Know what really pisses me off?

roadhog said:
My ribbon is absolutely for the soldiers, and only secondly for "my peers" here stateside to see. I have served 13 months in combat, and it absolutely makes a difference in the morale of our troops when their friends/relatives back home write them or tell them on the phone things like: "you should see all the signs of support here at home...yellow ribbons, american flags, bulletin board messages, signs in front of fast food joints, etc". It does nobody any good for them to hear things like "nobody even ackowledges that you guys are over there, you would never know the difference, no show of support for you back here, etc." The soldiers may not be here to see my ribbon, but they are still in tune enough with our society while deployed (especially with today's technology) to recognize what is going on. They very much appreciate your support.

As a secondary purpose, if people here stateside see it then maybe they will be inspired to think for a couple minutes at a stoplight behind me about our troops over there then great.

My wife can't see my wedding ring when I'm not around her either, but I still wear it. Is that supposed to be strange too?
You're wasting your time. Those that you are trying to explain this to are far to polarized to see rationality.
Colorado Ryder said:
You're wasting your time. Those that you are trying to explain this to are far to polarized to see rationality.
"Explain" :confused: What is there to "explain" :confused: We are all reasonably intelligent, are we not? You're "speaking down" to me as conservatives are want to label liberals as doing. :) Please refrain from patronizing me.
Colorado Ryder said:
Judging someone by what they drive is also wrong. Just because one person is driving a SUV with no else in the vehicle doesn't equate in no observable use. Whats next? A walker or runner getting ****** at me because I'm cycling. Hey my bike takes resources to make and use. Besides, mr MC thinks all the SUV drivers are republicans. I got hit by an SUV last year. Had a Kerry sticker on it.
You could apply that reasoning to any form of judgement--you could always seek out further validation, context, etc. Fine. I think I made it quite clear that it's preposterous to construct a complete picture of any individual based on any single, possibly incidental aspect of their life: what they're wearing, what music they like, and so on. Obviously, life is far more complex than that.

Just the same, there's no reason those small observations shouldn't contribute to your overall perception of a person; that's how human beings function. The broader and more in-depth your picture of another individual is, the more valid your sense of them will be--a glance at someone's car hardly qualifies as in-depth--but it can have a valid effect nonetheless. I am never, ever not at least annoyed by the presence of a Hummer, for instance. It's quite valid for me, then, to be at least annoyed by the person who owns it.
Colorado Ryder said:
You're wasting your time. Those that you are trying to explain this to are far to polarized to see rationality.
Unfair and silly (did you even read my post to roadhog?). I'm not condemming yellow ribbons, and I never have. I've already expressed admiration for roadhog. You, son, are beginning to sound fairly simple and polar in your thinking.
lokstah said:
You could apply that reasoning to any form of judgement--you could always seek out further validation, context, etc. Fine. I think I made it quite clear that it's preposterous to construct a complete picture of any individual based on any single, possibly incidental aspect of their life: what they're wearing, what music they like, and so on. Obviously, life is far more complex than that.

Just the same, there's no reason those small observations shouldn't contribute to your overall perception of a person; that's how human beings function. The broader and more in-depth your picture of another individual is, the more valid your sense of them will be--a glance at someone's car hardly qualifies as in-depth--but it can have a valid effect nonetheless. I am never, ever not at least annoyed by the presence of a Hummer, for instance. It's quite valid for me, then, to be at least annoyed by the person who owns it.
At the very least it shows the persons gullibility into buying into the latest advertising juggernaught from detroit or that they want the "luxury vehicle" tax credit.
davidmc said:
Touché'. You got me there. ;) I'm saying the PREPONDERANCE of luxury vehicles, where I reside, "fly the "W" flag/banner".
My boss drives a Hummer. This is one vehicle I can see no practical use for. But I don't hate him or think any less of him because he drives it. I wouldn't want it but its his life. By the way he is also a Democrat.
Colorado Ryder said:
Judging someone by what they drive is also wrong. Just because one person is driving a SUV with no else in the vehicle doesn't equate in no observable use. Whats next? A walker or runner getting ****** at me because I'm cycling. Hey my bike takes resources to make and use. Besides, mr MC thinks all the SUV drivers are republicans. I got hit by an SUV last year. Had a Kerry sticker on it.
Finally, someone has my back on the whole SUV thing. Thank you. People have SUV's because it's a "luxury" they can afford right now, not because they are inherently evil people. People will generally do the luxurious things they can afford. The laws of economics will take care of this whole situation eventually. There is clearly a finite supply of oil. Eventually the prices will get jacked waaay up. This will cause SUV owners to trade in their vehicles for mopeds. This will eventually force the scientists of the world to expedite other means of fuel (hydrogen fuel cells, etc). This will result in a new era. Everyone will be happy. People who believe SUV owners are evil right now should be happy because they are simply speeding our procession towards alternative means.

mc, you think the average SUV owner climbs in the car in the morning thinking: "good thing there is a war on in Iraq so I can afford this thing". Hell no! They are simply getting in what they consider a nice car that they can afford.

People in Europe and elsewhere who do not drive SUV's are not doing so because they are "better" people. They are doing so because they can't afford it (gas prices are outrageous there by our current standards!). Also, as I've said on another thread -- my very same station wagon that gets 24 mpg average here on the highway in the states reported 7 mpg on the autobahn at high speeds in Germany when I lived there. So are ugly American SUV owners consuming all the gas? I think we can spread the wealth on the blame there.

And I have observed NO relationship between political party and type of car driven.

Enough with the SUV thing. It's old.
lokstah said:
Unfair and silly (did you even read my post to roadhog?). I'm not condemming yellow ribbons, and I never have. I've already expressed admiration for roadhog. You, son, are beginning to sound fairly simple and polar in your thinking.
Sorry. Wasn't directed to you Lokstah. Only to those that bring up unjust war and corrupt politicians and so on. Its obvious this person has the sticker on the car to 'ONLY' show support for the troops. Their sticker is not showing support for a politician or political party.
Colorado Ryder said:
My boss drives a Hummer. This is one vehicle I can see no practical use for. But I don't hate him or think any less of him because he drives it. I wouldn't want it but its his life. By the way he is also a Democrat.
You sure seem to be surrounded by democrats. Lucky you :) I am a progressive. My mantra is "If it works, do it". To hell w/ dogma/societal norms. I am feared by the Repub's if you read their screed. My country has more people imprisoned than any other. Aint' I proud :rolleyes:
davidmc said:
"Explain" :confused: What is there to "explain" :confused: We are all reasonably intelligent, are we not? You're "speaking down" to me as conservatives are want to label liberals as doing. :) Please refrain from patronizing me.
Hey about not condemning all conservatives as evil? Do that and I won't patronize you.
Colorado Ryder said:
Hey about not condemning all conservatives as evil? Do that and I won't patronize you.
Agreed, I will try to "tone it down" SOME ;)
davidmc said:
You sure seem to be surrounded by democrats. Lucky you :) I am a progressive. My mantra is "If it works, do it". To hell w/ dogma/societal norms. I am feared by the Repub's if you read their screed. My country has more people imprisoned than any other. Aint' I proud :rolleyes:
I live in Boulder. I don't think I've ever seen another conservative here.
lokstah said:
You could apply that reasoning to any form of judgement--you could always seek out further validation, context, etc. Fine. I think I made it quite clear that it's preposterous to construct a complete picture of any individual based on any single, possibly incidental aspect of their life: what they're wearing, what music they like, and so on. Obviously, life is far more complex than that.

Just the same, there's no reason those small observations shouldn't contribute to your overall perception of a person; that's how human beings function. The broader and more in-depth your picture of another individual is, the more valid your sense of them will be--a glance at someone's car hardly qualifies as in-depth--but it can have a valid effect nonetheless. I am never, ever not at least annoyed by the presence of a Hummer, for instance. It's quite valid for me, then, to be at least annoyed by the person who owns it.
Very logical, rational argument on the whole judgment thing by you lokstah. Thank you. This all makes great sense. I too am annoyed by hummers (partly because of the "status symbol" thing the drivers are striving for), but I don't judge people who drive SUV simply because of it.
Colorado Ryder said:
I live in Boulder. I don't think I've ever seen another conservative here.
We ought to trade places. My area is "chock full" of conservatives. Seriously though, I admire you for tuffing it out. I do take things more seriously especially w/ the bush crowd constantly wanting to change the Constitution. Do you think there is something wrong w/ the Constitution :confused:
Colorado Ryder said:
I'll stop the ****** comments. It was meant as irony and not a reflection on you.
I thought as much. I didn't take it personally. In fact I was quite suprised because I have had & have many friends who were/are black/gay/ect... I try not to judge people from what they ARE but what they DO.
davidmc said:
We ought to trade places. My area is "chock full" of conservatives. Seriously though, I admire you for tuffing it out. I do take things more seriously especially w/ the bush crowd constantly wanting to change the Constitution. Do you think there is something wrong w/ the Constitution :confused:
Can't take things that serious. Just leads to bittnerness and burn out. Besides I'm a fiscal conservative. More liberal on social issues.
You don't want to trade places. You'd be bored. There is excitement in playing the antagonist. Nothing like setting off some (insert liberal/conservative here) with a comment or two.
About the Constitution. It ain't perfect. Or there wouldn't be 27 or so amendments to it.
Colorado Ryder said:
Can't take things that serious. Just leads to bittnerness and burn out. Besides I'm a fiscal conservative. More liberal on social issues.
You don't want to trade places. You'd be bored. There is excitement in playing the antagonist. Nothing like setting off some (insert liberal/conservative here) with a comment or two.
About the Constitution. It ain't perfect. Or there wouldn't be 27 or so amendments to it.
Thats what my polysci instructor says. It makes sense. Burn-out through participation/overexposure. Not to mention say-high blood pressure.
davidmc said:
Thats what my polysci instructor says. It makes sense. Burn-out through participation/overexposure. Not to mention say-high blood pressure.
I used to get fired up over political issues. Its funny liberal people think Bush is destroying the country. Just like conservatives thought Clinton lead the country down the road to ruin. The country is still here after Clinton and will be here after Bush. Hell if the US survived Nixon and Carter surely we can survive anything.