Americans....Have you ever wanted to Leave?

Stiff Upper Lip said:
Your posts are pretty consistent with the level of discourse I have seen from your bretheren. IQ -- by the way -- is just a predictor of potential, not a true measure of one's intellect. Go figure.

I would agree with your IQ statement however,what then would be your measure of success. Wealth,happiness,enlightenment,spiritual well being understanding of the possibilities of particle constants in relation to the "Grand Unification Theory"

My discourse only becomes evident when someone makes a blatant,demeaning remark that is personal or generalized to a given group or individual and cannot possibly be defended.
A persons intellect is also not define by race,religious belief, national origin or area origin or political affiliation.
By the way I am not a moron and.....can prove it.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
Your posts are all very similiar. You are limited to very short mono-syllabic words. You make absolutely no sense. And for some reason, you never once mention cycling. I doubt you spend any time on a bike (the reason for this forum) and you seem incredibly stupid, so it is clear to me we have very little in common. That is fine with me. Yeah, I'll continue to enjoy my life and if I were you I'd lay off the viagra, your sister says she's too sore to drive you home from the bar tonight.[/QUOTE

Stiff Upper Lip I currently live in Erie, Pa and have had thoughts of living abroad.
Your correct in saying that the majority of this country does not read or have any sort of thought process in making decisions. On top of that W has alinged himself with the far Christian right, a group of people who have the desire and resources to make their beliefs the law of the land.Many of W's staffers are ''born again'' or ex oil exec's .They will be the demise of this great country
szbert said:
Huskey bro,
Don't go a fightin with massah from da north when he be tellin' us how dumb we is.
Y'all don't know yer place.
We's jest supposed to do da' biddin of them yankees with the nice carpet bags, don't ya' know? If we was supposed to think for ourself we'd a been born as freemen. I hear some yankee massahs saying we's the reason that kindly old undertaker from MassaChewsetts aint gonna git to be da president.

I's a jest gonna shine my massahs shoes, sweep da' flo, and pick me some cotton an' such until mah Yankee massah say I can come in fo da night.
I knows mah place in da world.
Didn't y'all see how we southerners was just a bunch a God lovin' people and should be that way and such? Heck, according to those yankee massahs, we can't even spell IQ.
Jest don't tell 'em that Texas was just rated as the best state for small

Yes I saw that movie "Gone With The Wind" about the War of northern aggression.
He is right about a couple of things .I have not developed aa agenda for world peace,cured cancer,fed the hungry or proved Lance is doping( thats a biggie with some people, rated right up there with the invention of douche and developing cold fusion for an energy source) but I will keep trying.
I've lived in Indonesia and Australia, both coasts. You certainly get a greater appreciation for what the USA stands for and for what you've been taking for granted after living in a place like Jakarta.

In my opinion most people outside of the USA have no clue what it means to live in the USA or be an American. They assume that what spews forth from their TV representing America is what America truely is.
Australia is a really bad place to live. The cycling is uninteresting and all the beaches are infested with sharks and stinging jellyfish. All you Americans take my word for it you would not want to live in Australia.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
You might have missed my mention of the fact that I had lived in the south for over ten tears.

I have an appreciation for Faulkner, the cumberland gap, and women with soft accents....

Granted, my remarks were inflamatory and please understand that I appreciate the complexity of some facets of the southern mentality.

That does not change the fact that I speak from first hand experience, with no bitterness, simply an astute apprehension. Now, troll away.

As I understand persons of your region "first hand "and I wasn't trolling just responding to what I felt a direct attack.
I will endeavour to find some redeming characteristics in said persons as time goes by.
If I live that long.
Hope you find a place you will be happy.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
The Direction that I am referring to is a hard right.

It seems that the the morons in the bible belt, the midwest, and the south are now running things. I 've lived in 6 states and found these areas to be infested with people who do not read books or newspapers....

When you are not too busy stereotyping people try reading Milton Friedmans, "Bright Promises Dismal Performance an Economist's Protest."

It will give you a clue as to why the economic plan of the Democratic party is inefficient and thus didn't win out again.

From a Midwest born and raised, living in the south person who doesn't read.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
You might have missed my mention of the fact that I had lived in the south for over ten tears.

I have an appreciation for Faulkner, the cumberland gap, and women with soft accents....

Granted, my remarks were inflamatory and please understand that I appreciate the complexity of some facets of the southern mentality.

That does not change the fact that I speak from first hand experience, with no bitterness, simply an astute apprehension. Now, troll away.

Faulkner and the Cumberland area are not in the south. They are Appalachia, which is a world unto itself. Dumb? They were smart enough to sit out the Civil war, and are smart enough today to bilk the faux liberals who come to the hills to pretend they're actually being liberal. Those hill people are remarkably perceptive, especially when it comes to another phony northerner with their thinly disguised patronizing attitude. I'm surprised they let a person like you live there for ten years. Unmolested, that is. Perhaps that's where your bitterness comes from.

Can you squeal like a pig?
Sounds like schizophrenia.
They can treat you for that, you know.

A little electro shock ought get get a commie lib you back on the straight and narrow. Perhaps a lobotomy for the candy ass lib?

Never argue with a lib. Just **** 'em off and move on.

Have a nice day!

Stiff Upper Lip said:
I'm a person who has seen many regions and a few countries. I like where I am, but would prefer to have a more temperate climate. Something where I could train 365 days a year outside. As it stands now, the weather is a limiting factor.

I do not identify with any one place or group of people, other than 'cool' people who like to enjoy life and are active and intelligent.

I can be a 'sensitive liberal' or a hard core ass kicker and I have been both. Both personas are essential to survival. Sorry if some of you folks do not care for my generalizations. I thought ya'll liked simple statements of semi-fact and that's why you voted for GW?
JohnO said:
Faulkner and the Cumberland area are not in the south. They are Appalachia, which is a world unto itself. Dumb? They were smart enough to sit out the Civil war, and are smart enough today to bilk the faux liberals who come to the hills to pretend they're actually being liberal. Those hill people are remarkably perceptive, especially when it comes to another phony northerner with their thinly disguised patronizing attitude. I'm surprised they let a person like you live there for ten years. Unmolested, that is. Perhaps that's where your bitterness comes from.

Can you squeal like a pig?

Actually the Cumberland Plateau is just south of my location in Middle Tennessee but you are right in some measure about The War of Northern Aggression that you refer to as the Civil War. The area that I am in was actually Union sympathetic and never wanted succession but did because the people in this area are very loyal although believing in the Union.
Tennessee being the last to leave the Union and the first to rejoin.

You are also right about making a living from tourists in this area.

Bottom line we are loyal to our country no matter who is in the White House. Slick ***** or George W. Hillary...... I will cross that bridge or burn it when I come to it.

And yes we do like things simple and that is why we love the hell out of S. Upper Lip. As simple as that even!!
Stiff Upper Lip said:
The bike in your Icon is the gayest f*cking thing on two wheels
And you, I suppose, would be the expert on what the homosexual community finds attractive. You've been ***** slapped a few times haven't you?
And they wonder why . . . .

Stiff Upper Lip said:
Only by the hottest of chicks. It was humilating, but the sex afterwards was well worth the sting. How old are you anyway dude? 50 something? A little mature to be trolling these boards like a teenage renegade....I guess yer only as old as you feel....So how'ja like being in the armed forces? Kill any interesting people?
Replying to the original not really. I try to visit Germany/Europe as much as I can, but the taxes are too high and it's a tad too crowded. It's funny though, when I return home I almost immediately role my eyes when I encounter my first American knucklehead, kind of a love/hate thing. I Love visiting though, and Montreal Canada is very nice as well. Love the Canadians and I feel for them when they are mistaken for Americans.;)

My family is heavy on the German and my mother is from Central America so I'm not completely ignorant of the foreign view of this country. I try not to hold it against folks though. People are the same all over and it works both ways. Europeans talk about "ugly-american" tourists but then proceed to behave the exact same way when they visit this country.

It would be nice if travel abroad were mandatory for Americans as being the lone "superpower" it behooves us to understand the world we live in, a lot of Americans don't. That said, quite a few foreigners do not understand us as well as they might think.

Only time and the increasing globalization will help us understand one another better.:)
I feel your pain.

I really do. Last night was sad for american liberals and/or bush-haters. The electoral vote was bad enough, but losing the popular vote and congressional and senate seats was the nail in the coffin.

Leaving one's country is a bit drastic. But if I were in a conservative area I would certainly move to a more progressive state. I always thought that a lot of legislation is passed at the state level anyway. New jersey is a "blue state", no? Washington, Oregon and California all seem fairly progressive and the riding weather is pretty good. Massachusets also seems pretty livable. Those would be my first choices.

Good luck american liberals. I tried to help you guys out. I had that "vote kerry-edwards" thing as my signature for months. Sigh.

An article you may be interested in
Stiff Upper Lip said:
Why don't you paraphrase the thesis? Midwest born and raised. And why pray tell, is the current administration's economic policy going to leave us in a better position?

I don't have the time to teach you things. Read the book. Then I suggest finding a book to read about not being an ass.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
I think I ****** some people off with my comments about the midwest, but I just thank god that I got the hell out of there and away from gun toting hate mongers who wish to kill other Americans or anyone with a pulse who they find offensive.

Hmm Hate Monger. I am not quite sure what a hate monger is. Is it someone who gets online and stereotypes half of the country?

How about this, don't degrade other people until you have at least removed your own arrogance. And don't try to pretend to be intelligent because if you really were intelligent, you would realize that your own statements place you in the same arrogant group that you have tried to remove yourself from.
Stiff Upper Lip said:
You know, you spouted some BS about a book you read. You didn't give any details, just a title as if that somehow made you of superior intellect. I've lived in those places and spent way too much time in the hinterlands to think that my statements are without merit. You are exactly the kind of jackass that I 'd move ten state away to avoid. So don't pretend you've said anything that puts you above and beyond the other retards who are pushing this country to historically remote horizons and lonely isolationist borders.

My point is not about what the book has to say and I am not going to spend the next year teaching you economic theory. My point is that not everyone in these states you insulted is a moron who doesn't read books.

The only person that I am placing myself "above and beyond" is you. Also, if I am a jackass towards an arrogant ******* from New Jersey, then that pleases me. (and the other half of the country you insulted. I'm sure.)
Stiff Upper Lip said:
I think people living in the states I mentioned know they are dumbasses and they found the poster child for all dumbasses to represent them.

What could be more 'dumbassed' then your stereotyping. Relatively speaking, it makes you look dumb.
. . . I get up and say, "It's a great day to be an American!" I will admit that I'm as unhappy as anyone could possibly be with the performance of our government over the past four years - abysmal and atrocious behavior! And I'm terrified for what's going to happen in the next few years. It will take decades for many of the incredibly stupid wrongs to be righted - my grandchildren will be paying for the ineptitude, arrogance, and spinelessness of our lawmakers.

But - There is still no better place than the USA for living, raising families, and making a difference in the world.

So, I say again, "It's a great day to be an American!"

you certainly define the stiff upper lip of american politics

Stiff Upper Lip said:
OK, I'm an arrogant ******* and I guess I am 'from' NJ (although I was born and educated in Illinois, have lived in Chicago, Kentucky, Florida, Indiana, and now NJ. I moved here about 6 years ago to suckle the fruits of big pharma....hypocrit? Not really...I give back in my 'own way'. I consider economics to be the very softest of the soft sciences. It is ultimately so abstract that it is meaningless. I will give you an example.

Two economists were on a popular NY radio talk show one said:

"What if they could create a drug, a pill, that could cure every disease? That would be a good thing, yes?"

"But what about the effect on industries that support healthcare?"

"They would be adversely affected, but in time they would find other things to do to contribute to the economy and grow their business"

This was how they discussed OUTSOURCING...Economists? Please. Get a real job....oh, sorry is that what you do for a living?

I think people living in the states I mentioned know they are dumbasses and they found the poster child for all dumbasses to represent them.

The guy makes up words, stutters, makes quotes like, "Fool me twice...won't get fooled again". He wear a conspicuous wire to feed him information during the presidential debates and then gets Bin Laden to give a nice fearful video as a last minute campaign ad.

Now, aside from all that nonsense....tell me how I can improve my intellect and understand something that I might somehow be missing?