Marty Jemison is a chicken **** piece of dog vomit:

Ava Marie said:
I remember stumbling across a thread a few months ago on DPF where whareagele admited he takes prescription pills to keep his crazy mind from getting even crazier. He was trying to find out if he would test postive. I laughed my ass off cause he was basicly admiting he was nuts and needed pills to get "right". Of course some of the scientology mods then went on their Tom Cruise rants
LOL. Why does that not surprise me. What is ChrisH's excuse?

Crankyfeet said:
Darn it. They've locked/closed the thread.
Yea, Vaughn said it was the "worst thread ever" as suggested by another of their mods. I would say that it was fantastic in exposing a couple of mods for being the doping apologists that they are.
earth_dweller said:
fair? the offending posts from RTT were removed, and you got suspended. nothing fair about it. He writes big about ethics and doing what's right but when it comes down to action, he does what is easy which is keeping his italian-crazy mod happy.
I got suspended by ChrisH, or ****weasel as he is now known to me. Vaughn did not alter the suspension, and allowed me to post a reply to his last post directed at me. ChrisH then decided it was an inappropriate post and hid it...because they don't delete anything. He is pure chickenshit just like Jemeson.
thoughtforfood said:
I got suspended by ChrisH, or ****weasel as he is now known to me. Vaughn did not alter the suspension, and allowed me to post a reply to his last post directed at me. ChrisH then decided it was an inappropriate post and hid it...because they don't delete anything. He is pure chickenshit just like Jemeson.

ChrisH wouldn't do that. He wouldn't censor someone's post for insulting someone. Not the same person who posts gems like this:

"Ah, soccer. As expected, our women's team continues to be good. Soccer is a sport that places greater priority on wider hips rather than shoulders compared to other sports. Hehe."


"As for European geography, the northern half of Europe is a cold place. It may have warmed up in the last 1000 years or so and rose to prominence, but its inhabitants are now experiencing population decline. Lack of fecundity. Many possible explanations for that besides long term regional climate."

If he moderated anyone for insulting someone, then he's more hypocritical than I thought.
thoughtforfood said:
... ChrisH, or ****weasel as he is now known to me....
There are no words that can adequately describe the work of a Master such as TFF. There is no better label of profane simplicity that captures the essence of the man known as ChrisH to some... but now "****weasel" to many.

I am humble in your presence....
Crankyfeet said:
There are no words that can adequately describe the work of a Master such as TFF. There is no better label of profane simplicity that captures the essence of the man known as ChrisH to some... but now "****weasel" to many.

I am humble in your presence....
Thank you, the shoe fit..