How Fast Have You Gone?

Originally posted by halien
My fastest was in 1992 - 92kph down Coach Road in Moe on my road bike (got speed wabbles at the bottom of the hill which was quite scary). I regularly get up to 72 on my mountain bike coming down Warragal Road from High St on the way to work.

My fastest is 76km/h starting on the corner of riversdale rd and warrigal rd heading towards burwood hwy.
The hill is only around 200m long but very steep. I think it's not bad for a 98kg rider on a dodgy old roady:)
My top speed so far is 52mph on a fire road at Schaeffer Farm in Germantown, MD. on my Giant NRS.
This is my most feared bike handling skill (descending) so I suppose that should be close to my top priority :)

I'm a milly going downhill and ride the brakes fairly constantly to hold an honest 30-35 mph tops... My first love on a bike is ascending... My friends think I'm nuts, but it was the same with mountain bikes as well. The descent is just a short break in between ascents.

I'm thinking my problem must be 100% mental... I admit that along with the rush of wind my mind tends to wander toward thoughts such as car doors opening, open manhole covers, people blasting out of their driveways without looking, hitting a really big piece of debris on the road, and catastrophic tire failure at speed.

Not certain why, but I get so much more enjoyment and satisfaction out of climbing than descending, at times its so crazy that I find myself wishing for a reverse bike lift way to get DOWN the hill so I can climb again without putting wear on my brake pads *laughing*

Call me insane :)

i hit 97 before in western newfoundland. i never broke 100 yet either. give me a break.............i'm only 17....riding for 2 years
My fastest was barely 80 kph( 49.7 mph).. It probably would have been better, but I'd had a minor crash higher on the hill( I took a corner to fast, slammed on the brakes and rolled into a fence..shook me up a bit)..

My fastest on the flats was 32.6 mph( 52 kph). I've never ridden in a paceline though..

Off road, my best is 38 mph..
Originally posted by drewjc
I was wondering if people would like to share what they have achieved as a max speed on the bike? Where they achieved it, on what bike, and how?

I have never cracked the 100km/h mark as yet but have been close (97) down a hill just outside Bathurst. My best down Mt Panorama (car racing circuit) is around 93km/h.

I was motor-pacing a friend the other day (behind my landcruiser) and over the last few kays before heading back to town we decided to do a "wind-out". He hit 101.6km/h ! recorded on his flightdeck computer. he was riding the 53x11.

Any other unusual or FAST stories...........would be great to hear them.

My fastest speed was 99km/h on my Gardin, screaming down a mountain highway of 10% in British Columbia, using "Profile" areo bars. Then again, who can tell if my bike computer was correct? This road would take 35-40 minutes to climb and 7-10 to fly down... :)

Originally posted by kevinpike
i hit 97 before in western newfoundland. i never broke 100 yet either. give me a break.............i'm only 17....riding for 2 years

Lord thundering jesus boy, this is not one of them Newfie fishing tales? How did you hit 97km/h in such a flat location????

Originally posted by poppaspoke
My hat's off to you descent freaks! I have a related question: Have any of you experienced flatting or serious mechanical problems at these speeds? How did you handle it and did you live?

I haven't had any problems in a bicycle at speed, but I did blow a rear tyre on a modified Suzuki 1100 at 245 km/h once. Exciting stuff. Managed to stay on though.

The rules are the same whether on a bicycle or motorbike - don't panic, try to put more weight on your footpegs/pedals, slow down gently but DON'T hit the brakes hard.

If you are cornering at the time, it is a bit more difficult. I got spat off a BMW doing 60 km/h around a tight corner when the rear tyre rolled off the rim. Not much you can do there.
Originally posted by poppaspoke
My hat's off to you descent freaks! I have a related question: Have any of you experienced flatting or serious mechanical problems at these speeds? How did you handle it and did you live?

I had a double blowout at approx. 44 mph descending a hill! (Double pinch flats). I hit a manhole cover that was recessed in the pavement. I went for the brakes, but thought better of cranking on the front. I did have 2 spare tubes with me, but I was fairly close too home and had my cell phone, so I called for a lift. (Every time I drive down that hill I focus on that manhole cover and think of what might have happened...):(
Great stories guys. I haven't gotten near those speeds, but it is fun to go downhill. I pedal around a quad with 2 seats. I don't have a speedo so I have only measured by a following car (40mph). I go faster if there is another person with me, but I haven't found a true speed freak to join me. ;) I feel so much safer on 4 tires and my foam tires (no flats). I don't have to worry about hitting something and flying over the handlebars.
I have never gone over 35mph on a normal DF bike. You guys are gutsy!
The speed wasn't fast by 'how fast have you gone' standards, but I once enjoyed it tremendously when a driver started to notice I was keeping ahead of him in traffic running at about 40-50 kph and it developed into an impromptu race with the driver glancing at me with angry looks.

I won the 'race' to the point where our paths diverged, and it was fun. No downhills, no help with headwinds, just city riding.

A little bit off-topic for this thread, but maybe someone else would like to talk about their favorite, not just top, speed experiences.
Originally posted by drmullins
The speed wasn't fast by 'how fast have you gone' standards, but I once enjoyed it tremendously when a driver started to notice I was keeping ahead of him in traffic running at about 40-50 kph and it developed into an impromptu race with the driver glancing at me with angry looks.

I won the 'race' to the point where our paths diverged, and it was fun. No downhills, no help with headwinds, just city riding.

A little bit off-topic for this thread, but maybe someone else would like to talk about their favorite, not just top, speed experiences.

Did your beret come flying off near the end of the race!!!!!!

During our summer holiday in 2002 me and the Mrs were going down a very winding mountain road in Italy on our motorbike when we cought up with a truck going slightly slower than us. It took a while but finally we got to a spot where I could overtake safely (truck was doing about 80km at the time, low gear -my a**!). Not so easy as a bike with panniers etc is almost as wide as a small car.
I always check the rearview mirrors before overtaking but didn't spot anything so I started to accelerate and moved left in order to pass the truck when this cyclist came up next to the bike. He must've been doing 90km/h and was clearly planning to pass both us and the truck.

I almost soiled my leathers and the guy on the cycle must've felt much the same when he was being edged towards the sheer drop on the left side of the road...

Fortunately nothing happened as I was accelerating hard and quickly got out of his way.
My best is 55 mph (88.5kph) in the East Bay of San Francisco going down South Park Drive in Tilden Park. It sounded like the end of the world! Of course, I went about 10% that speed on the way back up, lol!

Originally posted by Retribe
My best is 55 mph (88.5kph) in the East Bay of San Francisco going down South Park Drive in Tilden Park. It sounded like the end of the world! Of course, I went about 10% that speed on the way back up, lol!


I would love to ride in SF. My fave football plays there (has slowly gone downhill since JM retired, lack of good QB). My brother's fave player and besaball team plays there also.

It is in your neck of the woods that has the curvy downhill thru the park that is shown in moves? Also, why are most cop movies taken place in SF????

That could be right, Memph, but, that describes alot of the SF Bay Area! If you see water, it's not there; this is behind Berkeley just over the hill.

Shouldn't we spilt this thread in half... one side for speed reached with the aid of a hill, and another (more important to me) speed reached on flat ground (with no descent involved in getting up to speed and no huge wind at the back). This is a better representation of power in my opinion. BTW: my best speed this summer on flat ground: 39.8mph (64.03km).
Originally posted by Rickw2
Shouldn't we spilt this thread in half... one side for speed reached with the aid of a hill, and another (more important to me) speed reached on flat ground (with no descent involved in getting up to speed and no huge wind at the back). This is a better representation of power in my opinion. BTW: my best speed this summer on flat ground: 39.8mph (64.03km).

Best on flat....43mph....Best on downhill.....67mph....Riding a Waterford steel bike.

Cant wait to wind up the new bike to see if I can get more speed...maybe after I get back in shape :)
Originally posted by Rickw2
Shouldn't we spilt this thread in half... one side for speed reached with the aid of a hill, and another (more important to me) speed reached on flat ground (with no descent involved in getting up to speed and no huge wind at the back). This is a better representation of power in my opinion. BTW: my best speed this summer on flat ground: 39.8mph (64.03km).

Best speed downhill was 99km/h with areobars going down a long 9% hill.

Best on flats was years ago. Computer read 65km/h, HR was at 198. As I wrote, this was years ago when I was in race shape....
