Which saddle solves prostate problem?


New Member
Mar 13, 2007
I have a slowly increasing PSA reading, which did go down slightly during 5 weeks off the bike. A biopsy was negative to cancer. My Doctor suspects the cause is irritation of the prostrate by cycling. I am 59 yrs old and race in Masters6. I ride 250 to 500km weekly, varying depending on time of year.
I am using a Selle Italia genuine gel C2 saddle.
I would appreciate any advice on cycling and prostate problems, and advice on saddles.
This site might be more what you are looking for. www.cedesius.com. I have helped quite a few people with your problems and a lot worse. You may email me for some more up to date photos of saddles if you wish.

master6 said:
I have a slowly increasing PSA reading, which did go down slightly during 5 weeks off the bike. A biopsy was negative to cancer. My Doctor suspects the cause is irritation of the prostrate by cycling. I am 59 yrs old and race in Masters6. I ride 250 to 500km weekly, varying depending on time of year.
I am using a Selle Italia genuine gel C2 saddle.
I would appreciate any advice on cycling and prostate problems, and advice on saddles.
master6 said:
I have a slowly increasing PSA reading, which did go down slightly during 5 weeks off the bike. A biopsy was negative to cancer. My Doctor suspects the cause is irritation of the prostrate by cycling. I am 59 yrs old and race in Masters6. I ride 250 to 500km weekly, varying depending on time of year.
I am using a Selle Italia genuine gel C2 saddle.
I would appreciate any advice on cycling and prostate problems, and advice on saddles.

5 weeks off the bike is a long time. Do you go numb at all on long rides? Any discomfort on the saddle? If not I doubt that's your problem just my opinion. You said your doctor suspects, and you were off for 5 weeks with a slight decrease. If it was the saddle, I would think there would be more then a "slightly" decrease in 5 weeks, Just my 2 cents.
A slight decrease in PSA??? That could be due to a lot of things, such as the sample and testing procedure. All tests have accuracy perimeters and variance in the testing methods. Sounds to me like this may be one of those situations.
I have no prostate issue, but I did have a saddle difficulty.
My bike saddle I modified using a hacksaw and athletic tape.
It now rides great and feels perfectly normal.
(saddle: standard issue men's Fuji Crosstown)
