Many Thanks to Electric Sierra Cycles of Santa Cruz...............

....for being so very helpful in finding yet a second USX recumbent
tricycle for my wife, let alone the fact that Kieth delivered the
trike to me in Sacramento, to make it easier to collect the thing!!

My wife and I had driven to Santa Cruz for the express purpose of
purchasing my (first) USX, which he so kindly held for me. Then,a few
weeks later, Kieth and I co-conspired to find a second USX as a
surprise for my wife....(she was always asking to ride mine).

Many thanks to Kieth for his sterling attitude and helpfulness!!


I'm glad my hint here may have been part of this sale! Electric Sierra
began with many recumbents, but the market went in the mountain bike
and poser (ala OCC Chopper bikes) direction. Less and less 'bents. I
get terrific service there, and it sure helped to keep the bent
interest alive in Santa Cruz. ;-)
I guess I have the only electric 'bent in town- nice to have a shop
sticking around.

Your hint was hugely part of this sale indeed!! Without your help,
who knows who would have pointed my wife and I to Santa Cruz!!

Thanks again,
