eating on a long ride


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
I've been riding for about a month and a half and next weekend I'm planning on doing a long (at least to me) ride. I'm expecting this ride to last over 4 hours. My questions is what is good food to take along to eat while riding?
Eat a good breakfast, take an energy drink (I like E-Load), and a Cliff bar or two and you'll be fine.
Dep said:
I've been riding for about a month and a half and next weekend I'm planning on doing a long (at least to me) ride. I'm expecting this ride to last over 4 hours. My questions is what is good food to take along to eat while riding?

Peanut butter, bananas, mayonnaise on a heavy whole wheat bread for real food. I like Cliff Builders for light weight energy/protein. Lots of Gatorade - I’ve tried other drinks but like it best. I usually carry a few bars and have someone bring me the other stuff and extra liquids on a ride over 60 miles. For short rides I just take a couple packs of Jelly Belly Sports Beans and a bottle of Gaterade.
Hmmm only been riding 6 weeks and you are shooting for 4 hours in the saddle. I like the man.

The quality and composition of the meal you have the night before and the morning of will likely be more determinate of the degree of suffering to be had in the last hour or so of your ride.

I just about took a trailer of food with me on my first 5 hour ride and never touched 80% of it. In fact use the ride to experiment (don't stress about bonking) and try a range of Kcal solutions. Sip an electrolyte formula every 10 minutes and look to get food into you every 30 minutes. Don't wait an hour into your ride before you feed.

Also when you are starting out its OK to bribe yourself. For example I like freddo frog chocolates. Pick your favourite sugar laden treat and take one along with you but keep it for late in your ride. Its a good child-like way to keep your moral up (knowing you have your favourite treat up your sleeve) amidst the onset of a bonking session.

Eventually you will get cocky and just take one bidon and throw in a gel or two and hit the road. ;)
fig newtons and raisins

Dep said:
I've been riding for about a month and a half and next weekend I'm planning on doing a long (at least to me) ride. I'm expecting this ride to last over 4 hours. My questions is what is good food to take along to eat while riding?
Well, the ride is done, and for today so am I. The ride was 66.1 miles and I had an average speed of 13.3 MPH. It was a long ride for me and I have much more respect for all you century riders out there. I'll keep training. But back to the original post. I took raisins and peanuts, lots of water, and purchased some gaterade along the way. Hungry and thirsty were not a problem. Thank you all for your responses. It gave me the confidence to attempt this ride.

I found that raisins inside my water work wonders. Raisins have tons of carbs - which is all i really want when I'm riding.

However I'm not experienced, so you might not want to listen to me as I've never done anything that long. One day I will.....
I eat 3 hours before a race or ride if I can (6am rides not included). before the ride I eat a gell (I use Hammer gels, not the tastiest, but dont affect my system). Then if the rides less then 2 hours, no additional food unless my stomach starts to rumble then its usally a banana or a cliff bar (whichever I have at home). If the rides 3 to 4 hours then I eat every hour. Again a banana, cliff bar and another gel. I always try to keep the gels at 2 per riode max because more than that and I can have GI problems later.

Always rinse the gel down with plain water, as well as any energy bar. I also always use a sport drink (Hammer perpetuam (for long rides) or Heed (electrolyte drink)) unless its an easy recovery ride. Hydrations more important than food. Learn how much you sweat depending on the weather, intensity of rides and bring enough water to compensate. HOW??? Weigh yourself before and after a ride. A few % chnage in weight (lower) is bad and you need to drink more next ride.

Hope this helps some.
Glad you asked, since I done a 140 mile ride on Monday!
Eat a good carbo rich meal the night before.
Eat a good breakfast at least 2 hours before you set off.
Carb enery drink (Science in Sport PSP is good) 1 bottle per hour.
Oat bars
Packets of seeds
It's easy to forget to eat/drink on a long ride, so:

"Eat before you're hungry, drink before you're thirsty"
Enjoy the ride....