The Constitution Dies Tomorrow


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
The Constitution Dies Tomorrow

Blue America and Color Of Change have this ad running in the front page section of the Washington Post today

We can't say they didn't warn us.... But hey the constitution is just a piece of paper right?
It's par for the course. Most Americans, whether they want to admit or not, are closet Authoritarians who want to live in a nanny state. Everyone's a victim, and every problem is someone else's fault. Nobody wants to pay taxes, but they all want to be wrapped in a govt blanket of luxury and security so they don't have to be accountable for anything, even their own actions/inactions. TJ and the rest of our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

Is anything going to get better after the November elections? Absolutely not. It's only going to get worse as our country is sold off piece by piece to robber barons and globalist who could care less about America beyond taking whatever they can get. Unfortunately, our politicians who enable them come at too small a price.

Yeah, Ron Paul 2012
ClemmonsHoo said:
It's par for the course. Most Americans, whether they want to admit or not, are closet Authoritarians who want to live in a nanny state. Everyone's a victim, and every problem is someone else's fault. Nobody wants to pay taxes, but they all want to be wrapped in a govt blanket of luxury and security so they don't have to be accountable for anything, even their own actions/inactions. TJ and the rest of our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves.

Is anything going to get better after the November elections? Absolutely not. It's only going to get worse as our country is sold off piece by piece to robber barons and globalist who could care less about America beyond taking whatever they can get. Unfortunately, our politicians who enable them come at too small a price.

Yeah, Ron Paul 2012

Uh huh. Where did all the mind readers come from that have such intimate knowledge of what "TJ" and the other forefathers wanted, eh? Even those Ron Paul freaks want the gov't to do something for 'em. If they don't think so, then they're lyin' to themselves.

The idea that the Constitution should not be a living, breathing, evolving thing is shortsighted and childish, at best. As the world evolves and changes, so must governments and laws.

Ron Paul? He couldn't convince the majority of anyone. Tough titty.
Evolving, living, and breathing does not mean to ignore it. It means additions/changes should be provided thru a democratic amendment process, not executive order or secret meetings with private interests. It does not mean striking out Habeas Corpus. In fact, every clause in the Bill of Rights is based on Habeas Corpus. We were founded to be a Republic under balanced branches of limited power, not a Monarchy or a dictatorship. Thank you for proving my point though. How ironic.
ClemmonsHoo said:
Evolving, living, and breathing does not mean to ignore it. It means additions/changes should be provided thru a democratic amendment process, not executive order or secret meetings with private interests. It does not mean striking out Habeas Corpus. In fact, every clause in the Bill of Rights is based on Habeas Corpus. We were founded to be a Republic under balanced branches of limited power, not a Monarchy or a dictatorship. Thank you for proving my point though. How ironic.

Wow. You assumed quite a bit there, Mr. Constitutional. I said none of things you imply and would agree with your points here. Your last sentence, though, is pure idiocy. Perhaps you ought to wipe the foam you've worked up from your mouth and take some time to actually think before your respond and to read a bit more carefully.

I'd like you to point out, exactly, where I said anything that proves your point. Be careful, as trying to do so will likely demonstrate your poor reading comprehension.
alienator said:
Even those Ron Paul freaks want the gov't to do something for 'em. If they don't think so, then they're lyin' to themselves.
Well now you're just talking out of your ignorant is expected from the Alienator.
saintsfan342000 said:
Well now you're just talking out of your ignorant is expected from the Alienator.

No, no, no: I was talking to the ass, you. You have zero clue as to what is or isn't expected from me. You're just pulling assumptions out of your ass.

Are you saying that you need the government to do zero for you? Eh? Can you actually make an intelligent response?
Ron Paul guys crack me up. Go back to the gold standard? Why stop there, why don't we go back to wampum? I am looking forward to the day I can buy a Super Record gruppo with a handful of beads and seashells.
Bro Deal said:
Ron Paul guys crack me up. Go back to the gold standard? Why stop there, why don't we go back to wampum? I am looking forward to the day I can buy a Super Record gruppo with a handful of beads and seashells.
If you have authentic wampum, you'll be able to buy several Super Record Gruppos installed on custom built titanium frames.