Vitamins and antioxidants - Timing of intake


New Member
Nov 10, 2004
The last year I have been taking some vitamins everyday, and after training. I notice a big difference. I get less stiff and feel more energized. I feel my restitution is faster than before.

I consume the following:
Every morning: fish oil, multivitamins, 200mg C-vitamin.
Every evening: fish oil, multivitamins
After workout: 1000mg (1gram) C-vitamin and 600mg E-vitamin.

In addition I eat fruit and vegetables.

1. On the days that I don't work out, is it better to eat my c-vitamins (200mg) in the morning or in the evening? If I take in in the evening, will the antioxidants from the c-vitamins "repair" damage done during the day? Or is it better to eat them in the morning so that my body have them available during the day when damage actually occurs?

2. As I mentioned, I consume extra c-vitamins and e-vitamins immediately after a workout. Is this the optimal timing, or is it better to consume them before the training starts?

I also appreciate more general comments regarding the use of vitamins as a way of accelerating my restitution.
Aaberg said:
The last year I have been taking some vitamins everyday, and after training. I notice a big difference. I get less stiff and feel more energized. I feel my restitution is faster than before.

I consume the following:
Every morning: fish oil, multivitamins, 200mg C-vitamin.
Every evening: fish oil, multivitamins
After workout: 1000mg (1gram) C-vitamin and 600mg E-vitamin.

In addition I eat fruit and vegetables.

1. On the days that I don't work out, is it better to eat my c-vitamins (200mg) in the morning or in the evening? If I take in in the evening, will the antioxidants from the c-vitamins "repair" damage done during the day? Or is it better to eat them in the morning so that my body have them available during the day when damage actually occurs?

2. As I mentioned, I consume extra c-vitamins and e-vitamins immediately after a workout. Is this the optimal timing, or is it better to consume them before the training starts?

I also appreciate more general comments regarding the use of vitamins as a way of accelerating my restitution.

Why not just eat the proper food for your vitamins?
Would be nice to always eat right:)

Heard some where that the body is more efficient within 30 minutes after working out.

But I get cramps if I drink to much before running or cycling.

Not taking Creatine now but when I do lift weights and have Creatin supplements in stock I pre and post creatine.
zaskar said:
Why not just eat the proper food for your vitamins?
The answer to that question is right there in the first section. Read it again, my friend :)
Aaberg said:
The last year I have been taking some vitamins everyday, and after training. I notice a big difference. I get less stiff and feel more energized. I feel my restitution is faster than before.

It's probly due to training, your body adapts and you recover quicker now. i can remember when i would lay on couch in awwwh after a 40 mile ride, now it takes over 100 miles in a RR to leave me feeling like i had a good hard workout. i think vitamins is just waste of $$$$ flushed down the toilet.but if it works for you cool. :)
My background is in biochemistry. You are taking more than you need and not only is it a waste of money, but could be harmful. I suggest you read credible journals and abstracts, not something you'd get from GNC. Eat, eat balanced, eat often and nothing in excess is good unless she's a blonde, brunette or red head. Bon Appetite.
With doses greater than 400 Units of Vit E a day and long-term use

Blurred vision; diarrhea; dizziness; headache; nausea or stomach cramps; unusual tiredness or weakness.

With respect to Vit. C , although less common or rare

with high dosesDiarrhea; dizziness or faintness (with the injection only); flushing or redness of skin; headache; increase in urination (mild); nausea or vomiting; stomach cramps.

Here are a few recent articles:

Originally Posted by Bikerbill98 .

My background is in biochemistry. You are taking more than you need and not only is it a waste of money, but could be harmful. I suggest you read credible journals and abstracts, not something you'd get from GNC. Eat, eat balanced, eat often and nothing in excess is good unless she's a blonde, brunette or red head. Bon Appetite.



Mine is grey but she comes home blonde,brunette and sometimes even red.
I definitely would avoid a double dose of multi vitamins in one day. Things like Vit A are often maxed out in those and are toxic in high doses. The label of the bottle should tell you a recommended daily dose. Don't go above that to be on the safe side.

I take my Multi in the morning as that is when I remember to. My wife takes her's before bed as they upset her stomach a bit.
I don't take any vits! If you eat right you shouldn't have to. The only time I ever take a vit is when I get a cold I take EmergenC immune therapy packets, not the bottle stuff that's expensive. But I only get a cold maybe once every 4 years or so. One cup of coffee a day has more antioxidants then a bunch of vits have; and since I started drinking one cup a day about 20 years ago my colds went from 1 or 2 a year to one every 4 years or so, and I've only gotten a flu twice in those 20 years instead of 1 every year or two.

Almost all the vits one takes supplementally ends up in the toilet anyway, so your flushing it down the drain! In addition if your not careful and over do it you can get toxic levels of certain vits that can make you ill. And taking herbs is also dangerous, herbs have been known to kill people, put them into hospitals with sever allergic reactions, build up toxins in your body.

I use to live in California and knew lots of health nuts that took all kinds of vits and herbs, ate no meats blah blah blah, and unfortunately all those friends died of cancer...really, I had about a dozen health food/vit/vegan nut friends who did this stuff and their all dead.

Do what you want, but I seriously believe you'll be wasting money, instead just eat balance meals with plenty of fruit and veggies, and eat mostly non-red meat even though I do but I do so occasionally.
Ha ha- this thread is 6 years old!!
In general, you won't get all of your vitamins and minerals from diet when training and racing hard. But taking vitamins without knowing what your levels are is just shooting in the dark with regards to over-dosing and being deficient.
Just get a thorough blood test done and find out where your levels are at.
It's really worthwhile to read up on vitamins, hormones and nutrition- this knowledge will make you a faster, stronger and healthier cyclist, and it's also knowledge you can use for the rest of your life.
Originally Posted by RoyalDutchShell .

Ha ha- this thread is 6 years old!!
In general, you won't get all of your vitamins and minerals from diet when training and racing hard. But taking vitamins without knowing what your levels are is just shooting in the dark with regards to over-dosing and being deficient.
Just get a thorough blood test done and find out where your levels are at.
It's really worthwhile to read up on vitamins, hormones and nutrition- this knowledge will make you a faster, stronger and healthier cyclist, and it's also knowledge you can use for the rest of your life.

And your buying into all the vitamin herb industry BS. I use to race too big guy and for 5 years at Cat 3 before retiring from it, had blood tests done and never had a deficiency and never had to take vits or herbs. All I ever had to keep up on was my electrolytes, which I still do today.

I can see it now, Roman soldiers marching for 15 hours straight for 30 days or so to meet the enemy then fight very long battles welding heavy weapons gobbling down vitamins.