The Bush to call cow tracks & Jeep trails: Highways ??

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On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 Michael Rothwell wrote
>- Matt wrote:
>- > "Matt" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>- > news:[email protected]...
>- >>"Doug Bashford" wrote in message
>- >>news:[email protected]...
>- >>> In <[email protected]>
>- >>> On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 17:40, "Matt"
>- >>>>- "Ian St. John" <[email protected]> wrote

>- >>>>- We have done a lot more than just whine "we need -some- place to
>- >
>- > ride".
>- >
>- >>>>- It's more like we say "how about here?" Answer: NO. "Well, then how
>- >>>>- about over here" Answer: NO. "Well, what about..." NO, NO, NO!!
>- >
>- > See
>- >
>- >>>>- how that works?
>- >>>
>- >>>What I noticed is that my comments about
>- >>>gaining power, including via mitigation were
>- >>>deleted without comment by you. I ask why you
>- >>>should have power and you reply you clean up your
>- >>>trails and vote. You may be missing something.
>- >>
>- >>
>- >>Perhaps so. I'm always open to suggestions,
>- >>what do you have in mind?

I'm a bit tardy in finding these posts. I've written more on the topic.

>- > I'd still be interested in those suggestions, Doug,
>- > but it occurred to me that perhaps I need to point
>- > out that those 'votes' that you're so dismissive about
>- > are what really counts. The way it's worked here in
>- > California is the enviros meet with Boxer and say
>- > "hey we really want to put a big fat padlock on all
>- > this public land, how bout we help you write this
>- > bill that you push thru and we'll make sure you get
>- > a shitload of votes out of it." Somewhat oversimplified,
>- > but that's how it works.

Nope. That's how it workED. Yer stuck in the 90s.

>- Not oversimplified at all. With Boxer - it's all about votes, and she
>- needs help writing a bill, because she is dumb as a boxer of rocks. The
>- Dems are all about votes - "what can we do to get the votes from this
>- group".

Close, but far away. No cigar.

>- They care about nothing but their own power.
>- Michael

You betcha. So use it.

>- > If there's something more powerful than that, I'd
>- > love to know what it is, cause you guys seem to
>- > be better at it than we are, at least here in California.

One thing I've already suggested, start thinking California, not just SoCal. Everybody knows that's
just a Bunch-O-Terrorists down there. Oh I forgot, I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground
regarding that. I keep hear hearing "No we aint! No we aint!"

I aint saying you are. Read again: Everybody knows that's just a Bunch-O-Terrorists down there.

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 scrape wrote
>- On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 11:27, (Doug Bashford)
>- wrote:


>- >>- The other 90% of the land. Are you really that clueless?
>- >
>- >Laughing. Ian, ya gatta remember, these guys really
>- >do assume you (as an evil enviro, as portrayed by
>- >Sahara Club et al) want to fence everybody out
>- >of the forest. That's what most enviros want,
>- >isn't it? Everybody knows they are whacked out
>- >subhumans who love bugs more than people.
>- That's only by observation as far as the "fencing out" goes. It's
>- been witnessed time after countless time. The "whacked out subhumans"
>- thing only applies to a measurable percentage.
>- >>- > God help us ! Do you have clew about where every modern convenience that
>- >>- > surrounds you comes from?
>- >>-
>- >>- Do you know what a clue is? Or how to spell it? You seem to be a product of
>- >>- the American so called education system.
>- >
>- >No, they are the product of Rick Sieman, Pat Chicas
>- >et al DIRT BIKE mag, Media and the
>- >copy cats. The Sahara Club branch of Wise Use
>- >is alive and well there. They just love riding
>- >dirtbikes and got sucked into it. Now its part
>- >of the culture to badmouth enviros. It's manly.
>- >They would gag before they would write:
>- >"I love nature", even tho I bet most of them do.
>- >That's not manly. "Super Hunkey" (umph!) Seman
>- >told them so. Ya gunna argue with a name like that?
>- The vast majority of the OHV population is very concerned about
>- maintaining and sustaining the environment. Anything less would be
>- shooting ourselves in the foot.

You mean maintaing your trails, right? One could hardly believe in maintaining and sustaining the
environment, yet favor the Pave-Everything, Dig it up, chop it down, pump it out, dam it up, graze
it over Wise Use Welfare Queens, could they?

>- The "enviro" community by design and
>- by platform must refuse to acknowledge that. It's the only way they
>- can attempt to approach anything less than a completely hypocritical
>- argument - even though it has no basis in fact.

What I'm seeing in both these threads is dirtbikers refusing to acknowledge EVEN ONCE that they have
a very high impact sport. And I see several denying it.

How ya gunna nogotiate with people like that?

Come to the negotiating table with pants on like a grown up, and people might take you more
seriously. Ever considered a little honesty? Ever considered hiring your own biologist for advice?
Ever considered playing any other role other than innocent, needy victim?

Let's philosophicate. Try differentiating between the positive and the normative. It's called
pants. --Doug
On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 10:05:08 GMT, [email protected] (Doug Bashford) wrote:

>>- The vast majority of the OHV population is very concerned about
>>- maintaining and sustaining the environment. Anything less would be
>>- shooting ourselves in the foot.
>You mean maintaing your trails, right? One could hardly believe in maintaining and sustaining the
>environment, yet favor the Pave-Everything, Dig it up, chop it down, pump it out, dam it up, graze
>it over Wise Use Welfare Queens, could they?

Cool. A+ for hyperbole. I don't know a single dirtbiker in favor of paving anything, digging
anything up, chopping anything down, pumping anything except Jill's hips, damning anything exceopt
the anti-access crowd or grazing on anything except the occasional salad bar when feeling guilty
about eating too much red meat. Aside from being completely wrong on everything again, at least you
stated your misconceptions and lies well.

>>- The "enviro" community by design and
>>- by platform must refuse to acknowledge that. It's the only way they
>>- can attempt to approach anything less than a completely hypocritical
>>- argument - even though it has no basis in fact.
>What I'm seeing in both these threads is dirtbikers refusing to acknowledge EVEN ONCE that they
>have a very high impact sport. And I see several denying it.

But the phrase "high impact" is misleading and intentionally confusing at best and outright
deception at worst. It's been pointed out to you time after time that the "impact" is unnoticeable
after a couple of years. You either deny or refuse to acknowledge that.

>How ya gunna nogotiate with people like that?

In your case, I'd assume that you'd keep up the smoke and mirrors tactics and ignonre any evidence
that contradicts your manifesto.

>Come to the negotiating table with pants on like a grown up, and people might take you more
>seriously. Ever considered a little honesty?

Generally go for full-blown honesty. I realize the concept is lost on a lot of the crowd you
associate with, but that's how it goes, I guess.

Ever considered
>hiring your own biologist for advice?

The groups that I support do that. I have no need for a personal biologist.

Ever considered
>playing any other role other than innocent, needy victim?


>Let's philosophicate. Try differentiating between the positive and the normative. It's
>called pants.

Sonny, yoiu're a philostopher wannabe.

Ooops. Traveler is "sonny".

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