More OT!! Homeland security



Compare this to any other conflict in our history and you will see that less
American citizens have been detained, or impounded, or driven out of the
country than in any other war. Yet the rhetoric would say that we have
concentration camps everywhere and Martial law is the rule of the land. The
same people saying this in general are the same people making excuses when
Hamas blows up an Israeli school bus. People need a reality check, but I'm
afraid that a dirty bomb that wiped out LA would cause to say we got
what we deserved.
Bill C
"TritonRider" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Compare this to any other conflict in our history and you will see that

> American citizens have been detained, or impounded, or driven out of the
> country than in any other war. Yet the rhetoric would say that we have
> concentration camps everywhere and Martial law is the rule of the land.

> same people saying this in general are the same people making excuses when
> Hamas blows up an Israeli school bus. People need a reality check, but I'm
> afraid that a dirty bomb that wiped out LA would cause to say

we got
> what we deserved.
> Bill C

I don't know what this has to do with cycling, but.....

As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to compare it
with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to put
someone in power to deal with us on oil. If you don't see that you are
blind my friend. We couldn't deal with Sadaam, so we overthrew their
government and are going to put someone in office that will deal with us.
What is even more sad than that is that we have very young American and
other countries solders getting killed for this. It makes me sick!

Now, you of course mention Hamas blowing up a bunch of kids on a school bus
to get people on your side or whatever. What if you were one of the many
Palestinians that had his home bulldozed by "the modern day ******" Sharon?
If the Jews didn't invade land that wasn't theirs, maybe there would be no
problems. I also find it interesting that we somehow justify a tank blowing
things up, but when a person blows himself up in protest and kills people,
that is terrorism. The Israelis have killed many Palestinian children as
well. Of course they say it was accidental fire or some such nonsense. The
US arms the Israeli's to the teeth and they have superpower weaponry and the
Palestinians have sticks and stones in comparison. This doesn't mean that a
tank is less terroistic than a person blowing themselves up. To be honest,
I feel that if the Israelis didn't take over peoples land/homes and make it
impossible for people to live, we may not have such a problem over there.
Of course the Jews have a big lobby in this country and they own Bush.. Now
that we have Bush in office he is making this thing a huge mess and spending
countless money on his oil interest. Just think how much research could
have been done with the billions he is spending on this so called war if he
put his efforts in finding alternative fuel. If we didn't rely on the oil,
we would have no reason to be over there. Well, that would be thinking into
the future and not the present, so that will never happen.

On good thing came out of this however. The idiots driving their H2's are
spending more money on gas. Not that they care probably. I mean they are
not very bright if they feel the need to drive a barge that weighs 6000 lbs.

Who knows, maybe some people will get tired of paying so much at the pump
and start riding bicycles more. If you believe that, then I may have a
bridge to sell you.

"curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to compare

> with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to put
> someone in power to deal with us on oil.

We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words of
one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But not
OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.

What has terrorism to do with it you ask? (Not that someone with so little
intelligence as you would EVER ask.) Internal strife has been used by Arab
leaders since the time of Mohammed himself to turn the eyes of the fedayeen
away from their corrupt leadership and to allow corrupt mullahs and sheiks
to hold onto their own power.

But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
On 05/01/2004 09:25 PM, in article
[email protected], "Tom Kunich"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to compare

> it
>> with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to put
>> someone in power to deal with us on oil.

> We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words of
> one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But not
> OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
> dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.

If this war was about a free flow of oil that wasn't enriching a dictator
who uses to fund terrorism, then we'd be invading Saudi Arabia instead of

Where is Osama bin Laden from? Saudi Arabia.
Where were 14-15 of the 9-11 terrorists from? Saudi Arabia.
Where does most of Al Qaeda's funding come from? Saudi Arabia.

So why are we invading Iraq?

Check ... Why look! That's
Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein!

"Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of
Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in
midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable
human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible. We had
been unable to find Noriega in Panama, which we knew intimately. We would
have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq. The coalition
would instantly have collapsed, the Arabs deserting it in anger and other
allies pulling out as well. Under those circumstances, furthermore, we had
been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the
post-cold war world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally
exceeding the U.N.'s mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of
international response to aggression we hoped to establish. Had we gone the
invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a
bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different--and
perhaps barren--outcome." -- Former President George H.W. Bush, Time
Magazine, 2 March 1998.

> What has terrorism to do with it you ask? (Not that someone with so little
> intelligence as you would EVER ask.) Internal strife has been used by Arab
> leaders since the time of Mohammed himself to turn the eyes of the fedayeen
> away from their corrupt leadership and to allow corrupt mullahs and sheiks
> to hold onto their own power.
> But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> comprehension.

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est
ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea aye tee why you ti ay aitch
aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you
double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash
>From: "Tom Kunich" [email protected]

>But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of

Tom, I'll Give him Sharon is a war criminal and several people here can
confirm that I've said the POS should be strung up. I bet he protested the
kilings of the Hamas murderers. Israel has never denied the Palestinians right
to exist. What has been the Arab view on Israel? Oops they can say that they
intend to kill all of them because they are an "oppressed" people.
I'll agree they have been screwed over by the west, and the catholic church in
particular over the centuries, but the Jews are also a semitic population
native to the area. This is nothing but religious persecution and civil war.
Bill C
>From: "Steven L. Sheffield" [email protected]

I agree with most of your points, but have yet to have anyone show me where
this is about oil. Prove it from several unbiased sources and I'll believe you.
I hear thhis all the time, but it's propaganda without proof.
Major stupidity I believe. He could've made a much better case than Clinton
made for Bosnia on humanitarian terms, but he screwed it up, like pretty much
everything else he's done.
Bill C
Bill C
"Steven L. Sheffield" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:BCB9CB6E.2EB05%[email protected]...
> On 05/01/2004 09:25 PM, in article
> [email protected], "Tom Kunich"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >>
> >> As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to

> >> it with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to

> >> someone in power to deal with us on oil.

> >
> > We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words

> > one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But

> > OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
> > dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.

> If this war was about a free flow of oil that wasn't enriching a dictator
> who uses to fund terrorism, then we'd be invading Saudi Arabia instead of
> Iraq.

Please feel free to cite anything that shows the controlling members of Saud
royal family involved in any terrorist activities. Soros has more direct
ties with terrorism than King Ibn al-Azziz. And it is likely that you are
more closely allied with terrorism than the 5,000+ member Saudi royal

But then you are completely responsible for things done by your 3rd cousin
whom you've never met aren't you?
"TritonRider" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >From: "Tom Kunich" [email protected]

> >But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> >comprehension.

> Tom, I'll Give him Sharon is a war criminal and several people here can
> confirm that I've said the POS should be strung up. I bet he protested the
> kilings of the Hamas murderers. Israel has never denied the Palestinians

> to exist. What has been the Arab view on Israel? Oops they can say that

> intend to kill all of them because they are an "oppressed" people.
> I'll agree they have been screwed over by the west, and the catholic

church in
> particular over the centuries, but the Jews are also a semitic population
> native to the area. This is nothing but religious persecution and civil


Sharon? What the hell has he to do with anything? Do you suggest that Israel
is doing the wrong thing by killing the leaders of a group who have been
strapping explosives onto women and children to set them off in hordes of
innocent shoppers? Do you forget that one of the prime commandments of
Mohammed after he entered Medina was "kill all Jews". Followed shortly by
"the way to heaven is to kill all unbelievers."

Palestinians haven't been screwed over by "the west". They've been screwed
over by their Arab brothers since 1948 and even before that. Palestinians
came to this country for education, success and a chance for peaceful lives
and achieved that in spades.
On 05/01/2004 09:56 PM, in article
[email protected], "TritonRider"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>> From: "Steven L. Sheffield" [email protected]

> I agree with most of your points, but have yet to have anyone show me where
> this is about oil. Prove it from several unbiased sources and I'll believe
> you.

How about Department of State documents:

> I hear thhis all the time, but it's propaganda without proof.
> Major stupidity I believe. He could've made a much better case than Clinton
> made for Bosnia on humanitarian terms, but he screwed it up, like pretty much
> everything else he's done.
> Bill C
> Bill C

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est
ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea aye tee why you ti ay aitch
aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you
double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash
>From: "Tom Kunich" [email protected]

>Sharon? What the hell has he to do with anything? Do you suggest that Israel
>is doing the wrong thing by killing the leaders of a group who have been
>strapping explosives onto women and children to set them off in hordes of
>innocent shoppers?

Tom look back at his record in the earlier wars, they read like an Nazi SD
training manual. I think Israel was perfectly justified in targeting and
killing the militant leaders since they have the complete protection of Syria,
Jordan, and Lebanon at a minimum and the UN will never try a Palestinian
militant for crimes against humanity.
> Do you forget that one of the prime commandments of
>Mohammed after he entered Medina was "kill all Jews". Followed shortly by
>"the way to heaven is to kill all unbelievers."

That's obviously in a Koran I haven't read, or the histories of the Arab
Peoples that I have here in the house. The Arabs were actually incredibly
tolerant up until the crusaders showed up.


>Palestinians haven't been screwed over by "the west". They've been screwed
>over by their Arab brothers since 1948 and even before that. Palestinians
>came to this country for education, success and a chance for peaceful lives
>and achieved that in spades.

Palestinians haven't been screwed over by "the west". They've been screwed
over by their Arab brothers since 1948 and even before that. Palestinians
came to this country for education, success and a chance for peaceful lives
and achieved that in spades.

That I agree with in spades. The wealthy arab countries have done little to
nothing to make life better for the Palestinians. There has been a lot of talk
but the money trail, and physical effects tell a different story.
Bill C
>From: "Steven L. Sheffield" [email protected]

>How about Department of State documents:

From 1984???? It was a totally different world. That's the best you have?
I do read julian dates and might have even have had reports relating to this
stuff across my desk when it was current. I was cleared for much higher and
none of that is relevant now.
Bill C
> Sharon? What the hell has he to do with anything?

Hello? Is there anyone in there? I hope you are kidding starting out with
this first sentence. You don't think Sharon and our backing of him has no
impact on current conditions. I think you need to do some reading.

> Do you suggest that Israel
> is doing the wrong thing by killing the leaders of a group who have been
> strapping explosives onto women and children to set them off in hordes of
> innocent shoppers? Do you forget that one of the prime commandments of
> Mohammed after he entered Medina was "kill all Jews". Followed shortly by
> "the way to heaven is to kill all unbelievers."
> Palestinians haven't been screwed over by "the west". They've been screwed
> over by their Arab brothers since 1948 and even before that. Palestinians
> came to this country for education, success and a chance for peaceful

> and achieved that in spades.

I really don't know where to begin? I mean you are so off base, it would be
hard to find a place to start. I really don't think you have any concept of
what is taking place over there at all. You make it sound like there are
people being forced to strap bombs on themselves and blow people up. Do you
know the Palestinians call those people heroes? I am sure that sounds
outrageous to you, but you are too blind to notice that all sides call their
solders heroes. I don't think you comprehend that the Palestinian people
have no force at all. Israel is in total control. I wonder if you would
like to have your home run over by a tank and then know there is absolutely
nothing you can do. You can not fight back because you are completely
outmatched. You are just a slave to what the Israeli's want to do and as we
all know Israelis are just expanding their land and tearing down
Palestinian's homes and building Jewish settlements. Do you know what kind
of leader is in Israel? He was a former hit man. Oh yeah, and we back him.
I can't imagine why we are hated by Palestinians and much of the Arab world?
I guess everyone just hates us for no reason. In truth we are bulldozing
those homes, because we supply Israel with tons of funding and let them do
what they want.

You need to get a clue. It is apparent you cannot put yourself in someone
else's position.

You are distorted to say the least.
"Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
> "curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to compare

> it
> > with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to put
> > someone in power to deal with us on oil.

> We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words of
> one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But not
> OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
> dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.
> What has terrorism to do with it you ask? (Not that someone with so little
> intelligence as you would EVER ask.) Internal strife has been used by Arab
> leaders since the time of Mohammed himself to turn the eyes of the

> away from their corrupt leadership and to allow corrupt mullahs and sheiks
> to hold onto their own power.
> But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> comprehension.

What does Iraq have to do with terrorism? Maybe we should have invaded
Mexico? That is how silly you sound to me. Do you know that Osama bin
Laden hated Sadaam? I thought we were after Osama for 9/11? What the hell
are we doing in Iraq spending billions and getting our young military
personnel killed? It is no coincidence that our invasion in Iraq is with a
Bush at the helm. Do you know who was president the last time we messed up
over there? Do you know who the V.P. is in this country now? Do you know
what business he is in and still getting paid from that business which
should be a conflict of interest? Do you know what state our president is
from and what he is all about?

Do you really think we would give a **** about Iraq if there was no oil
there? Iraq had no real military at all. They are and were no threat to
our country. There are people that are a threat this country, but it surely
wasn't Iraq as a country. Osama had nothing to do with Iraq. It also seems
that he is roaming around the world still. Although part of me thinks he is
caught and they are waiting to get closer to the election to announce it.
Time will tell.

I appreciate all of the thought, logic, and energy that is going into this
set of posts as well as the posts about the economics of the US Postal
Service, et al... Can someone remind me what all of this has to do with
bicycle racing?

I'm sure there are other places where we can debate this stuff...

"curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:c8%[email protected]...
> "Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:eek:[email protected]...
> > "curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > >
> > > As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to

> > it
> > > with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to put
> > > someone in power to deal with us on oil.

> >
> > We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words

> > one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But

> > OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
> > dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.
> >
> > What has terrorism to do with it you ask? (Not that someone with so

> > intelligence as you would EVER ask.) Internal strife has been used by

> > leaders since the time of Mohammed himself to turn the eyes of the

> fedayeen
> > away from their corrupt leadership and to allow corrupt mullahs and

> > to hold onto their own power.
> >
> > But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> > comprehension.

> What does Iraq have to do with terrorism? Maybe we should have invaded
> Mexico? That is how silly you sound to me. Do you know that Osama bin
> Laden hated Sadaam? I thought we were after Osama for 9/11? What the

> are we doing in Iraq spending billions and getting our young military
> personnel killed? It is no coincidence that our invasion in Iraq is with

> Bush at the helm. Do you know who was president the last time we messed

> over there? Do you know who the V.P. is in this country now? Do you know
> what business he is in and still getting paid from that business which
> should be a conflict of interest? Do you know what state our president is
> from and what he is all about?
> Do you really think we would give a **** about Iraq if there was no oil
> there? Iraq had no real military at all. They are and were no threat to
> our country. There are people that are a threat this country, but it

> wasn't Iraq as a country. Osama had nothing to do with Iraq. It also

> that he is roaming around the world still. Although part of me thinks he

> caught and they are waiting to get closer to the election to announce it.
> Time will tell.
> Curt
On 05/01/2004 10:10 PM, in article
[email protected], "Tom Kunich"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Steven L. Sheffield" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:BCB9CB6E.2EB05%[email protected]...
>> On 05/01/2004 09:25 PM, in article
>> [email protected], "Tom Kunich"
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> "curt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> As far as comparing this to any other war, what are you going to

> compare
>>>> it with? WW2? LOL Please. This is not a war, it is an invasion to

> put
>>>> someone in power to deal with us on oil.
>>> We needn't go any further than this. Let's try to explain this in words

> of
>>> one syllable so that you can understand it. This war IS about oil. But

> not
>>> OUR "control" of it but the free flow of it so that it isn't enriching a
>>> dictator who will use it to fund terrorism to retain his own power.

>> If this war was about a free flow of oil that wasn't enriching a dictator
>> who uses to fund terrorism, then we'd be invading Saudi Arabia instead of
>> Iraq.

> Please feel free to cite anything that shows the controlling members of Saud
> royal family involved in any terrorist activities. Soros has more direct
> ties with terrorism than King Ibn al-Azziz. And it is likely that you are
> more closely allied with terrorism than the 5,000+ member Saudi royal
> family.

> But then you are completely responsible for things done by your 3rd cousin
> whom you've never met aren't you?

Steven L. Sheffield
stevens at veloworks dot com
veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net
bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est
ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea aye tee why you ti ay aitch
aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you
double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (TritonRider) wrote:

> >From: "Tom Kunich" [email protected]

> >But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> >comprehension.
> >
> >

> Tom, I'll Give him Sharon is a war criminal and several people here can
> confirm that I've said the POS should be strung up. I bet he protested the
> kilings of the Hamas murderers. Israel has never denied the Palestinians
> right to exist.

Never in so many words, but their actions speak fairly loudly on that
front, imo.

> What has been the Arab view on Israel? Oops they can say that they
> intend to kill all of them because they are an "oppressed" people.

It's certain that the militant ones and Palestinians that're shoved into
the "refugee camps" probably do think like that. But it's interesting to
note that in areas of Israel where the Israeli govt. is not seizing land,
olive orchards, etc., they actually get on rather well. How to get them all
to behave like that? That's a tough one, but the settlements and wall
building ending would be a start...


"Moby **** was a work of art, What the hell happened?"

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
Tom Kunich wrote:

> Please feel free to cite anything that shows the controlling members of Saud
> royal family involved in any terrorist activities.

Please feel free to cite anything that shows Saddam was involved in 9-11.


Remove CLOTHES to reply
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (TritonRider) wrote:

> >From: "Tom Kunich" [email protected]

> >Sharon? What the hell has he to do with anything? Do you suggest that Israel
> >is doing the wrong thing by killing the leaders of a group who have been
> >strapping explosives onto women and children to set them off in hordes of
> >innocent shoppers?

> Tom look back at his record in the earlier wars, they read like an Nazi SD
> training manual. I think Israel was perfectly justified in targeting and
> killing the militant leaders since they have the complete protection of Syria,
> Jordan, and Lebanon at a minimum and the UN will never try a Palestinian
> militant for crimes against humanity.
> <snip>
> > Do you forget that one of the prime commandments of
> >Mohammed after he entered Medina was "kill all Jews". Followed shortly by
> >"the way to heaven is to kill all unbelievers."

> That's obviously in a Koran I haven't read, or the histories of the Arab
> Peoples that I have here in the house. The Arabs were actually incredibly
> tolerant up until the crusaders showed up.

I'll bet it comes from (directly or otherwise) an editorial by Falwell,
which is filled with misquoted, misattributed and generally botched quotes
from the Koran. This editorial has made the rounds a bunch of anti-Muslim
sites and via people like Coulter.

Example: "Slay the enemy where you find him." (Surah 9:92). 

Surah 9:92 actually says : Nor (is there blame) on those who came to thee
to be provided with mounts, and when thou saidst, "I can find no mounts for
you," they turned back, their eyes streaming with tears of grief that they
had no resources wherewith to provide the expenses .


"Moby **** was a work of art, What the hell happened?"

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, ok?
Tom Kunich wrote:

> Let's try to explain this in words of
> one syllable so that you can understand it.


> What has terrorism to do with it you ask? (Not that someone with so little
> intelligence as you would EVER ask.)


> But a simple perusal of history seems to have been beyond your powers of
> comprehension.

what's the point of being so mean and trying to polarize everything? it
makes my head hurt, and then i don't read your posts for the next week
or so. curt doesn't sound like he deserves to be treated like ****.

"TritonRider" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Compare this to any other conflict in our history and you will see that

> American citizens have been detained, or impounded, or driven out of the
> country than in any other war. Yet the rhetoric would say that we have
> concentration camps everywhere and Martial law is the rule of the land.

> same people saying this in general are the same people making excuses when
> Hamas blows up an Israeli school bus. People need a reality check, but I'm
> afraid that a dirty bomb that wiped out LA would cause to say

we got
> what we deserved.
> Bill C

Just because fewer in numbers have been detained does not necessarily make
it right. Manson is responsible for fewer deaths than Stalin, but that does
not make him any less evil.