Victoria's McDonalds Hamburgers Questions / Policy

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Brock Bailey

Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
tell he how they feel about the policy...

(2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let him
but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its not
got automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity and he
has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...


Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada

[email protected]
"Brock Bailey" <[email protected]> wrote: "B> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive
through after hours ..can "B> be served with my moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under
BC "B> Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone tell he how they feel about th "B> policy... "B>
"B> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through "B> but they will not
let him but he can't open the front doors to the local m "B> donals ( pandora Street location) as
its not got automated doors and he "B> feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity
and he has MS "B> and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...

McDonalds' only issue in denying access to bikes, pedestrians, et al in the drive-through line is
likely one of fear of liability if said non-automobile gets squashed while in the drive-thru lane!

I've WALKED through drive-thrus before, including at Victoria & Kingsway, and if you get the right
person, they won't shiv a git & will just ring your order (especially if no managers around! (works
best at a 24-hour drive-thru, late-night!)

Your friend,

<+]::-{(} ("Cyberpope," the Bishop of ROM!) Ask me how to connect with me in any of 5 Instant

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. from gapope(at)vcn(dot)bc(dot)ca << Official Reply Address for Usenet Post .
Any drive thru can reserve the right not to serve you if you are not in a car because it's a safety
issue.If you get hit by a car in their drive thru then they are resposible for it.Some places let it
go while others while others don't.It's up to the management.

Brock Bailey <[email protected]> wrote in message news:pGQIb.890439$6C4.708810@pd7tw1no...
> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can
> be served with my moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical
> Act.So can someone tell he how they feel about
> policy...
> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let
> him but he can't open the front doors to the local
> donals ( pandora Street location) as its not got automated doors and he feels that hes getting
> discriminated because of his disabity and he has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use
> his eletric scooter ...
> Thanks
> Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada
> [email protected]
They sevred me !!! lol

But I have a Angel baby face smile :p

Brock Bailey wrote:
> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
> moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
> tell he how they feel about the policy...
> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let
> him but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its
> not got automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity
> and he has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...
> Thanks
> Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada
> [email protected]
You say the Pandora one..I will make a call.

But what he should do is go to the window drive threw and ask them to open the doors do it enough
times they will think of watching they're doors better.

Brock Bailey wrote:

> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
> moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
> tell he how they feel about the policy...
> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let
> him but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its
> not got automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity
> and he has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...
> Thanks
> Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada
> [email protected]
On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 08:15:43 GMT, "Brock Bailey" <[email protected]>

>I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my moutain bike as
>its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.

Motor vehicle, hm? Does the goverment say what type of motor a mountain bike uses?
Very weird.

Cheers, Ken (NY) Chairman, Department Of Redundancy Department

"Ah yes, we must mollify angry fanatics who seek our destruction because otherwise .. they might get
mad and seek our destruction."
- Ann Coulter 9/26/2002

Q: What the hardest thing about rollerblading?
R: Telling your parents you’re gay.

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In article <PGQIb.890439$6C4.708810@pd7tw1no>,
"Brock Bailey" <[email protected]> writes:
> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
> moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
> tell he how they feel about the policy...

Actually, under the BC Motor Vehicle Act (RSBC 1996), a bicycle is not a vehicle, but cyclists have
basically the same rights & duties as drivers of vehicles (with some bike-specific exceptions). I
believe the Cycling BC web site as well as ICBC's Bike Sense pamphlet quotes the relevant section of
the MVA. Anyhow, there's nothing in the MVA to compel businesses to either permit or prohibit bikes
in drive-thru facilities.

> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not
> let him

Is that because he's riding his electric scooter instead of driving a car?

> but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its not got
> automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity and he has MS
> and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...

I believe there may be some links to handicapped/mobility- challenged advocacy groups listed on the
Vancouver CommunityNet home page -- Maybe it would help to get in touch with one or
several of those advocacy groups, and explain the problem. Chances are they'll have enough clout to
persuade MacDonald's to make their "restaurants" more accessible, province-wide. I'm surprised
MacD's hasn't done so already (and crowed in their ads about how thoughtful & considerate they are).
If they don't have wheelchair-accessible restrooms, that might be another item to mention.

cheers, Tom

-- Powered by FreeBSD Above address is just a spam midden. I'm really at: tkeats [curlicue] vcn
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On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 08:15:43 GMT, "Brock Bailey" <[email protected]> from Shaw
Residential Internet wrote:

>Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
>moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
>tell he how they feel about the policy...
>(2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let him
> but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its not
> got automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity and he
> has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...
>Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada

Why do you want to go to McDonalds in the first place? Gag a maggot, that **** is horible!

[email protected]
Don't be frightened of cliches.
I think that's total discrimination towards your friend.............i don't agree with that at
all......the mountain bike thing? Hmmm...I dunno....loll

"Brock Bailey" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<PGQIb.890439$6C4.708810@pd7tw1no>...
> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after hours ..can I be served with my
> moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical under BC Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone
> tell he how they feel about the policy...
> (2) I also have a friend who is handicapped and can use the drive through but they will not let
> him but he can't open the front doors to the local mc donals ( pandora Street location) as its
> not got automated doors and he feels that hes getting discriminated because of his disabity
> and he has MS and gets tired farly fast so he needs to use his eletric scooter ...
> Thanks
> Brock R Bailey Victoria BC Canada
> [email protected]
"Brock Bailey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Question : I was woundering if the 24 hour drive through after
hours ..can I
> be served with my moutain bike as its classed as motor vehical
under BC
> Government Motor Vehical Act.So can someone tell he how they
feel about the
> policy...

They're trying to help you. Did you ever try to eat a Big Mac, fries and a milkshake while riding?
In rush hour traffic on fast bumpy downhills? Some driver cuts you off just as you're cresting a big
one and you squeeze the burger too hard and the patties go zinging out. The milkshake goes upside
down and pours all over your drive train and shoes. And as if those skinny anemic fries don't go
stone cold fast enough in a dead calm, by the time you get to the bottom of the hill you'd think the
fries were right out of the fridge.

A minor inconvenience is that the drive thrus I've ridden through don't activate for my bikes even
though stop lights do. Even jumping up and down and laying the bike down doesn't get the attention
of the servers but it sure does captivate the folks in the car behind me. But I've always been
served when I ride up to the windows. When I ride off with my order I think they're saying "dig into
that tucker" even though sometimes it sounds like "so long sucker."

Doug For email, a sense of wonder.
>But what he should do is go to the window drive threw and ask them to open the doors do it enough
>times they will think of watching they're doors better.

Wendy's has a 99 cent (US) special on a salad and a baked potato.


_______________________ALL AMIGA IN MY MIND_______________________ ------------------"Buddy Holly,
the Texas Elvis"------------------
__________306.350.357.38>>[email protected]__________
On Thu, 1 Jan 2004 03:00:01 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] wrote:

>I've WALKED through drive-thrus before, including at Victoria & Kingsway, and if you get the right
>person, they won't shiv a git & will just ring your order (especially if no managers around! (works
>best at a 24-hour drive-thru, late-night!)

Be sure to tell them the order is "to go".
On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 05:01:31 -0500, "Eric S. Sande" <[email protected]> from
Realtime Limited wrote:

>>But what he should do is go to the window drive threw and ask them to open the doors do it enough
>>times they will think of watching they're doors better.
>Wendy's has a 99 cent (US) special on a salad and a baked potato.

Don't forget to pack some heat.

[email protected]
Take away the elements in order of apparent non-importance.
>>Wendy's has a 99 cent (US) special on a salad and a baked potato.

>Don't forget to pack some heat.

Our conversation was only on hold, Kevan. Now that you have chosen to bring up the subject, are you
going to do the Wendy's ride or not?


_______________________ALL AMIGA IN MY MIND_______________________ ------------------"Buddy Holly,
the Texas Elvis"------------------
__________306.350.357.38>>[email protected]__________
Kevan Smith wrote...

> >Wendy's has a 99 cent (US) special on a salad and a baked potato.
> Don't forget to pack some heat.

LOL - 2 Funny!!

[email protected] (Eric)

My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as
far away from a church as you can. - Frank Zappa
On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 18:37:05 -0500, "Eric S. Sande" <[email protected]> from
Realtime Limited wrote:

>>>Wendy's has a 99 cent (US) special on a salad and a baked potato.
>>Don't forget to pack some heat.
>Our conversation was only on hold, Kevan. Now that you have chosen to bring up the subject, are you
>going to do the Wendy's ride or not?

Umm, I forgot. Refresh my memory ?

I have been through the drive through recently -- I use it as a shortcut to the coffee shop.

[email protected]
Simple subtraction.
>Umm, I forgot. Refresh my memory ?

Quite a while ago, IIRC, we had a discussion going on about a certain Wendy's drive-through and
whether or not you would be willing to access it as a vehicle and actually order product.

As a result of another discussion whose nature I forget.

At any rate, if I recall correctly, and you have to note that I am getting old and forgetful, it
actually might not even have been you but I think it was, you did agree to do it and report back.


_______________________ALL AMIGA IN MY MIND_______________________ ------------------"Buddy Holly,
the Texas Elvis"------------------
__________306.350.357.38>>[email protected]__________
On Thu, 01 Jan 2004 19:44:01 -0500, "Eric S. Sande" <[email protected]> from
Realtime Limited wrote:

>>Umm, I forgot. Refresh my memory ?
>Quite a while ago, IIRC, we had a discussion going on about a certain Wendy's drive-through and
>whether or not you would be willing to access it as a vehicle and actually order product.
>As a result of another discussion whose nature I forget.
>At any rate, if I recall correctly, and you have to note that I am getting old and forgetful, it
>actually might not even have been you but I think it was, you did agree to do it and report back.

Oh, I did that and reported back.

They told me to take a hike.

I wrote the company complaining.

They sent me a coupon for a free burger.

I haven't gone back to a drive through since. I do go in to buy their Frosties, though. Nice milk
shake, that.

[email protected]
Mute and continue.
"Doug Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> They're trying to help you. Did you ever try to eat a Big Mac, fries and a milkshake while riding?
> In rush hour traffic on fast bumpy downhills? Some driver cuts you off just as you're cresting a
> big one and you squeeze the burger too hard and the patties go zinging out. The milkshake goes
> upside down and pours all over your drive train and shoes.

Ha - gotcha! McD's shakes do NOT pour.
"Zippy the Pinhead" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2004 03:00:01 +0000 (UTC), [email protected] wrote:
> >
> >I've WALKED through drive-thrus before, including at Victoria & Kingsway,
> >if you get the right person, they won't shiv a git & will just ring your
> >(especially if no managers around! (works best at a 24-hour drive-thru, late-night!)
> Be sure to tell them the order is "to go".

Ha-ha! I actually have done that on several occasions.

Robin Hubert
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