widest saddles w/ slot for the wife


New Member
Mar 26, 2007
Saw two at Nashbar, still not as wide as her old seat. Looking for a seat with slot for relief on long rides. Anyone know of any others? Thanks.
finlander said:
Saw two at Nashbar, still not as wide as her old seat. Looking for a seat with slot for relief on long rides. Anyone know of any others? Thanks.

How wide is her old saddle? Specialized's wsd saddles come in 155 widths and have a nice cut out - I have a Jett and I quite like it, but that model I think has gone away.
It is off an older bike and it is nearly 12 inches wide. They make these 'covers' that pull over an existing saddle but it doesnt look like they would stay put. Thanks for the reply.
12 inches is very wide. I haven't found a seat that wide in the bike shops that I have visited. If you really want a seat that wide, maybe you should look for it on the internet instead of LBS?
I'd suggest going into a bike shop that has a "butt-o-meter" or simliar measuring device - its not as embarassing as it sounds - you sit on it and the indentations that your sit bones leave indicate the saddle width you need. A big wide soft comfort saddle might look appealing, but for anything more than a short jaunt around town its likely to not be so nice. Better to get measured and get a saddle that fits well.

Gel covers are useless... they usually cause more irritation than they solve.