riding bikes in Europe



I will be heading toward France from London sometime late
next week. Does anyone know of any group bike rides in
Europe this summer? I am flexible as far as where we ride. I
don't wear spandex or have a fancy bike. I don't want to be
in a huge hurry. Thanks! Please just send email as I haven't
much internet time to check lists.
On 1 Jul 2004 16:40:00 -0700, [email protected] (Lindsey) wrote
in message <[email protected]>:

>I will be heading toward France from London sometime late
>next week. Does anyone know of any group bike rides in
>Europe this summer?

La Semaine Federale du Cyclotourisme
<url:http://sf2004.free.fr/> in Haute Alsace

May contain traces of irony. Contents liable to settle after
posting. http://www.chapmancentral.co.uk

88% of helmet statistics are made up, 65% of them at
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