Jim McNamare, Ed Gin, and Other Postings.....an infinite amount of Monkeys.

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mjrides <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> My dad says that people as evil as this Jimmy McNamara person usually go to hell when they die. It
> must be sad to live like him.
> MJ

My dad says that people that lie as much as Ed - mjriides - Gin ususally go to hell when the die. It
must be sad to live like him.

JM ... MJ's nemesis
Ed - ModRatorMan - Gin,

Ed wrote:

No need for a retraction here. There are many reasons your posts are no longer tolerated at
Reucmbents.com and the virus upload was the last straw.

Jim Replies:

... Virus upload??? If you cannot provide proof, a retraction would be a both courtesy and the
honorable thing to do. This is pure fiction (read malicious lie), but as long as someone believes
your ********, that's all that really matters to you ... right Ed? This isn't about "truth" or
"facts". This is all about sullying someone's reputation by any and all means possible, even if that
means rendering a preposterous lie served from beneath the protective cloak of a cowardly pseudonym.
Where's you sense of fair play? Oh, I almost forgot ... you don't play fair. Allow me to seize this
opportunity to once again emphatically state that I did not upload a virus to the listserv. The
burden of proof rests with the accuser, so accuser ... where's your proof? I am still patiently
waiting. Don't sing it ... bring it ... Put up or shut up! Allow me to repeat my challenge that you
have deliberately and conveniently sidestepped thus far. I challenge you to prove your accusation.
If you are unable to produce proof, I challenge you to write a retraction. If you are unable and/or
unwilling to do either, then be prepared to accept the forgone conclusion that logically follows ...
that consumed by hatred and driven by obsession, you once again fabricated another non-event,
concocted for the sole purpose of smearing my name. Prove me wrong...

1. Will you offer any proof of your allegation? (Yes or No)

2. Will you write a retraction if you answer to #1 above is No? (Yes or No)

... or will you once more evade the issue and again fail to provide an answer to numbers 1 and/or 2
above. Of course, silence is always an option, although silence is the same as admitting that you
did in fact deliberately contrive this nonsense in an effort to denigrate. Nonetheless, I would
consider silence as acceptable. Silence will work for me and probably for the readership too.

Ed wrote:

Will you ever realize that the personal feuds you have with members of the HPV community
benefit no one?

Jim replies:

... He who lives in a glass house shouldn't chuck rocks. This is a case of the pot calling the
kettle black. You have had more feuds with members of the HPV community than I have. Mine have been
basically limited to you and your friend Alan when he decided to involve himself in one of our
arguments. To his credit Alan stayed out of this one.

Ed wrote:

None of your posts were ever edited or censored at Recumbents.com. They have been removed as they
were offensive, insulting and criminal to say the least. The moderators at that site will never
allow you to post there again PERIOD!

Jim replies:

... Edited ... No, but since when is removal not a form of censorship? My posts were removed because
they were posts from your adversary, plain and simple. Offensive, insulting ... Yes ... Criminal ...
No. You have made many an offensive and/or insulting post but your posts will never be targeted for
removal. Why? Well, because the moderator isn't about to remove his own posts and you are the
moderator after all. Recumbents.com and Monkey Island are not one and the same. I can post at
Recumbents.com and Monkey Island. You on the other hand can remove my posts on Monkey Island. You
heart breaker you ... I've already told you that if I were banished from Monkey Island, I would
consider that a badge of honor. I guess that just didn't sink in.

Ed wrote:

No one at Recumbents.com will ever have to listen to your criminal linseed oil escapades or non
recumbent related vicious personal attacks anymore.

Jim replies:

... Anyone who had to listen about alleged criminal linseed oil escapades did so because you, not I,
were doing the posting, so you have only yourself to blame for that. Everyone at Recumbents.com
(Monkey Island you mean) will get to listen your incessant juvenile ******** because you can say
anything you want with no fear of reprisal because you are the moderator.

Ed wrote:


Jim replies:

... ModRatorMan is one of Ed Gin's many pseudonyms that he uses to cowardly obscure his
true identity.

Jim McNamara (no pseudonym required)
My name is not Ed, its Mitchell. I like all the stuff i see at the WISIL recumbent site. I think the bikes are really neat. I also like Cyclingforums

I might want to buy a recumbent with some of the money i make from my evening job after school.

When I was visiting different recumbent sites this month i logged onto the Recumbetns.com monnkey island message board. You posted a lot of mean things about some people many times. And some man posted that you poured someithing in an engine to ruin a truck because you were mad about bushes the truck parked next to.

I had to stop going to that web site for a while becuase i got tired of all the hate in the posts from Jimmy McNamara. No one liked that stuff and some people were complaining. At church todyay the priest talked about forgiving people and i wish you would do the same thing Jimmy.

My dad told me to stop visiting this message board and to stop talking to mean people like you. If people like you ride a recubment then I might not want to spend my money on one. I thought recumbents were supposed to be about havign fun.

You are a mean man jimmy McNamara and you are No fun to talk to.

It is best that you not contact Jimmy McNamara with private e-mail as he has been know to post private e-mail on the internet. Perhaps you should also avoid direct contact with him on Cyclingforums.

I hope you return to the Recumbents.com and the Monkey Island discussion groups. The "mean" stuff you saw posted by Jimmy McNamara this past month has been deleted from the current message threads and will no longer be allowed. In fact you will not see one post on any of the other Recumbent.com message boards from Jimmy.

There are some interesting racing posts you might want to look at over at Monkey Island.

I hope you do buy a recumbent with the money from your job. Don't let one frustrated nasty old man by the name of Jimmy McNamara prevent you from enjoying recumbents.


"You are a mean man jimmy McNamara and you are No fun to talk to.


I'd also recommend going over to my site at: http://home.earthlink.net/~gkpsol/
It's got some pretty good things to look at, and you won't find Jimmy "linseed oil" McNamara anywhere to be seen.

I'm sorry you had to see all the mean posts by Jimmy at Monkey Island but he is banned from there now as Moderator Man has said.

I am proud of you saving money to buy a recumbent. If you live anywhere near the Chicago area, let me know and you and your dad can meet some of our plus 400 riders, and NONE of them are like Jimmy.

Take care and feel free to ask any questions or comment. I can be reached at my email address, (please remove the "(nospam)" before sending)


Ed Gin

Originally posted by mjrides
My name is not Ed, its Mitchell. I like all the stuff i see at the WISIL recumbent site. I think the bikes are really neat. I also like Cyclingforums

I might want to buy a recumbent with some of the money i make from my evening job after school.

When I was visiting different recumbent sites this month i logged onto the Recumbetns.com monnkey island message board. You posted a lot of mean things about some people many times. And some man posted that you poured someithing in an engine to ruin a truck because you were mad about bushes the truck parked next to.

I had to stop going to that web site for a while becuase i got tired of all the hate in the posts from Jimmy McNamara. No one liked that stuff and some people were complaining. At church todyay the priest talked about forgiving people and i wish you would do the same thing Jimmy.

My dad told me to stop visiting this message board and to stop talking to mean people like you. If people like you ride a recubment then I might not want to spend my money on one. I thought recumbents were supposed to be about havign fun.

You are a mean man jimmy McNamara and you are No fun to talk to.


I'd also recommend going over to my site at: http://home.earthlink.net/~gkpsol/
It's got some pretty good things to look at, and you won't find Jimmy "linseed oil" McNamara anywhere to be seen.

I'm sorry you had to see all the mean posts by Jimmy at Monkey Island but he is banned from there now as Moderator Man has said.

I am proud of you saving money to buy a recumbent. If you live anywhere near the Chicago area, let me know and you and your dad can meet some of our plus 400 riders, and NONE of them are like Jimmy.

Take care and feel free to ask any questions or comment. I can be reached at my email address, (please remove the "(nospam)" before sending)


Ed Gin

Originally posted by mjrides
My name is not Ed, its Mitchell. I like all the stuff i see at the WISIL recumbent site. I think the bikes are really neat. I also like Cyclingforums

I might want to buy a recumbent with some of the money i make from my evening job after school.

When I was visiting different recumbent sites this month i logged onto the Recumbetns.com monnkey island message board. You posted a lot of mean things about some people many times. And some man posted that you poured someithing in an engine to ruin a truck because you were mad about bushes the truck parked next to.

I had to stop going to that web site for a while becuase i got tired of all the hate in the posts from Jimmy McNamara. No one liked that stuff and some people were complaining. At church todyay the priest talked about forgiving people and i wish you would do the same thing Jimmy.

My dad told me to stop visiting this message board and to stop talking to mean people like you. If people like you ride a recubment then I might not want to spend my money on one. I thought recumbents were supposed to be about havign fun.

You are a mean man jimmy McNamara and you are No fun to talk to.


Jimmy registered on the BROL forums and has yet to post any on topic material. You can lurk without subscribing.

ModRatorMan, thank you for the decision to remove his posts from Recumbents.com - Monkey Island, it was a eyesore.

Fortunately, our riders numbering over 400 know how Jimmy is, especially with his linseed oil escapades, his attempt to kill a evergreen tree at his victims house, and the criminal use of a "illegal box" to allow access to "all" cable channels for many years.

His silence IS TANTAMOUNT to admission regarding all the above acts.

Ed - I am not "ModRatorMan" - Gin

Originally posted by ModRatorMan
No need for a retraction here. There are many reasons your posts are no longer tolerated at Reucmbents.com and the virus upload was the last straw.

Will you ever realize that the personal feuds you have with members of the HPV community benefit no one?

None of your posts were ever edited or censored at Recumbents.com. They have been removed as they were offensive, insulting and criminal to say the least. The moderators at that site will never allow you to post there again PERIOD!

No one at Recumbents.com will ever have to listen to your criminal linseed oil escapades or non recumbent related vicious personal attacks anymore.


be man enough to write a retraction.
Of course, silence is always an option, but silence is also tantamount to an admission.

Jim McNamara
lowracer wrote: <snip>
> Posted via cyclingforums.com http://www.cyclingforums.com

Since none of the offending posts were on a.r.b.r., but were apparently on some monkey island on
cyclingforums.com, why do we now see these posts over here? How is it that before this, NONE of
ModRatorMan's posts have shown up here, NONE of mjride's, NONE of, oh, hell, I forget, something
that sounded like greenfield or some other Chicago (I guess) locale)-based pseudonym, have EVER
shown up here - but now they are. Why? And now we see you posting about how Jimmy McNamara has
not posted anything on BROL. Again, this may be of extreme importance to you and perhaps some
other members of cyclingforum's monkey island, but WHY POST ABOUT IT ON ARBR? Honestly, Ed, these
posts look awfully similar to the recurring anti-Bass posts that we see over here, which make all
kinds of accusations about this guy's security business, and as far as we can tell, serve no
purpose other than to stir up hatred, anger, resentment, about something that did not happen on
this newsgroup, has nothing to do with the supposed purpose of this newsgroup, and has never been
explained as to how and why it just might be important to the readers of this newsgroup. But
maybe you or one of the other cyclingforum posters can explain just why they are posting this
anti-McNamara stuff over here on a.r.b.r.
Larry Varney Cold Spring, KY http://home.fuse.net/larryvarney
Mr. Varney,
The only reason I posted on this thread was to remind Jimmy McNamara that his posts will not be allowed on Recumbents.com. I could care less what hate oriented posts or viruses he intends to send to any other newsgroup or discussion boards. I also find his personal feuds rather boring and that anal behavior of his is no longer posted at Recumbetns.com Monkey Island.

As I have told you once before my posts are mad on Cyclingforums not ARBR. If you do not like what you see in the thread then you have the choice not to read it.

Originally posted by ModRatorMan
Mr. Varney,
I am a registered user at cyclingforums.com. Eventually posts on cyclingforums end up on alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent.

It was brought to my attention that Jimmy McNamara posted previously that he had not been banned from any recumbent newsgroups.

He has been prohibited from posting at Recumbents.com for hate oriented posts and uploading a virus not once but twice to the list server.

I do not follow the a.r.b.r. forum that you belong to.


This is not the Cycling Forums list - this is alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent.....

It looks like Cyclingforums is a "portal" to many newsgroups, including alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent. If you look at the forum heading, you can see that it's listed as "rec.bicycles.recumbent' - the alt is missing.
It's clear that it's a usenet forum, and that's where the posts are going.. Some may think that they are not following a usenet newsgroup, but that's what this is. And so are rec.bicycles.racing, and so on.
ModRatorMan wrote:
> Mr. Varney, The only reason I posted on this thread was to remind Jimmy McNamara that his posts
> will not be allowed on Recumbents.com. I could care less what hate oriented posts or viruses
> he intends to send to any other newsgroup or discussion boards. I also find his personal feuds
> rather boring and that anal behavior of his is no longer posted at Recumbetns.com Monkey
> Island.
> As I have told you once before my posts are mad on Cyclingforums not ARBR. If you do not like what
> you see in the thread then you have the choice not to read it.
> Regards, ModRatorMan

Why is it that only these posts related to Jimmy McNamara have somehow found their way to this
newsgroup? It's not a question - to me - of not liking what I've read, but a question of why? Why
has this particular thread been posted, via cyclingforums, to this newsgroup, and no other? Is it
just some strange quirk of fate, some accident? Is there something special about this thread that
has had it magically appear over here? If I were the moderator of some forum on another system,
I'd be curious as to how and why they are showing up on a completely separate system. You have a
moderated forum, and this is an unmoderated newsgroup. Should they be mixed? And now I'm
wondering: why don't the posts on this newgroup automatically get transferred to cyclingforums?
Since, apparently, that's what's happening in the case of those who have taken issue with what
Jimmy McNamara has posted. Maybe it's the title? I'm wondering: does my reply to you get placed
on one of cyclingforum's forums? If so, which one? Maybe that will lead to the answer of why
posts on a moderated forum - some of the posts, anyway - are showing up on a newsgroup. Anyway,
if you don't believe me, check out the newsgroup alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent, and you'll see that
your posts are indeed showing up here, even if they're being made on Cyclingforums. This is
something that you might want to point out to those who are administering that forum.

Larry Varney Cold Spring, KY http://home.fuse.net/larryvarney
The answer to why some posts on cyclingforums shows up on this newsgroup, is obvious by the
description of the "forum" on cyclingforums:

This forum is a gateway to the bicycles.recumbent usenet newsgroup. Any posts you make in this forum
will be propagated to usenet.

Actually, the full name is alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent, but I guess it was shortened for brevity.
Not all posts on cyclingforums show up on
a.r.b.r., just the ones postsed to "bicycles.recumbent usenet newsgroup".

Larry Varney Cold Spring, KY http://home.fuse.net/larryvarney
Ed - the heinous muckraker - Gin wrote:

"Jimmy registered on the BROL forums and has yet to post any on topic material."


Now this is refreshing ... Ed actually uttered a HALF-TRUTH! True ... I am registered at BROL.
True ... I have yet to post any on-topic material. Also true ... I have yet to post any off-topic
material either, because I have made but only one post just to test out my registration. Ed
deliberately and conveniently failed to mention that though, but that is the devious nature of the
beast that time an again exposed his heinous underbelly. Should you care to verify what I've said,
pay BROL a visit. Ed, have you nothing better to do than drag my name through the mud a monitor
everywhere where I might post. You let go 5 years ago. It would seem that you had a lot of pent up
hatred that exploded into an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation. You're an obsessed man with
too much time on his hands. Take a breath ... relax ... get over it ... get a life ... grow up
.... move on.

Jim McNamara
It was the total truth, as you replied. Posting to "check registration" is not "on topic" moron.

But the issue at hand is, Jimmy still fails to respond or deny his wrongdoing pouring linseed oil in his neighbors catering truck gas tank. His silence is tantamount to admitting guilt IMO.

It really doesn't matter as his victim residing at the 4800 block of Catalpa Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60630, has all the information needed to retaliate and/seek justice.

Ed Gin

Originally posted by Jim McNamara
Ed - the heinous muckraker - Gin wrote:

"Jimmy registered on the BROL forums and has yet to post any on topic material."


Now this is refreshing ... Ed actually uttered a HALF-TRUTH! True ... I am registered at BROL.
True ... I have yet to post any on-topic material. Also true ... I have yet to post any off-topic
material either, because I have made but only one post just to test out my registration. Ed
deliberately and conveniently failed to mention that though, but that is the devious nature of the
beast that time an again exposed his heinous underbelly. Should you care to verify what I've said,
pay BROL a visit. Ed, have you nothing better to do than drag my name through the mud a monitor
everywhere where I might post. You let go 5 years ago. It would seem that you had a lot of pent up
hatred that exploded into an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation. You're an obsessed man with
too much time on his hands. Take a breath ... relax ... get over it ... get a life ... grow up
.... move on.

Jim McNamara
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