Doctor.House was right

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New Member
Jul 31, 2004
He called it. He was right. Hes been throwing this cow blood thing around for a while now. Does everyone agree?
thebluetrain said:
He called it. He was right. Hes been throwing this cow blood thing around for a while now. Does everyone agree?
He's right about what? That Armstrong was caught with Actovegin? That's been known for years. Anyone who follows the sport knows about it.

The reason he has been flogging it is that someone was not aware that artificial hemoglobin products, which Actovegin is not and Hemopure is, and when someone else posted links to the old news stories about U.S. Postal using Actovegin, Dr.House felt he had won some sort of victory. End result is that every other of his posts now contain some reference to cow blood.

Hemopure is not made like Actovegin is. It's made from hemoglobin extracted from cow's red blood cells. Actovegin has dubious performance benefits.
Bro Deal said:
He's right about what? That Armstrong was caught with Actovegin? That's been known for years. Anyone who follows the sport knows about it.

The reason he has been flogging it is that someone was not aware that artificial hemoglobin products, which Actovegin is not and Hemopure is, and when someone else posted links to the old news stories about U.S. Postal using Actovegin, Dr.House felt he had won some sort of victory. End result is that every other of his posts now contain some reference to cow blood.

Hemopure is not made like Actovegin is. It's made from hemoglobin extracted from cow's red blood cells. Actovegin has dubious performance benefits.
That apology is NOT acceptable.

Try again Bro.

How is that crow Bro?
Doctor.House said:
That apology is NOT acceptable.

Try again Bro.

How is that crow Bro?
When you can quote a post of mine where I denied that U.S. postal was caught disposing of Actovegin or that artifical oxygen carriers like Hemopure and PFCs were being used then I'll apologize. Since I never denied that, you'll have a pretty hard time. In fact I have referenced Postal's Actovegin use in previous post before you showed up in your latest incarnation.
Bro Deal said:
When you can quote a post of mine where I denied that U.S. postal was caught disposing of Actovegin or that artifical oxygen carriers like Hemopure and PFCs were being used then I'll apologize. Since I never denied that, you'll have a pretty hard time. In fact I have referenced Postal's Actovegin use in previous post before you showed up in your latest incarnation.
Your doping apology #2 is still NOT acceptable. Try again. Be more contrite.

Cow blood becomes your trolling now. More crow for Bro.
Bro Deal said:
Actovegin has dubious performance benefits.
Yes you are right you can have doubt about the use of Actovegin as PED but only if it's used alone. People were using it in combination with EPO. It seems that it could made blood thinner. In all raids where EPO was found, they have found Actovegin (or similar products) too.
If we could have doubts about his enhancing capacity, we have more doubts about the reason to have it for medical reason. Activegin was found in US POSTAL garbage, but was listed in some first aid kits of teams !!!!!!!
poulidor said:
Yes you are right you can have doubt about the use of Actovegin as PED but only if it's used alone. People were using it in combination with EPO. It seems that it could made blood thinner. In all raids where EPO was found, they have found Actovegin (or similar products) too.
If we could have doubts about his enhancing capacity, we have more doubts about the reason to have it for medical reason. Activegin was found in US POSTAL garbage, but was listed in some first aid kits of teams !!!!!!!
No drugs are used alone---always in combinations:

testosterone with hGH, insulin, corticoids and thyroid

EPO & cow blood


EPO and aspirin

EPO and Deca

Depo Testosterone and choroinic gondatropin hCG

EPO, T, hGH and human blood transfsuions
Doctor.House said:
That apology is NOT acceptable.

Try again Bro.

How is that crow Bro?
Doctor.House said:
Your doping apology #2 is still NOT acceptable. Try again. Be more contrite.

Cow blood becomes your trolling now. More crow for Bro.
LOL, :D :eek:
Bro Deal, I think Doctor House and Dr Cuddie got you on the ropes.

Lim, how about we give Dr.House a little space, he has some good dope on the dopers.
poulidor said:
Yes you are right you can have doubt about the use of Actovegin as PED but only if it's used alone. People were using it in combination with EPO. It seems that it could made blood thinner. In all raids where EPO was found, they have found Actovegin (or similar products) too.
If we could have doubts about his enhancing capacity, we have more doubts about the reason to have it for medical reason. Activegin was found in US POSTAL garbage, but was listed in some first aid kits of teams !!!!!!!
Postal's excuse for the Actovegin was rediculous. They claimed that a member of team staff needed it because he was diabetic. He later recanted then changed his story again during the SCA case.

There is probably some benefit to Actovegin, but you would need to pay Dr. Ferrari a few hundred thousand dollars to find out. I don't think it would be used for blood thinning because there are other drugs that have been used for that since Dr. Conconi perfected the use of EPO. It became less necessary when the 50% Hct limit was imposed in 1997.

As far as the synergistic effects of doping substances, data on that will always be hard to come by. There is very little money for doping research by reputable researchers and they have their hands full testing the effects of single substances. They also don't know what is being done of the cutting edge. It would be interesting if someone like Ferrari or Cecchini eventually wrote a book.
Bro Deal said:
Postal's excuse for the Actovegin was rediculous. They claimed that a member of team staff needed it because he was diabetic. He later recanted then changed his story again during the SCA case.

There is probably some benefit to Actovegin, but you would need to pay Dr. Ferrari a few hundred thousand dollars to find out. I don't think it would be used for blood thinning because there are other drugs that have been used for that since Dr. Conconi perfected the use of EPO. It became less necessary when the 50% Hct limit was imposed in 1997.

As far as the synergistic effects of doping substances, data on that will always be hard to come by. There is very little money for doping research by reputable researchers and they have their hands full testing the effects of single substances. They also don't know what is being done of the cutting edge. It would be interesting if someone like Ferrari or Cecchini eventually wrote a book.
Still avoiding your apology Bro deal.

Be contrite. Be a man not a mouse. Or a cow.
Doctor.House said:
Still avoiding your apology Bro deal.

Be contrite. Be a man not a mouse. Or a cow.
As soon as you explain what I should aplogize for.
Bro Deal said:
As soon as you explain what I should aplogize for.
Being coy are we?

Many of your wrongful claims:

1) that cow blood was not relevant to the TDF
2) that my posts distracted from the actual TDF racing (integral to it)
3) that I was a troll, that my cow blood posts were trolling
4) that you showed utter contempt for me and my feelings
5) that you were meanspirited
6) that you were proven wrong and failed to admit your poor judgment

That ought to help you get you started.
Doctor.House said:
Many of your wrongful claims:

1) that cow blood was not relevant to the TDF
I never made this claim.

Doctor.House said:
2) that my posts distracted from the actual TDF racing (integral to it)
I stand by this. You are a troll.

Doctor.House said:
3) that I was a troll, that my cow blood posts were trolling
I never specifically called out your "cow blood posts" as being trolls. Everything you post is a troll.

Doctor.House said:
4) that you showed utter contempt for me and my feelings
I don't feel sorry for this.

Doctor.House said:
5) that you were meanspirited
I have no sympathy for trolls.

Doctor.House said:
6) that you were proven wrong and failed to admit your poor judgment
Wrong about what?
Unacceptable and feeble apology. You have no class whatsoever.

You have made yourself another enemy.

Bro Deal said:
I never made this claim.

I stand by this. You are a troll.

I never specifically called out your "cow blood posts" as being trolls. Everything you post is a troll.

I don't feel sorry for this.

I have no sympathy for trolls.

Wrong about what?
thunder said:
Bro Deal, I think Doctor House and Dr Cuddie got you on the ropes.

Lim, how about we give Dr.House a little space, he has some good dope on the dopers.

The doping forum is the location for discussion concerning dopage.

I agree with the Dr's points about dopage : but like many others here, I dispute his insistence on posting about dopage in every single thread and his hijacking of threads.
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