Urban Commuter


Steve Hodgson

I have been looking around for an upgrade to my current commuter bike which
is basically a MTB frame with slick wheels and a pannier rack (one of the
Edinburgh courier style range - a Tangent from a few years ago). This carries
me the fairly short distance to and from work and occasionally one of the
rugrats out for a leisure ride.

I am basically looking for something similar, but to a higher spec and more
fun to ride. The two that have interested me most are the Marin Point Reyes
and the Kona Dr Dew. I did also wonder about a modified Orange Gringo as

Dies anyone have any experience of looking for a bike for this kind of role?
Anything else I should think of?

Thanks for any pointers.


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Steve Hodgson said:
I have been looking around for an upgrade to my current commuter bike which
is basically a MTB frame with slick wheels and a pannier rack

Have you looked the Cannondale Fifty Fifty which is fitted with Nexus hub gears (these bicycles are on offer at Evans, as well as several other places at the moment) After several posts here praising the Nexus unit, I have recently brought one for my daily commute. It has big fat tyres that roll reasonably well, mudguards and it seems to have quite a good specification. It feels comfortable to ride, though I have fitted my old Brooks saddle to it. A test of the 50/50 is available on the Cycling Plus website.
