It looks like breasts almost...


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Ok, I am a little bit chubby and when if I happen to wear tight fitting clothes it kinda looks like I have breasts....(im a male..), I mean not women's breasts, but it sticks out just a bit. Can I get some advice on how to make it look a bit normal? I'm not considered obese, just a but overweight but there are fatter people than me who don't look like they have mini-breasts...
I currently cycle about an hour a day on a mountain bike on the road usually (only go on trails maybe once every 2 weeks) doing 13 mph, and I only eat about 1800-2000 calories a day..I have done this for about 4 months but I still have mini-breasts...
sorry, there is not much you can do short of taping them down.
i think they are called ***** tits. go to a doctor if u are really concerned. don't wear such tight clothes
I don't think '***** tits' is a medical term and that's a pretty insensitive reply.

You cannot target weight loss in a particular area but you could try some weight training (bench presses, curls and flys) to tone the muscles in your chest.

And continue riding!

Good luck.
you should just increase the amount of cycling you are doing and also try doing pushups and dips. This will get rid of that nasty fast.
Originally posted by msittner
you should just increase the amount of cycling you are doing and also try doing pushups and dips. This will get rid of that nasty fast.

I also was going to recommend pushups. If you can work your way up to a total of about 100 correct pushups/day, this can be spread over however many sessions you want, I can promise within one month your "tits" will start to seriously dissappear.

I did a search and found this reply to a question that someone else had posted...

Male breasts are a sign of hormone problems, especially if you have a small harder mass below the nipples. Being over weight promotes the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and the estrogen promotes breast growth. Losing weight, cutting way down on sugar and not eating anything at least 4 hours before bed time will slowly reduce your breasts. But remember that estrogen is also stored in fat, so as you lose weight you are actually releasing more estrogen into your system and that will continue until you stop losing weight.

It is also possible that something is wrong with your testosterone production (too much) and that is causing excess estrogen in your system. This can be a serious problem so you should go to your doctor and have a simple blood test for prolactin, testosterone, sugar and estradiol (male estrogen).
i think the answer to this, and to make a long story short: talk 2 ur doctor and do more excersise ( i.e. pushups)
Doing pushups to get rid of your condition is not the answer. Harobed may be on to something. If your results come back clear and normal, doing something to burn more calories than doing push-ups is recommended. You'd be better off running for the amount of time it takes to do 100 push-ups.
Email me if you want more suggestions on durations and intensities of cardiovascular exercise that will target fat loss (which is what I suspect is the case).
What your are talking about is gynecomastia, development of breast tissue. This is a purely hormonal problem. The only way to correct it is exercising to lose the excess fat. After losing the fat, some remnants of breasts may still be visible. To remove these, surgury is needed. This may just also be a genetic way that you store fat and once that is gone, then your problem will go away. You will need to do weight training in the upper boddy to tone and tighten the muscles and skin in the area for quite a while after the weight loss.
push ups actually increase the size of a males chest. It firms the chest area as does a bench press. It takes years to achieve a body builders chest if you dont opt for steroids which is a fake and dangerous way to become a macho man with heart problems in years to come.
You may have a sagging chest line that may be corrected using a bench press or push-up exercise. Cycling is a good all round means to condition a body into a cardio efficient machine without the pounding damage that running can do years down the track.
Running is similar to "punching concrete" and the body is stressed overall. Cycling will reduce the bodies weight all over and the legs are the biggest muscle group and best energy burning mechanism of the entire human body. Cycling is the way to go!
If you have a chest like Muhammad Ali or those boxers out there you need balance and work your biceps to match a powerful chest to deliver a punch to any punny opponent!
Have a "geezer" at some top boxers or martial artist or have a look at the film rambo. This sort of balance of chest and bicep configuration is what you should work on. Good luck YOU CAN DO
IT IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! It is achievable but be aware of sabatours that may set your path astray.