gps tracking of triathletes


Roger Cortesi

Not to completely advertise myself as a nerd.. but here goes...

I was thinking that it would be cool if as I went out on my long
training rides my family could lookup my location. I know there are a
bunch of cell phones now with gps recievers in them.

Anyone got any experiance with using them in this manner?

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(for athletes) The Digital Athletic Log

(for nerds) The Online Equation Editor
even better, go to the local wildlife people and have them install an
ear-tag. cool idea, like a 'lo-jack' for humans. my wife would probably
go for it to track me down.
There are certain GPS devices on the market that can be used for this.
Most commonly they are in a watch style and I think they require a
monthly service. You can probably find some of these companies by
searching for GPS + children since they are used commonly to safeguard
against abduction.