we attract other women. Sometimes 4 out of 7 are female riders. We like to ride for fitness so most of us are quiet on the ride. One lady gets to talking about cookies and baking but most of us including the other women are like, "would you shut up?!". :mad: Not all women are chatty! :p
I'm not really into cycling with my friends. I like the peace that I have when cycling on my own. Though I do know that some people love cycling with their friends, and that's okay too. I think as long as you're comfortable with the person you're cycling with, you'll do fine. And in this case, they're your friends, so I have no doubt you'll get along fine. Good luck!
I haven't, but I think it'd be a great bonding experience. Not only are you getting exercise together, but you're spending valuable time with one another. I'd love to do that!
I've been with the bike with my wife while she was my girlfriend and it was good, now as a married couple is great too and we also bring the kids along, it's a great family activity.
Let’s begin with the fact that the vast array of cycling saddles are not designed for women.
Many of you will be familiar with basic saddles that come with cheap road bikes. What you might not know is that they’re designed by a sadistic demon who resides in Hell’s fourth circle. He has a diagram of a woman’s bits on the wall which he shoots darts at. He sometimes consults it if he wants to ensure that the labia will definitely be mashed into that cheap, hard plastic. He also has a wealth of data on the distance between a woman’s seat-bones, which he uses to make saddles a fraction too narrow. All these factors contribute to numbness, skin infections, swelling, general pain and even bruising on and around a woman’s hoo haa.
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No ideal for men too. One of the things I did when I bought my bike was to buy a new saddle. It's not that expensive and it makes a big difference. ;)