Hit by a car today


Sep 9, 2010
I got hit by a car today while riding my bike. I was doing between 18 & 20 mph, when this 60 plus year old lady tuned in FR of me, when i had the right of way (green light). She stopped about 15 yards or so away, got out of her car mumbling something looked at her car. She then got back in her car & drove away. So i got on my bike & found her in the parking lot, & stood behind her car. she would not get out of her car. When she finally got out of her car, i let her have it. I think i called her every name in the book (laughing. But don't worry the Bike is okay. My brake handles were crooked & my SIDI'S were scuffed up & my bar tape was ripped.
I was riding my project one Madone .
You should have called the police so that she would have been cited. Being yelled at really didn't cost her anything. Glad you're ok.
I agree but i didn't think about that until latter. Thanks for your concern.
I just called the cops. They are coming to my house to get a report. I drove by the place were she hit me about 45 min after the accident. Here car was still there. so i took pics of here plate & the area of the car were i hit . I have here plate # clear as day . I will keep you up dated.
Accident update. The cop came to my work this morning & took a report. He then went to talk to the lady. She admitted that she hit me, & it was her fault. He wrote her some kind of citation, & she will also get a certified letter from the state, requiring her to retake her drivers license test. If she fails the test or to respond to the letter she looses her license. The lady that hit me was 86 years old.
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It happens. Especially in areas where there are a high number of retired people. I can guarantee you that she was frightened by what she did but was unable to process what it was that she needed to do. That's why she drove away. The task of driving for the elderly is difficult and many of them should not have a license. It takes all their attention just to navigate through traffic. Toss in a guy on a bike and they really have trouble. Not knocking the elderly. I'm not young myself, but those are the facts.
You need to get her insurance information. No reason for you to pay for any damage to bike, or to have to pay for the carbon pieces to be inspected. Get her insurance info, take is to your LBS(brand dealer) get it inspected.
The officer told me he put here insurance info in the police report. I will get a copy of it this week. I work at the local trek store in clear water fl, or i can send it here. http://framedoctor911.com/fdmain.htm or there is always calfee in California.

There is a crack in the paint on the drive side chain stay near the drop out. Im not sure if it's just the paint thou. It is not thru the clear coat.
composite cracks are a bad deal. There are several layers so the underneath ones may be cracked without the top showing. Only way to really know is to x-ray and sonic test. Alas X-rays are bad for carbon though. this was SOP for inspection for cracks on composite F-18 parts.-David
David Gerchman said:
composite cracks are a bad deal. There are several layers so the underneath ones may be cracked without the top showing. Only way to really know is to x-ray and sonic test. Alas X-rays are bad for carbon though. this was SOP for inspection for cracks on composite F-18 parts.-David
What reference do you have that states that x-rays are bad for carbon fiber. I can find no reference so far in published journals that support said claim.
comes from experience in working with carbon. not so much the carbon but the resin. On the F/A-18 there are certain antennas which use them, after a given amount of time the resin will break down to the point of the structure becoming squishy. The first time I was able to squish a piece of carbon like a soda bottle I was like "WTF". Its really a trip to see/feel.-David
"comes from experience in working with carbon. not so much the carbon but the resin."

We made the FLIR mounts for the FA-18. Partial thru cracks may not show up on radiographic testing. Testing costs being what they are and with some results being questionable, most manufacturers just replace the frameset.

"There is a crack in the paint on the drive side chain stay near the drop out. Im not sure if it's just the paint thou. It is not thru the clear coat."

Chain slap? Possibly pre-existing? Look at the area with a 5x glass and keep a close eye on it. Document it on the police report and with your insurance agent for possible future frame replacement. If the crack propagates...it's toast.
Nice, No more FLIR though. Was phased out for the lightning pod, which does all kinds of cool stuff. The only crappy thing is taking up a fuel station with it.
Yeah, the FLIR pod is long gone. I still have a few sample and prototype mounting brackets laying around. That was some complicated machining.
The insurance adjuster came to the shop last week to check out my frame & fork. The replacement amount we agreed apoun was $4,550 for the frame & fork with custom paint. I am just waiting for her insurance company to finalize everything, then i will get my check, so i can get my new bike.
hippie said:
Update The insurance adjuster came to the shop last week to check out my frame & fork.  The replacement amount we agreed apoun was $4,550 for the frame & fork with custom paint. I am just waiting for her insurance company to finalize everything, then i will get my check, so i can get my new bike.  
Well done.
Another Update..

I talked to the Adjuster today. She said the Check is in the mail, & i should have it by early next week. WHOHOOO /img/vbsmilies/smilies/biggrin.gif.
Originally Posted by kenzo5000 .

4500 just for the damage? What kind of out of this world bike do you own?
There are quite a few people on this forum (and many more who are not) who own bikes that cost, new, in excess of $5000. It's like any other hobby--some can afford to spend quite a bit more on it than others and they do. Some can't afford that, but they do it anyway. Some buy garage queens that they never ride. And, then some buy department store junk for $150 that they ride the snot out of, then replace every year. Most of us are probably somewhere in between.

You can get a pretty good bike for $1000. You can get one that has some nicer features for $3000. Do those features matter? That's up to the buyer and what they can afford (or the extent of their cycling addiction...)