Super Bowl/ Sports Party Snack Food

Not Sure

New Member
May 25, 2010
We have the NFL Super Bowl in the U.S. tomorrow.

One of the traditional favorite Super Bowl Party snack -foods is chicken wings.

Some people think they're BBQ'd but most of the time, the restaurants deep fry 'em.

Regardless, I think it's sad, if not disgusting, that people have been bamboozled into thinking that chicken wings are worth cookng or eating, while there are so many other fine foods available. The only thing lower than a wing is the chicken fOOT!

So, it is with this in mind, that I ask:

Given the choice, would you rather eat a;

A: semi-cooked BBQ chicken wing,

B: baked potato with spices,

C: hot dog w/ various condiments?

D: pretzel w/ musard, etc.

or, like me, are you Not Sure.

It's a crime to use the word Super Bowl w/o a license, but, I'm not a suspect.
at this time.
All of the above plus more that few bottles of 21oz bottles of Mammoth brewing company's 395 ale. ~8% of brewing excellence.
We're having tortilla chips and fresh veggies with salsa, hot wings, and pizza.