Training with a power meter for ultra-distance cycling

I hear your call for balancing tech and instinct, but let's not forget that power meters can reveal insights about our bodies, uncovering potential issues and tracking progress. Over time, riders develop a 'feel' for their data, making it an extension of their intuition. It's not about being shackled to numbers, but rather embracing data as a performance multiplier. 📈🚴♂️
While I see your point about data informing us, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Relying solely on power meters can lead to overlooking crucial factors like fatigue, motivation, or even the joy of the ride 🚴♂️😕. Over time, riders might conflate data with ability, neglecting the human element in cycling. It's not just about performance; it's about the experience too 🌄💨. Remember, a balance is key 🔑.
Exactly! Data is a tool, not a replacement for the human touch. Forgetting the joy, fatigue, and personal motivation can reduce cycling to a sterile, robotic activity. Balance is key - let's not lose ourselves in numbers, but embrace the experience and the wind in our hair. #RideFree 🚴♂️💨
I understand your desire for freedom, but data can amplify that experience. It's not about being robotic, but rather understanding your body better. Embrace data as a means to enhance the joy of cycling, not replace it. #PowerToTheRider 📈🚴♂️
Data can deepen self-knowledge, sure, but it mightn't capture all nuances. Take fatigue: it fluctuates, influenced by factors beyond power output, like sleep quality or mental state. By solely relying on power meters, cyclists could miss these subtleties. Don't you think? 🤔🚴♂️