Fat burning?


New Member
Apr 21, 2004
for like 3 month ago i did loose 16lb on with gym and some intervall training, but now when i can ride outside i do that instead .,. i go for like 2hr rides, and my question is, can i loose that much weight with those long rides?
Originally posted by scrav
for like 3 month ago i did loose 16lb on with gym and some intervall training, but now when i can ride outside i do that instead .,. i go for like 2hr rides, and my question is, can i loose that much weight with those long rides?

well, yes and no. interval training is really great for blasting away fat, it seems (in my personal experience as well as more scientific studies)...but going for 2hr rides you are going to burn lots of calories so that is also going to help you lose weight. If you really want to reduce your body fat I would continue with the interval workouts at least 2x a week supplemented by longer rides. You can definitely duplicate intervals outside if you have a hilly route nearby. I would suggest this first if losing fat is your primary goal (IE you are not training for some cross country trek later this summer).