What are the best anti-theft tricks around?

I still swear by my 2 lock method.

A Bulldog Mini and a strong coiled cable combination lock.

Lock the frame (and rear wheel if possible) to the rack (or signpost or lamppost) and cable the front wheel and frame.
Two different lock materials and two different approaches to break. Doubles the number of tools needed to steal the rig and doubles the time, plus secures both wheels.
And... places where there's no bike rack i wrap the cable around a tree and hobble the rear wheel. Where a parking meter is the only lockup and the cable could just slip over the top, the mini-u can't slide past the meter.
After a year of overnight parking a roadie bike in downtown Denver... kept my bike and my wheels. A number of times found wheels unclamped, had someone crack the combination only to be fouled by the hidden mini lock, and though no-one bic penned my old kryptonite mini, i worry less now about buying a lock that some smart thief knows how to open in 30 seconds with a 50 cent tool.
I heard of an interesting method to keep people from taking your shifters, derailleurs, and any other valuable components:

Buy a couple of ball bearings that are just small enough to fit into the hex holes in the screws that keep your components attached to your bike. Grease them up and shove them in.

The only thing that will get them out (if you can find the right size bearings) is a big heavy-duty magnet that most thieves won't be carrying.
I still stick with taking my front wheel with me, it is one sure fire way of not letting your bike be stolen, lest the thief uses a car, and i also chain the back tyre to a lampost, etc, then the frame, then the wheel to the frame, so the thief has to break 3 locks then pull some amazing wheelie out of his a@@ to nick the bike.
Lordjam said:
Or, disengage the brakes so that when the thief rides off at high speed into traffic... It won't stop stolen bikes, but it will reduce the number of bike thieves
Wow, That's a great idea. Thieves, at least the good ones, count on a quick get away. Dis-abling the brake is great because the thief doesn't want to spend time assembling a brake, picking a lock etc. I'll remember that one.;)
When we take our mountain bikes out, we never bring a lock. I just bring my two teenage sons who are both about 6 foot with an average weight of 200 lbs. Funny, no one ever tried to take our bikes while their around.

Next year Son #1 goes to college. I plan on providing him with an old Trek 800. It has no suspension, has the original, gum-wall tires, and I plan on removing all the quick release cams and replace them with new axles and or bolts and nuts. Additionally, the seat is a cheap, comfort seat with a 'Pacific' logo on it. Finally, he will use a Kryptonite cable lock. I thought about replacing the Trek logo with Huffy, but he said he wouldn't ride it that way. Any other suggestions?
tell you what is the best way..after 4 of my bikes got stolen...dun buy any lock..that will stop you from even thinking to park your bike. it works for me. use ur best bike for recreation, not as a means of transport. if ya dun park your bike, how can it be lost?! :)
You must have 2 bikes, one to ride one to leave. I like the anti-war sticker idea too... LOL..
King Fisher said:
Anyone ever had thier best ever bike stolen? :mad: About a year ago I had one of the best bikes I've ever had stolen from me out of my own back yard. It was a bike that I built myself from used parts that started out as a just for fun project and ended up being the fastest bike I've ever had.:eek:

My question is how does someone keep posession of thier bike without huge chains, heavy "U" locks that can be picked with a ball point pen, a bike locker, or a private security guard?

King Fisher
I have a few bikes.......keep two of them inside secured by the frame and both wheels to a solid steel frame which is secured on bricks by two heavy duty locks that have codes. The other one i keep locked to a boat frame inside a locked garage. So im not too worried bout thiefs. But if you're outside no lock or mate is going to keep your bike safe if its a really good one
How 'bout this, seems to work for me - take a small cable lock with you aswell. When 'parking' take off front wheel and seat, lock bike as usual (through frame and rear wheel) then lock front wheel and seat to a different lamp post round the corner with 2nd lock! I'm aware some loser bike thieves will also still steal bits of a bike, but less likely if they think someone has got there first or they can't ride your bike away! Takes bit more time, but what would you prefer - no bike or leaving house 2 minutes earlier?
P.S. never ever leave lights/ comp./ HRM/ pumps/ bags attached to bike - thieves are small minded wan*ers.
Viva los Bikos.
heheehe.....i got a 120 pound anti bike thief that strolls the yard and comes with me for his trot !....i lock the bike up.....or leave it unlocked........what's the matter ?......you don't like Dogs ???........hehehehehe.......go ahead !, make HIS day ! , i Forgot to feed him this morning ! :cool:
gimpy989 said:
I heard of an interesting method to keep people from taking your shifters, derailleurs, and any other valuable components:

Buy a couple of ball bearings that are just small enough to fit into the hex holes in the screws that keep your components attached to your bike. Grease them up and shove them in.

The only thing that will get them out (if you can find the right size bearings) is a big heavy-duty magnet that most thieves won't be carrying.
Hey Gimpy,

Have you tried this method. I'm curious. I've found the PC-11 2-part epoxy fills bolt hole well, but is relatively easy to dig out. What about combining the two. Jam a ball-bearing in and epoxy? I want something that can be taken out at home if necessary I don't mind having to fit with it a bit. I have locking skewers for the wheels and seat, but all the other goodies are still available.
I put a combination lock through the front crank, cable thorugh the back wheel/frame/crank and then through the front wheel and around an iron post....then only leave it for 10 minutes max and try and keep it in view.

Otherwise it's under my butt or locked up in the bicycle room in my home...

Good bikes inside shopping bikes outside...bikes I don't want anymore are not locked up at all....

This theft prevention method always works for me.
if its jus for going into town i ride a crappy old bike with rusty parts & gears that don't work properly

cant see why anyone would ever want to rob it lol

then i lock it next to a really shiny, new looking bike. I think i have an evil streak :D
SomeGuy said:
Politcal stickers. Whack a couple of 'no war' stickers or whatever on your bike and no-one will touch it. Truely.
that wouldn't be your bike i see constantly chained to the parking sign in little collins st out front of the menzies tavern, would it?

oh, and i use kryptonite brand bike locks - you need a plasma cutter to get through them!!
Archibald said:
that wouldn't be your bike i see constantly chained to the parking sign in little collins st out front of the menzies tavern, would it?

oh, and i use kryptonite brand bike locks - you need a plasma cutter to get through them!!
Make sure you have the newer type Kryptonite lock! The older bike locks with a round key head are worthless, can be EASILY and QUICKLY picked, opened with the butt end of a BIC pen. Kryptonite had a free exchange program for the round keyed locks. Many thieves know this all to simple trick. Trade in your old lock!
oh, and i use kryptonite brand bike locks - you need a plasma cutter to get through them!!

Not really. A Dremil with a cutoff disk zips right through ...but they are still pretty good!
peter nap said:
oh, and i use kryptonite brand bike locks - you need a plasma cutter to get through them!!

Not really. A Dremil with a cutoff disk zips right through ...but they are still pretty good!
guess I heard wrong then...