Re: "Mountain biking is no more damaging than other forms of recreation, including hiking."

"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:[email protected]:
>> "Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
>>> news:p[email protected]:
>>>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:aqfmg.10198$FR1.7663@dukeread05...
>>>> [newsgroups trimmed]
>>>> [...]
>>>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>>>> Curtiss, I would like you and Vandeman to trim the following
>>>>>> newsgroups from your posts:
>>>>>> rec.bicycles.misc, alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
>>>>> WTF... Why did you add them in the first place? I never did... I
>>>>> hit reply and send. If you want to change usenet and broaden
>>>>> discussion, then say something interesting! But do NOT come to me
>>>>> to fix your blunder. I read your silly apologetic drivel about
>>>>> making ARBR more lively... You were surprised about the focused
>>>>> interest in the NGs? Why do you thing they have different titles?
>>>>> Hanging with Vandeman has dumbed you down, dude!
>>>> Curtiss, you are doing nothing but stalking Vandeman. You are
>>>> pitiful in the extreme. We surely do not want your constant drivel
>>>> anymore on ARBR and RBM. You are not up to our high standards.
>>>> I repeat, do not post anymore to these newsgroups, ARBR and RBM. I
>>>> will continue to monitor RBS and will pick up your **** there. No
>>>> one gives a damn what is posted to AMB since no one resides there
>>>> but blooming idiots. [...]
>>> Who the hell are you to tell others what they can and cannot do?
>>> It was you and/or Vandy who does all the cross posting, why don't you
>>> follow your own advice?

>> Some cross posting will involve a half dozen newsgroups. This is
>> almost always wrong. However, there can be some cross posting to one
>> or two other newsgroups from time to time. For instance, these threads
>> on mountain biking on hiking trails seem to belong to AMB and RBS, but
>> not to ARBR and RBM. What is there about this that you do not
>> understand?

> You are a hypocrite, you and Vandy are the ones cross posting. Then you
> tell everyone to not cross post. I understand very clearly. I also
> understand very clearly that you are a hypocrite.

What you don't understand is an explanation. How the hell did you ever get
through Graduate School? See the above message and read it at least ten
times or however many it takes for it to sink into that addled brain of


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:ZaAmg.10315$FR1.6318@dukeread05...
>>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>> news:p[email protected]...
>>>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>>>> news:aqfmg.10198$FR1.7663@dukeread05...
>>>> [newsgroups trimmed]
>>>> [...]
>>>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>>>> Curtiss, I would like you and Vandeman to trim the following
>>>>>> newsgroups from your posts:
>>>>>> rec.bicycles.misc, alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent
>>>>> WTF... Why did you add them in the first place? I never did... I
>>>>> hit reply and send. If you want to change usenet and broaden
>>>>> discussion, then say something interesting! But do NOT come to me to
>>>>> fix your blunder. I read your silly apologetic drivel about making
>>>>> ARBR more lively... You were surprised about the focused interest in
>>>>> the NGs? Why do you thing they have different titles? Hanging with
>>>>> Vandeman has dumbed you down, dude!
>>>> Curtiss, you are doing nothing but stalking Vandeman. You are pitiful
>>>> in the extreme. We surely do not want your constant drivel anymore on
>>>> ARBR and RBM. You are not up to our high standards.
>>>> I repeat, do not post anymore to these newsgroups, ARBR and RBM. I will
>>>> continue to monitor RBS and will pick up your **** there. No one gives
>>>> a damn what is posted to AMB since no one resides there but blooming
>>>> idiots.
>>>> [...]

>>> What a pathetic little worm! The only reason any of my posts went to the
>>> NGs you mention is because YOU directed them there! I am NOT going to
>>> pick up after you or address your silly demands about my posts. Your
>>> opinion of people who frequent AMB is meaningless. Besides, they all
>>> kicked your ass on an intellectual level, a smart-ass level and an
>>> interest level. Just as they've done with MV for over 10 years.

>> I have explained in a previous post on another thread what was being
>> attempted and that it failed. Now, you need to go back to your freaking
>> lair and confine yourself to your fellow idiots on AMB. Frankly, I do not
>> even like you on RBS as you just spout the same old nonsense over and
>> over.

> A: I don't care what you like.

You should because I am the only one who will tell you what a fool you are.
You do nothing but stalk Vandeman. Pitiful! Get a life you moron!

> B: Your attempt failed. I wasn't the idiot who cross-posted to unnecessary
> groups attempting to create non-content in specifically titled NGs only to
> satisfy some yearning for attention.

I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
explanation when you see it.

> C: I don't need to "go" anywhere.

You need to go straight to Hell and stay there. Everyone on these newsgroups
is sick of your ****.

>> How the hell could a bunch of idiots on AMB ever kick anyone's asses but
>> their own - and yours. That group is completely off my radar. I wish you
>> would get over there and stay there with all your ilk. You do not belong
>> on RBS. You are ruining that newsgourp with your confounded idiocies.
>> Stay on AMB why don't you!

> Apparently, it was YOU that opened the gates for the posts to show there
> in the first place. Besides, Vandy has been posting to MB, SOC, SCI, CA &
> ENVIRON for years.... When I hit "reply", the message goes where the
> headers address it to.

That is no excuse for not doing your own editing of the headers. But you are
nothing if not a stalker of Vandeman. Vandeman's original posts can go to
multiple newsgroups since they are chock full of interesting information.
Your posts are devoid of everything except yourself. They should probably
only be going to AMB if truth be told.

> Your opinion of my posts is not a filter for determining qualification.
> Yours certainly handle "on topic" like a fish on a unicycle - so what
> makes your "off-topic" any more special than any others?

My off-topics reek of genius whereas your off-topics reek of idiocy.

>>> You came out with your self-important, "sacred trail" nonsense with,
>>> what is apparent now, an agenda of inflaming the topic. You crawled back
>>> to ARBR with some whining apology about cross-posting and making things
>>> "more lively".

I am on RBS to stay, so get used to me being here. I don't give a good g.d.
about AMB. That group is reserved for idiots like you.

>> There was no one else on ARBR or RBM that was interested in your ****.
>> You are a nothing but one long monologue of tedium. You should read your
>> own messages sometime. One thing is for sure, no one else is reading
>> them. Have you not noticed how Vandeman just gives you a one-liner retort
>> and then like an idiot you go on and on. I said it before and I will say
>> it again, there is something wrong with the way your brain works.

> Then why did you direct them there in the first place?

"I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
explanation when you see it." - Ed Dolan

> Here's an invitation to stop reading if you find my responses beyond your
> comprehension. Why tax your brain needlessly, little man?

Curtiss, you are an idiot!

>>> I only posted you to begin with because you filtered Vandy's opinions
>>> and added your own **** on top. Vandeman is f*****g dangerous to the
>>> environmental movement by splintering discussion, making false claims,
>>> setting himself as an authority and accomplishing NOTHING! When I and
>>> others point this out, it is only for the purpose of making sure anyone
>>> looking for real information will have a constant reminder in their
>>> search of his usenet posts, his tactics and his lies. They all show up
>>> in a general search on Yahoo and Google and anyone seeking reference on
>>> him will find them.

>> All of the above is nothing but crazy Curtiss ****. There is no one who
>> is going to give any credence to anything that is said by anyone on
>> Usenet. Curtiss is the dumbest of the dumb. In fact, he is so dumb that I
>> am starting to feel sorry for him. One thing is for sure, he only belongs
>> on AMB where he can consort with his own kind.

> Since usenet has, as you say, no credibility... then "ed dolan (conan the
> librarian)" has no credibility since this is where your time, and mind, is
> spent.
> So... your opinion of the matter is useless on either side.

I have already told you previously that I am here slumming. I like to touch
base with idiots like you every now and then so I do not become permanently
estranged from the human race.

>>> As for you - you are a lonely old ******* who has built a house of
>>> convenience around yourself. You put off everything in life that matters
>>> and rationalize it away to fit your pathetic existence.
>>> And I see you took your own initiative and clipped the other groups.
>>> Good! You put them there in the first place.
>>> You may think I'm "pitiful".... It means nothing coming from conan the
>>> librarian.
>>> You have accomplished one thing. You ****** me off. Thanks for nothing.

>> Yes, many thanks for commenting yet once again on my Greatness! I know I
>> am remarkable in every way, but please, temper your remarks as I am
>> easily embarrassed by too much praise. After all, modesty is next to
>> Godliness.

> Anyone have any toilet paper...? Someone dropped a load of **** over here.

"Yes, many thanks for commenting yet once again on my Greatness! I know I
am remarkable in every way, but please, temper your remarks as I am easily
embarrassed by too much praise. After all, modesty is next to Godliness." -
Ed Dolan


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:38:07 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>> This post is headed straight to the Smithsonian. Genius in action....

> Flushing **** down a toilet in the Smithsonian is just like flushing ****
> anywhere else.

I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more stupid
than it would otherwise be.

Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and ****
and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine will ever
elude them.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:ugWmg.13603$FR1.9904@dukeread05...
> [newsgroups trimmed]
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>> While you are there (pawn shop), see if they sell red, puff noses. If
>>>> you are going to accept the title "clown", you might as well dress the
>>>> part.
>>>> We don't know how to read you because, by your own admission, you have
>>>> had the human contact of a mole. You can't hit someone with a stick
>>>> then jump back and proclaim "that was funny, wasn't it?". A sense of
>>>> humor is developed around people, not buried in a dusty corner of a
>>>> library.
>>> Humor is a very difficult thing to define. What is often funny to one
>>> person will not be in the least bit funny to another person. Most humor
>>> is of the slapstick variety, crude and dumb (Jerry Lewis). That can
>>> never appeal to types like me.
>>> By the way, once you have to explain humor, it is no longer humorous.
>>> That is why I do not put smileys all over my posts. I want folks to get
>>> it on their own. Am I being serious or not? Sometimes I do not even
>>> know. I depend on others to tell me.

>> Then listen up... If you don't know when you post it, we certainly
>> aren't going to know when we see it.
>> You either have the intent of being funny, or the intent of being
>> serious. Deciding which it was based on the response after the fact is
>> stupid.

> I disagree strongly with you on the above. You can be serious and humorous
> at the same time which is the effect I strive for. The one effect I do not
> strive for is to be deadly dull. I leave that to you and your ilk.

Obviously, you have reached your unintended goal and missed the exit for
your stated destination.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>>> Please don't ever use "honor" and "mountain biker" in the same
>>>>> sentence. I don't want to gag.
>>>>You should be used to it - after choking out your nonsense for years.
>>>>Your OPINION of off-road cycling is not a filter for determining the
>>>>character of those involved.
>>> Ask your mommy to look up "filter" in the dictionary. Then learn how
>>> to use it properly. Idiot.

>> Character assasination rather than addressing the concept. Typical.

> All threads and posts having to do with mountain biking and trails should
> no longer be posted to ARBR and RBM as these newsgroups have no interest
> in the subject.

If they are showing up there, it is because YOU directed them there. You
added them - you clip them.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>> All threads and posts having to do with mountain biking and trails should
>> no longer be posted to ARBR and RBM as these newsgroups have no interest
>> in the subject.

> If they are showing up there, it is because YOU directed them there. You
> added them - you clip them.

You need to clip the headers yourself if and when they show up and you want
to respond. What is so difficult about this? I have already told you that
everyone who is interested in your **** (not many, that is for sure) will
see it on RBS and can respond from that newsgroup.

You and Vandeman are always on just a single subject, a subject that has
limited interest for most. Do not post on this subject to ARBR or RBM. There
is no one on these groups that are interested in the subject. I repeat, what
is there about this that you do not understand?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>>> What a pathetic little worm! The only reason any of my posts went to
>>>> the NGs you mention is because YOU directed them there! I am NOT going
>>>> to pick up after you or address your silly demands about my posts. Your
>>>> opinion of people who frequent AMB is meaningless. Besides, they all
>>>> kicked your ass on an intellectual level, a smart-ass level and an
>>>> interest level. Just as they've done with MV for over 10 years.
>>> I have explained in a previous post on another thread what was being
>>> attempted and that it failed. Now, you need to go back to your freaking
>>> lair and confine yourself to your fellow idiots on AMB. Frankly, I do
>>> not even like you on RBS as you just spout the same old nonsense over
>>> and over.

>> A: I don't care what you like.

> You should because I am the only one who will tell you what a fool you
> are. You do nothing but stalk Vandeman. Pitiful! Get a life you moron!

Apparently, I am also kicking you around like a soccer ball, you mental
>> B: Your attempt failed. I wasn't the idiot who cross-posted to
>> unnecessary groups attempting to create non-content in specifically
>> titled NGs only to satisfy some yearning for attention.

> I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
> explanation when you see it.

As I have explained why we tackle Vandy's opinions with real information and
real-world options. As I am, apparently are you. The difference is your
desire to disrupt and claim to be "great". I have made no such claim. I
merely do not accept yours or Vandy's claims.
>> C: I don't need to "go" anywhere.

> You need to go straight to Hell and stay there. Everyone on these
> newsgroups is sick of your ****.

Really...? Then why is it they are asking you to f**k off...? I have had no
such requests - except from you, aka: conan the librarion.
>>> How the hell could a bunch of idiots on AMB ever kick anyone's asses but
>>> their own - and yours. That group is completely off my radar. I wish you
>>> would get over there and stay there with all your ilk. You do not belong
>>> on RBS. You are ruining that newsgourp with your confounded idiocies.
>>> Stay on AMB why don't you!

>> Apparently, it was YOU that opened the gates for the posts to show there
>> in the first place. Besides, Vandy has been posting to MB, SOC, SCI, CA &
>> ENVIRON for years.... When I hit "reply", the message goes where the
>> headers address it to.

> That is no excuse for not doing your own editing of the headers. But you
> are nothing if not a stalker of Vandeman. Vandeman's original posts can go
> to multiple newsgroups since they are chock full of interesting
> information. Your posts are devoid of everything except yourself. They
> should probably only be going to AMB if truth be told.

Interesting to who...? You...? Who elected you "moderator"?
At least those of us posting with opposing views have read or done some
research on Vandy and his views. You merely act as a parrot.
>> Your opinion of my posts is not a filter for determining qualification.
>> Yours certainly handle "on topic" like a fish on a unicycle - so what
>> makes your "off-topic" any more special than any others?

> My off-topics reek of genius whereas your off-topics reek of idiocy.

Your reference to yourself has no meaning. Your opinion of yourself has no
validation. Likewise, your opinion of me.
Perhaps you are partially correct, since any "off-topic" posts I make
concern you or Vandy, I suppose they would "reek of idiocy".
>>>> You came out with your self-important, "sacred trail" nonsense with,
>>>> what is apparent now, an agenda of inflaming the topic. You crawled
>>>> back to ARBR with some whining apology about cross-posting and making
>>>> things "more lively".

> I am on RBS to stay, so get used to me being here. I don't give a good
> g.d. about AMB. That group is reserved for idiots like you.

Your presence anywhere is of no consequence. Therefore your opinion of me is
of no consequence.
>>> There was no one else on ARBR or RBM that was interested in your ****.
>>> You are a nothing but one long monologue of tedium. You should read your
>>> own messages sometime. One thing is for sure, no one else is reading
>>> them. Have you not noticed how Vandeman just gives you a one-liner
>>> retort and then like an idiot you go on and on. I said it before and I
>>> will say it again, there is something wrong with the way your brain
>>> works.

>> Then why did you direct them there in the first place?

> "I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
> explanation when you see it." - Ed Dolan

Like I (and others) explained our reasons for posting in support of real
information and cooperation concerning trails and access. Vandy refuses to
even recognize that there could be other options. You are too dense to grasp
that I and others are not going to lift a finger to fix your screw up.
>> Here's an invitation to stop reading if you find my responses beyond your
>> comprehension. Why tax your brain needlessly, little man?

> Curtiss, you are an idiot!

And you are like a child throwing marshmallows....
>>>> I only posted you to begin with because you filtered Vandy's opinions
>>>> and added your own **** on top. Vandeman is f*****g dangerous to the
>>>> environmental movement by splintering discussion, making false claims,
>>>> setting himself as an authority and accomplishing NOTHING! When I and
>>>> others point this out, it is only for the purpose of making sure anyone
>>>> looking for real information will have a constant reminder in their
>>>> search of his usenet posts, his tactics and his lies. They all show up
>>>> in a general search on Yahoo and Google and anyone seeking reference on
>>>> him will find them.
>>> All of the above is nothing but crazy Curtiss ****. There is no one who
>>> is going to give any credence to anything that is said by anyone on
>>> Usenet. Curtiss is the dumbest of the dumb. In fact, he is so dumb that
>>> I am starting to feel sorry for him. One thing is for sure, he only
>>> belongs on AMB where he can consort with his own kind.

>> Since usenet has, as you say, no credibility... then "ed dolan (conan
>> the librarian)" has no credibility since this is where your time, and
>> mind, is spent.
>> So... your opinion of the matter is useless on either side.

> I have already told you previously that I am here slumming. I like to
> touch base with idiots like you every now and then so I do not become
> permanently estranged from the human race.

Don't you mean so you can try to validate your pathetic existence...? Any
response, as long as there is a response...?
Your opinion of anyone else as an idiot was tainted the first time you
signed off as "the great"...
>>>> As for you - you are a lonely old ******* who has built a house of
>>>> convenience around yourself. You put off everything in life that
>>>> matters and rationalize it away to fit your pathetic existence.
>>>> And I see you took your own initiative and clipped the other groups.
>>>> Good! You put them there in the first place.
>>>> You may think I'm "pitiful".... It means nothing coming from conan
>>>> the librarian.
>>>> You have accomplished one thing. You ****** me off. Thanks for nothing.
>>> Yes, many thanks for commenting yet once again on my Greatness! I know I
>>> am remarkable in every way, but please, temper your remarks as I am
>>> easily embarrassed by too much praise. After all, modesty is next to
>>> Godliness.

>> Anyone have any toilet paper...? Someone dropped a load of **** over
>> here.

> "Yes, many thanks for commenting yet once again on my Greatness! I know I
> am remarkable in every way, but please, temper your remarks as I am easily
> embarrassed by too much praise. After all, modesty is next to
> Godliness." - Ed Dolan

Think nothing of it. That should be easy for you....
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:361ng.15304$FR1.12658@dukeread05...
>>> This post is headed straight to the Smithsonian. Genius in action....

>> Flushing **** down a toilet in the Smithsonian is just like flushing ****
>> anywhere else.

> I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
> Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more stupid
> than it would otherwise be.

Apparently, it was just stupid enough for you to understand it.
> Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
> innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and ****
> and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine will ever
> elude them.

Great insanity will ever elude us. Apparently, insanity was, and still is,
your best sexual partner.
Go ahead - Rationalize away your shortcomings. We don't mind.
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> You need to clip the headers yourself if and when they show up and you
> want to respond. What is so difficult about this? I have already told you
> that everyone who is interested in your **** (not many, that is for sure)
> will see it on RBS and can respond from that newsgroup.
> You and Vandeman are always on just a single subject, a subject that has
> limited interest for most. Do not post on this subject to ARBR or RBM.
> There is no one on these groups that are interested in the subject. I
> repeat, what is there about this that you do not understand?

I don't need to do anything! YOU added them - YOU clip them.
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> You need to clip the headers yourself if and when they show up and you
>> want to respond. What is so difficult about this? I have already told you
>> that everyone who is interested in your **** (not many, that is for sure)
>> will see it on RBS and can respond from that newsgroup.
>> You and Vandeman are always on just a single subject, a subject that has
>> limited interest for most. Do not post on this subject to ARBR or RBM.
>> There is no one on these groups that are interested in the subject. I
>> repeat, what is there about this that you do not understand?

> I don't need to do anything! YOU added them - YOU clip them.

I do clip them when they show up on ARBR, but you have to clip them too. Or
do you like to post to groups who think you are nothing but a pile of **** -
and an asshole to boot!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>>>> What a pathetic little worm! The only reason any of my posts went to
>>>>> the NGs you mention is because YOU directed them there! I am NOT going
>>>>> to pick up after you or address your silly demands about my posts.
>>>>> Your opinion of people who frequent AMB is meaningless. Besides, they
>>>>> all kicked your ass on an intellectual level, a smart-ass level and an
>>>>> interest level. Just as they've done with MV for over 10 years.
>>>> I have explained in a previous post on another thread what was being
>>>> attempted and that it failed. Now, you need to go back to your freaking
>>>> lair and confine yourself to your fellow idiots on AMB. Frankly, I do
>>>> not even like you on RBS as you just spout the same old nonsense over
>>>> and over.
>>> A: I don't care what you like.

>> You should because I am the only one who will tell you what a fool you
>> are. You do nothing but stalk Vandeman. Pitiful! Get a life you moron!

> Apparently, I am also kicking you around like a soccer ball, you mental
> midget.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>> B: Your attempt failed. I wasn't the idiot who cross-posted to
>>> unnecessary groups attempting to create non-content in specifically
>>> titled NGs only to satisfy some yearning for attention.

>> I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
>> explanation when you see it.

> As I have explained why we tackle Vandy's opinions with real information
> and real-world options. As I am, apparently are you. The difference is
> your desire to disrupt and claim to be "great". I have made no such claim.
> I merely do not accept yours or Vandy's claims.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>> C: I don't need to "go" anywhere.

>> You need to go straight to Hell and stay there. Everyone on these
>> newsgroups is sick of your ****.

> Really...? Then why is it they are asking you to f**k off...? I have had
> no such requests - except from you, aka: conan the librarion.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>>> How the hell could a bunch of idiots on AMB ever kick anyone's asses
>>>> but their own - and yours. That group is completely off my radar. I
>>>> wish you would get over there and stay there with all your ilk. You do
>>>> not belong on RBS. You are ruining that newsgourp with your confounded
>>>> idiocies. Stay on AMB why don't you!
>>> Apparently, it was YOU that opened the gates for the posts to show there
>>> in the first place. Besides, Vandy has been posting to MB, SOC, SCI, CA
>>> & ENVIRON for years.... When I hit "reply", the message goes where the
>>> headers address it to.

>> That is no excuse for not doing your own editing of the headers. But you
>> are nothing if not a stalker of Vandeman. Vandeman's original posts can
>> go to multiple newsgroups since they are chock full of interesting
>> information. Your posts are devoid of everything except yourself. They
>> should probably only be going to AMB if truth be told.

> Interesting to who...? You...? Who elected you "moderator"?
> At least those of us posting with opposing views have read or done some
> research on Vandy and his views. You merely act as a parrot.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>> Your opinion of my posts is not a filter for determining qualification.
>>> Yours certainly handle "on topic" like a fish on a unicycle - so what
>>> makes your "off-topic" any more special than any others?

>> My off-topics reek of genius whereas your off-topics reek of idiocy.

> Your reference to yourself has no meaning. Your opinion of yourself has no
> validation. Likewise, your opinion of me.
> Perhaps you are partially correct, since any "off-topic" posts I make
> concern you or Vandy, I suppose they would "reek of idiocy".

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>>>> You came out with your self-important, "sacred trail" nonsense with,
>>>>> what is apparent now, an agenda of inflaming the topic. You crawled
>>>>> back to ARBR with some whining apology about cross-posting and making
>>>>> things "more lively".

>> I am on RBS to stay, so get used to me being here. I don't give a good
>> g.d. about AMB. That group is reserved for idiots like you.

> Your presence anywhere is of no consequence. Therefore your opinion of me
> is of no consequence.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

>>>> There was no one else on ARBR or RBM that was interested in your ****.
>>>> You are a nothing but one long monologue of tedium. You should read
>>>> your own messages sometime. One thing is for sure, no one else is
>>>> reading them. Have you not noticed how Vandeman just gives you a
>>>> one-liner retort and then like an idiot you go on and on. I said it
>>>> before and I will say it again, there is something wrong with the way
>>>> your brain works.
>>> Then why did you direct them there in the first place?

>> "I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know an
>> explanation when you see it." - Ed Dolan

> Like I (and others) explained our reasons for posting in support of real
> information and cooperation concerning trails and access. Vandy refuses to
> even recognize that there could be other options. You are too dense to
> grasp that I and others are not going to lift a finger to fix your screw
> up.

You are nothing but a one note Johnny!

Screw the rest of this idiot's message. How the hell can Vandeman put up
with such a worthless piece of **** as Curtiss. He never says anything
different. The same old **** over and over again. He is good for nothing but
name calling and so that is all I will do with him from now on.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:361ng.15304$FR1.12658@dukeread05...
>>>> This post is headed straight to the Smithsonian. Genius in action....
>>> Flushing **** down a toilet in the Smithsonian is just like flushing
>>> **** anywhere else.

>> I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
>> Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more
>> stupid than it would otherwise be.

> Apparently, it was just stupid enough for you to understand it.

>> I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
>> Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more
>> stupid than it would otherwise be.

>> Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
>> innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and
>> **** and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine will
>> ever elude them.

> Great insanity will ever elude us. Apparently, insanity was, and still is,
> your best sexual partner.
> Go ahead - Rationalize away your shortcomings. We don't mind.

>> Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
>> innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and
>> **** and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine will
>> ever elude them.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

>>> Some cross posting will involve a half dozen newsgroups. This is
>>> almost always wrong. However, there can be some cross posting to one
>>> or two other newsgroups from time to time. For instance, these
>>> threads on mountain biking on hiking trails seem to belong to AMB
>>> and RBS, but not to ARBR and RBM. What is there about this that you
>>> do not understand?

>> You are a hypocrite, you and Vandy are the ones cross posting. Then
>> you tell everyone to not cross post. I understand very clearly. I
>> also understand very clearly that you are a hypocrite.

> What you don't understand is an explanation. How the hell did you ever
> get through Graduate School? See the above message and read it at
> least ten times or however many it takes for it to sink into that
> addled brain of yours.

Who did the cross posting fool ??? It was either you or Vandy. What dont
you undestand about that???

It wasnt Curtiss or I, What dont you undestand about that???

Since you created the infraction, then later scolded others for the exact
infraction that you commited, you are a hypocrite. What dont you
undestand about that???

I know you are a little slow, but try to keep up.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:mJZng.25191$FR1.7231@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>>>>> What a pathetic little worm! The only reason any of my posts went
>>>>>> to the NGs you mention is because YOU directed them there! I am
>>>>>> NOT going to pick up after you or address your silly demands
>>>>>> about my posts. Your opinion of people who frequent AMB is
>>>>>> meaningless. Besides, they all kicked your ass on an intellectual
>>>>>> level, a smart-ass level and an interest level. Just as they've
>>>>>> done with MV for over 10 years.
>>>>> I have explained in a previous post on another thread what was
>>>>> being attempted and that it failed. Now, you need to go back to
>>>>> your freaking lair and confine yourself to your fellow idiots on
>>>>> AMB. Frankly, I do not even like you on RBS as you just spout the
>>>>> same old nonsense over and over.
>>>> A: I don't care what you like.
>>> You should because I am the only one who will tell you what a fool
>>> you are. You do nothing but stalk Vandeman. Pitiful! Get a life you
>>> moron!

>> Apparently, I am also kicking you around like a soccer ball, you
>> mental midget.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>> B: Your attempt failed. I wasn't the idiot who cross-posted to
>>>> unnecessary groups attempting to create non-content in specifically
>>>> titled NGs only to satisfy some yearning for attention.
>>> I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know
>>> an explanation when you see it.

>> As I have explained why we tackle Vandy's opinions with real
>> information and real-world options. As I am, apparently are you. The
>> difference is your desire to disrupt and claim to be "great". I have
>> made no such claim. I merely do not accept yours or Vandy's claims.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>> C: I don't need to "go" anywhere.
>>> You need to go straight to Hell and stay there. Everyone on these
>>> newsgroups is sick of your ****.

>> Really...? Then why is it they are asking you to f**k off...? I have
>> had no such requests - except from you, aka: conan the librarion.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>>> How the hell could a bunch of idiots on AMB ever kick anyone's
>>>>> asses but their own - and yours. That group is completely off my
>>>>> radar. I wish you would get over there and stay there with all
>>>>> your ilk. You do not belong on RBS. You are ruining that newsgourp
>>>>> with your confounded idiocies. Stay on AMB why don't you!
>>>> Apparently, it was YOU that opened the gates for the posts to show
>>>> there in the first place. Besides, Vandy has been posting to MB,
>>>> SOC, SCI, CA & ENVIRON for years.... When I hit "reply", the
>>>> message goes where the headers address it to.
>>> That is no excuse for not doing your own editing of the headers. But
>>> you are nothing if not a stalker of Vandeman. Vandeman's original
>>> posts can go to multiple newsgroups since they are chock full of
>>> interesting information. Your posts are devoid of everything except
>>> yourself. They should probably only be going to AMB if truth be
>>> told.

>> Interesting to who...? You...? Who elected you "moderator"?
>> At least those of us posting with opposing views have read or done
>> some research on Vandy and his views. You merely act as a parrot.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>> Your opinion of my posts is not a filter for determining
>>>> qualification. Yours certainly handle "on topic" like a fish on a
>>>> unicycle - so what makes your "off-topic" any more special than any
>>>> others?
>>> My off-topics reek of genius whereas your off-topics reek of idiocy.

>> Your reference to yourself has no meaning. Your opinion of yourself
>> has no validation. Likewise, your opinion of me.
>> Perhaps you are partially correct, since any "off-topic" posts I make
>> concern you or Vandy, I suppose they would "reek of idiocy".

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>>>> You came out with your self-important, "sacred trail" nonsense
>>>>>> with, what is apparent now, an agenda of inflaming the topic. You
>>>>>> crawled back to ARBR with some whining apology about
>>>>>> cross-posting and making things "more lively".
>>> I am on RBS to stay, so get used to me being here. I don't give a
>>> good g.d. about AMB. That group is reserved for idiots like you.

>> Your presence anywhere is of no consequence. Therefore your opinion
>> of me is of no consequence.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>>>>> There was no one else on ARBR or RBM that was interested in your
>>>>> ****. You are a nothing but one long monologue of tedium. You
>>>>> should read your own messages sometime. One thing is for sure, no
>>>>> one else is reading them. Have you not noticed how Vandeman just
>>>>> gives you a one-liner retort and then like an idiot you go on and
>>>>> on. I said it before and I will say it again, there is something
>>>>> wrong with the way your brain works.
>>>> Then why did you direct them there in the first place?
>>> "I have already explained that to you, but you are too dense to know
>>> an explanation when you see it." - Ed Dolan

>> Like I (and others) explained our reasons for posting in support of
>> real information and cooperation concerning trails and access. Vandy
>> refuses to even recognize that there could be other options. You are
>> too dense to grasp that I and others are not going to lift a finger
>> to fix your screw up.

> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
> [...]
> Screw the rest of this idiot's message. How the hell can Vandeman put
> up with such a worthless piece of **** as Curtiss. He never says
> anything different. The same old **** over and over again. He is good
> for nothing but name calling and so that is all I will do with him
> from now on.

Curtiss is spot on. He is correct. You can call him all the names you
like, it doesnt change the fact that he is still correct.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:361ng.15304$FR1.12658@dukeread05...
>> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 16:38:07 -0500, "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]>
>>> wrote:
>>> This post is headed straight to the Smithsonian. Genius in
>>> action....

>> Flushing **** down a toilet in the Smithsonian is just like flushing
>> **** anywhere else.

> I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
> Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more
> stupid than it would otherwise be.
> Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
> innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and
> **** and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine
> will ever elude them.

Did that make you feel better?? I know you are a little slow, but try to
keep up

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in

> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:361ng.15304$FR1.12658@dukeread05...
>>>> This post is headed straight to the Smithsonian. Genius in
>>>> action....
>>> Flushing **** down a toilet in the Smithsonian is just like flushing
>>> **** anywhere else.

>> I see that Curiss is finally learning how to do a bit of editing.
>> Unfortunately for him, this makes his remark stand out as even more
>> stupid than it would otherwise be.

> Apparently, it was just stupid enough for you to understand it.
>> Chris Foster is into sex (and ****) innuendo and Curtiss is into ****
>> innuendo. And so it goes with the mountain bikers - just all **** and
>> **** and sex. They are men of the groin. Great Sainthood like mine
>> will ever elude them.

> Great insanity will ever elude us. Apparently, insanity was, and still
> is, your best sexual partner.
> Go ahead - Rationalize away your shortcomings. We don't mind.

Truely, we dont. Go ahead. If it makes you feel better about yourself


Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:5RZng.25193$FR1.23162@dukeread05...
>> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> You need to clip the headers yourself if and when they show up and
>>> you want to respond. What is so difficult about this? I have already
>>> told you that everyone who is interested in your **** (not many,
>>> that is for sure) will see it on RBS and can respond from that
>>> newsgroup.
>>> You and Vandeman are always on just a single subject, a subject that
>>> has limited interest for most. Do not post on this subject to ARBR
>>> or RBM. There is no one on these groups that are interested in the
>>> subject. I repeat, what is there about this that you do not
>>> understand?

>> I don't need to do anything! YOU added them - YOU clip them.

> I do clip them when they show up on ARBR, but you have to clip them
> too. Or do you like to post to groups who think you are nothing but a
> pile of **** - and an asshole to boot!

Obscenities, oh my. Showing us you hypocritical side once again.

I know you are a little slow, but try to keep up.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in

> "Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> You are nothing but a one note Johnny!
>> [...]

> Clever. I expect nothing less from the "great" conan the librarian.
>> Screw the rest of this idiot's message. How the hell can Vandeman put
>> up with such a worthless piece of **** as Curtiss. He never says
>> anything different. The same old **** over and over again. He is good
>> for nothing but name calling and so that is all I will do with him
>> from now on.

> If that is the best you can come up with, have at it. I thought you
> said you were "great" and all that jazz...? But you really are just
> whining on Attention Avenue, aren't you?

Should send for the WAAA-bulance. (for those of you who cant keep up, that
you E.D.) that is an Ambulance for whiners

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Edward Dolan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>>> You need to clip the headers yourself if and when they show up and you
>>> want to respond. What is so difficult about this? I have already told
>>> you that everyone who is interested in your **** (not many, that is for
>>> sure) will see it on RBS and can respond from that newsgroup.
>>> You and Vandeman are always on just a single subject, a subject that has
>>> limited interest for most. Do not post on this subject to ARBR or RBM.
>>> There is no one on these groups that are interested in the subject. I
>>> repeat, what is there about this that you do not understand?

>> I don't need to do anything! YOU added them - YOU clip them.

> I do clip them when they show up on ARBR, but you have to clip them too.
> Or do you like to post to groups who think you are nothing but a pile of
> **** - and an asshole to boot!

If you think the majority population of ARBR are reading my posts on this
thread, then you are truly fooling yourself. They have "killfiled" your
name, for the most part and this thread is so deep you need a shovel. Your
only purpose is trying to contain the mess you started by trying to hold me
in some way accountable for it.
Calling me names is useless... Except to show how simple you really are.
"Chris Foster" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "S Curtiss" <[email protected]> wrote in
> news:a51ng.15289$FR1.9391@dukeread05:
>> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 14:34:34 -0400, "S Curtiss"
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, many thanks for commenting yet once again on my Greatness! I
>>>>> know I am remarkable in every way, but please, temper your remarks
>>>>> as I am easily
>>>>> embarrassed by too much praise. After all, modesty is next to
>>>>> Godliness.
>>>>Anyone have any toilet paper...? Someone dropped a load of **** over
>>> ... something you just can't RESIST commenting on, like a dog that
>>> has to sniff every round brown object he can find.... Baiting you is
>>> the easiest thing in the world.

>> I've had lots of practice recognizing **** by reading your posts.
>> I thought the easiest thing was watching you abandon a topic once you
>> get backed into a corner on your own statements.

> Oh so true. Once he gets his silly ass kicked, he abandons the thread as
> quickly as he pisses his pants when confrounted by one ****** off mountain
> biker.

It is always amazing how people on the thinnest ice struggle the most. :)