Hit by a car today

Originally Posted by jpr95 .

There are quite a few people on this forum (and many more who are not) who own bikes that cost, new, in excess of $5000. It's like any other hobby--some can afford to spend quite a bit more on it than others and they do. Some can't afford that, but they do it anyway. Some buy garage queens that they never ride. And, then some buy department store junk for $150 that they ride the snot out of, then replace every year. Most of us are probably somewhere in between.

You can get a pretty good bike for $1000. You can get one that has some nicer features for $3000. Do those features matter? That's up to the buyer and what they can afford (or the extent of their cycling addiction...)
Good point, I think i'm slowly going to become one of those people who will buy expensive bikes without being able to afford them lol. Not sure I get your point about deparment store bikes. I've ridden a mountain bikes supercycle for 12 years with no problems. Never even had to replace the tubes. The same thing with the Denali I have now, it's 2009 and never an issue so far.

Department store bikes are probably more durable but obviously about 1/10 as good.
Originally Posted by hippie .

Accident update. The cop came to my work this morning & took a report. He then went to talk to the lady. She admitted that she hit me, & it was her fault. He wrote her some kind of citation, & she will also get a certified letter from the state, requiring her to retake her drivers license test. If she fails the test or to respond to the letter she looses her license. The lady that hit me was 86 years old.

Way to stick it to Granny!

[SIZE= 10px]_______________________________________
"I've had many problems in my life, most of which were imagined." - Mark Twain
Chuck Dee - AKA Chris
Originally Posted by chuckdee .

Way to stick it to Granny!

[SIZE= 10px]_______________________________________
"I've had many problems in my life, most of which were imagined." - Mark Twain
Chuck Dee - AKA Chris
It may seem that way on the surface, but part of using a motor vehicle (and other transportation) on the public roadways is being responsible for one's actions, including financially and legally. And, sadly, many elderly people realize much too late via tragedy that they are no longer capable of safely operating a vehicle. I have one less long-time family friend because that realization was only a split second before his death as he pulled out in front of someone on the highway and was T-boned a few years ago. He was 80-something.
The bike is a Trek Project one 6.9 Madone with custom paint.. The replacment cost of the basic 6 series frame is $3,600 + for the frame & fork add in $630 for custom paint, + tax you end up wit $4,550. Here is the bike that got hit.

some insurance companies will ask you to hand in the damaged item to close the deal,
Originally Posted by vspa .

some insurance companies will ask you to hand in the damaged item to close the deal,
The Adjuster said the check in all ready in the mail. she did not say anything about wanting the old frame. So if she does not ask for it i will most likely send it to this guy & get it fixed. The parts are okay, just a couple od scuffs on the brake handles.

hippie said:
The Adjuster said the check in all ready in the mail. she did not say anything about wanting the old frame. So if she does not ask for it i will most likely send it to this guy & get it fixed. The parts are okay, just a couple od scuffs on the brake handles.
If I were you, I'd think heavily before investing in frame repair. Instead I'd consider selling parts from the bike on eBay or summat and then using money from the sales to by other bike stuff you might want or need.
Originally Posted by alienator .

If I were you, I'd think heavily before investing in frame repair. Instead I'd consider selling parts from the bike on eBay or summat and then using money from the sales to by other bike stuff you might want or need.
Originally Posted by alienator .

If I were you, I'd think heavily before investing in frame repair. Instead I'd consider selling parts from the bike on eBay or summat and then using money from the sales to by other bike stuff you might want or need.
I have a new Bike all ready waiting for me at the shop were i work. I will post pics in a couple of days. I was only thinking about getting the cracked fixed as a back up bike, & because it is a one of a kind show bike. It was made for the Trek world show in 2009. The show is only for trek dealers only.
Originally Posted by hippie .

I have a new Bike all ready waiting for me at the shop were i work. I will post pics in a couple of days. I was only thinking about getting the cracked fixed as a back up bike, & because it is a one of a kind show bike. It was made for the Trek world show in 2009. The show is only for trek dealers only
As you likely know, Trek "strongly advises" customers to replace frames and forks subjected to impact damage, even when the damage isn't visable. Their "Loyalty Program " offers a discount on replacement frames to encourage customers to scrap out their damaged CF. I've heard it's 50% of new retail price, or thereabouts.
Recently I was also hit by ar car. He turned left in front of me, giving me nowhere to go but hitting his front quarter, somersaulting over his bonnet and down the road. Police must attend all accidents where a Person is taken away by ambulance. They interviewed me in hospital and took blood tests for drugs and alcohol. After about four weeks of hounding them the driver was charged with neg. driving. This when the fun began arguing and debating with his insurance provider. They claimed the bike OK when I had quotes stating it was not to ridden. They then claimed depreciation. I rejected this due to documented evidence of normal upgrades (wheels, saddle, bars etc). I simply refused to negotiate or compromise. I kept saying I do not want money. I just want a roadworthiy bike, similar to what I had before their clients negligence ruined it. They kept going around in circles, saying they were not in position to provide bikes. So they offered cash at calculated reduced amounts. I kept refusing. Eventually they relented. Although i am now the proud owner of a TCR 0 Advanced, I don't recommend this is how you get it. PS. DI2 is something behold. Magificient! Silky smooth! Not only is it a joy to use, it really does ease the pressure on long rides. I reckon my average cadence is at least 6-8 higher.
That,s great that you are okay. Luckly for me the Adjuster had dealt with these kind of accidents. She even told she new theses frames once they have a impact they are usually done for.
Scott2468 said:
Police must attend all accidents where a Person is taken away by ambulance. They interviewed me in hospital and took blood tests for drugs and alcohol. .
I was hit once by a Police Van where they were passing a red light from the contrary lane ! They took me inside the Van, in 3 seconds, and resume driving. While i was inside they check me out for injuries and started looking for a bike store. We found one and my bike was fixed, it was mainly the front wheel, then they took me back to the same road of the accident and went away. I was young at the time, i couldn't understand really the procedure they used, the explanation i see now is that they wanted to avoid legal action from my part, since the crash was completely their fault and i doubt that they were driving towards a procedure or crime/accident scene. The damage in my bike was not too much only because of luck, it was not a complete direct hit, the policeman saw me in the last moment and could brake and steer the wheel to the other side,
The Check from the insurance company showed up today. It has been cashed & deposited in my savings account WHOHOOO /img/vbsmilies/smilies/biggrin.gif. I am thinking about getting a custom titanium frame from Seven, instead of another Madone. Also i get to keep mt crashed Madone..
hippie said:
The Check from the insurance company showed up today. It has been cashed & deposited in my savings account WHOHOOO :D . I am thinking about getting a custom titanium frame from Seven, instead of another Madone. Also i get to keep mt crashed Madone..  
Another bonus is that unless things have radically changed, the money from the settlement is not taxable.
I have not heard anything about that. I have a ? for any one here. Know that i have the money for a new bike, im thinking about a Titanium frame or custom. What are your thought of these choices ?. All choices would be Frame & fork only.



jpr95 said:
It just seems wrong to me to put a carbon fork on a titanium bike.
The choices are steel, aluminum, titanium, and CF. A steel fork doesn't match up with Ti frames at all, especially in appearance. Aluminum forks don't tend to favor the characteristics that Ti frames are known for (wrong or right). There are vary few successful titanium forks, and that pretty much leaves the buyer with a CF fork. My Reynolds Ouzo Pro fork matched up oh-so-nice with my Moots frame. Virtually every Ti frame builder is spec'ing CF forks. I replaced the steel fork on my custom Paramount OS frame with a lovely Easton EC-90 fork that felt so much better than the Paramount steel piece.
I just bought my new frame & fork . I went with the Lynsky R330 & enve 2.0 carbon fork.

