Rhyll inquest starts

Ben C <[email protected]> wrote:

> On 2007-06-06, Simon Brooke <[email protected]> wrote:
> [...]
> > The road wasn't dangerous. Roads never are dangerous. People in places like
> > Finland and Sweden drive safely on roads in far icier conditions
> > routinely.

> That's completely different. It's the _slightly_ icy conditions we get
> in Britain that are much more dangerous.

that as maybe,

> If there's proper snow or ice everywhere you put chains or winter tyres
> on and go about your business. Ice that's just around its melting point,
> especially if found in isolated patches, like we get in the UK, is not
> the same at all.

> I don't know if you've ever hit that stuff in a car yourself but it'll
> spin you off at remarkably low speeds.

yes you will thats why you don't drive fast, when it's close to
freezing, just becuase it's dry, where the next courner may not.
> > It is the responsibility of all road users to ride or drive safely
> > under the prevailing conditions. The cyclists did. The driver didn't.

> Obviously the cyclists aren't to blame. Any other conditions-- fog, ice
> everywhere or snow-- and I'd also blame the driver.
