Armstrongs near miss investigated

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Brian Roth

Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
visible. He was fourtunate that a tractor ramp was placed nicely for him to exit the road. He
skirted a 2 foot deep culvert by 10 inches, and there where numerous sharp rocks and stiff wheat
shoots in the feild. Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.
On 16 Jul 2003, brian roth wrote:

> Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.

To someone, perhaps. Why else would he have cut sideways?

Sergio Pisa
Sergio SERVADIO wrote:
> On 16 Jul 2003, brian roth wrote:
>> Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.
> To someone, perhaps. Why else would he have cut sideways?
> Sergio Pisa

So he could get back on the road without having to climb over the banners at the roadside.
"brian roth" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
> visible.

Were these the same douchebag "journalists" that dug thru USPS's trash a few years ago?
"brian roth" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
> visible. He was fourtunate that a tractor ramp was placed nicely for him to exit the road. He
> skirted a 2 foot deep culvert by 10 inches, and there where numerous sharp rocks and stiff wheat
> shoots in the feild. Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.

I spotted that in the coverage, didnt realise he got that close though. Another Armstrong near miss.
Cancer apart I wish I had his luck.

Stan Cox

P.s. On the Eurosport coverage they go on at length about how the camera flatten the climbs.. . .
thats when they arent talking about salads :)
[email protected] (brian roth) wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
> visible. He was fourtunate that a tractor ramp was placed nicely for him to exit the road. He
> skirted a 2 foot deep culvert by 10 inches, and there where numerous sharp rocks and stiff wheat
> shoots in the feild. Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.

Wasn't this all PLANNED by US Postal?

The ignorant Postal-haters here would probably concoct a story that Lance planned on Beloki's
crashing there.
"Charlie C." <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de
news:[email protected]... they should also make
> sure that there are numerous witnesses when the produce their urine
> to ensure that they don't get switched with Heroin or LCD laced replacements.

Can't you tell if somebody puts someone elses Casio watch in their urine sample?
The people that seem to dilike Lance the most are the Europeans. An American is going to tie the wins in a row record held by non Americans.

The French just hate the Americans. I noticed a funny thing the other day. Their was this french rider who broke way or nearly the entire race. Rode for a french team, in the biggest french race. Yet he was racing on a "Scott USA" bike. How much of an insult is this to the french? Do they not build any bikes good enough to race in the Tour???????

I'm sure President Bush and his cronies are behind all these conspiracies. That'll teach the French
not to back him. :)
Again, money cant buy class ...

And please - its not the French hating USA - its the rest of the world hating the USA.

>The people that seem to dilike Lance the most are the Europeans. An American is going to tie the
>wins in a row record held by non Americans.
>The French just hate the Americans. I noticed a funny thing the other day. Their was this french
>rider who broke way or nearly the entire race. Rode for a french team, in the biggest french race.
>Yet he was racing on a "Scott USA" bike. How much of an insult is this to the french? Do they not
>build any bikes good enough to race in the Tour???????
>Why hammer if you can spin...
>Posted via
We should apologize for our misguided intentions. Send them a bill for the Marshall Plan adjusted to
present value and call it a day. Bill

"Theodor Seiz" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Again, money cant buy class ...
> And please - its not the French hating USA - its the rest of the world hating the USA.
> >The people that seem to dilike Lance the most are the Europeans. An American is going to tie the
> >wins in a row record held by non Americans.
> >
> >The French just hate the Americans. I noticed a funny thing the other day. Their was this french
> >rider who broke way or nearly the entire race. Rode for a french team, in the biggest french
> >race. Yet he was racing on a "Scott USA" bike. How much of an insult is this to the french? Do
> >they not build any bikes good enough to race in the Tour???????
> >
> >Memph
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Why hammer if you can spin...
> >
> >>--------------------------<
> >Posted via
"Theodor Seiz" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> Again, money cant buy class ...
> And please - its not the French hating USA - its the rest of the world hating the USA.

I know isn't jealousy a lousy thing?
> >The people that seem to dilike Lance the most are the Europeans. An American is going to tie the
> >wins in a row record held by non Americans.
> >
> >The French just hate the Americans. I noticed a funny thing the other day. Their was this french
> >rider who broke way or nearly the entire race. Rode for a french team, in the biggest french
> >race. Yet he was racing on a "Scott USA" bike. How much of an insult is this to the french? Do
> >they not build any bikes good enough to race in the Tour???????
> >
> >Memph
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Why hammer if you can spin...
> >
> >>--------------------------<
> >Posted via
"Bill" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> We should apologize for our misguided intentions. Send them a bill for the Marshall Plan adjusted
> to present value and call it a day.

The Marshall Plan was very popular (as well it should have been).

More recent events have made our country unpopular.
I am Canadian and that makes me Americas little brother I guess. But realize that it must be hard to be the only superpower left. The country that controls the rest.

Sure the USA is disliked, but so is France. Guess tht is what you get for losing two wars and not really thanking anyone for saving their ****. France is as hated as the USA is. Now they shall dislike an American great cyclist beating them at their own race :) That puts a huge smile on my face....

I know a lot of people have opined that this was part of some grand conspiracy.

I have a different take.

As someone who has myself had serious medical problems earlier in life, I follow the school of
thought that everyone gets roughly the same amount of good luck in their life; it's just a matter of
how it's spread out, netting good and bad luck. Lance's good luck now can thus be viewed as the
"grand luck accountant" paying him back for some really lousy luck a few years back
(e.g. cancer that had metastasized to his brain giving him a very small chance of survival).

As soneone who had a brain tumor that afflicts one in 175,000 people when I was a child, I certainly
hope that one of these days the luck eventually turns my way to pay me back for what I went through.

The other possibility is that Lance and the boys scouted out the course earlier in the year while
training. Knowing how often crashes happen, a prudent rider (Armstrong) would, while scouting the
course, be on the lookout for escape routes if something like what happened should happen.

There's an old saying--the really successful people aren't lucky; they make their own luck.


Joe "brian roth" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
> visible. He was fourtunate that a tractor ramp was placed nicely for him to exit the road. He
> skirted a 2 foot deep culvert by 10 inches, and there where numerous sharp rocks and stiff wheat
> shoots in the feild. Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.
In article <[email protected]>, Charlie C.
<[email protected]> wrote:

> [email protected] (brian roth) wrote in news:[email protected]:
> > Some journalists went out to the scene of Belokis fall, where Armstrongs tire tracks were still
> > visible. He was fourtunate that a tractor ramp was placed nicely for him to exit the road. He
> > skirted a 2 foot deep culvert by 10 inches, and there where numerous sharp rocks and stiff wheat
> > shoots in the feild. Finally the hill was much steeper than it appeared.
> Fact: Ulrich tested positive for drugs which caused him to miss a year of training for the tour.
> Coincidence?
> Fact: Two of Lance's main rivals (Tyler and Levi) are removed from contention on day one of the
> Tour. Coincidence?
> Fact: Simoni is about to quit the tour. Coincidence?
> Fact: Beloki wrecks out of the tour when he proves to be a real contender for the Yello Jersey.
> Coincidence?
> Fact: Armstrong takes a shortcut but the Tour doesn't penalize him (and now, apparently, there was
> a ramp placed strategically where the wreck occured). Coincidence?
> Obviously the wreck was planned to eliminate Beloki.
> Clearly if I were Vinokourov or Mayo I'd be very carefull right now. They should make sure no one
> can tamper with their bikes or their food as there's OBVIOUSLY a consipiracy to get Lance his
> fifth tour. They should also make sure that there are numerous witnesses when the produce their
> urine samples to ensure that they don't get switched with Heroin or LCD laced replacements.
> Clearly it's just about oil and making Haliburton, the Presidend and Vice President of the U.S.
> and members of the Trilateral commission rich.
> It's SO obvious.
> Charlie in Houston (Who's watching the Tour from the bridge of a captured flying saucer inside
> Area 51. The alien video technology lets me see through Kirsten Gum's clothes. Unfortunatly it
> lets me see through Bob Roll's as well.)

Doctor's log: Today we discovered another case of chronic X-Files withdrawal symptoms. Recommend DVD
gift pack of first 5 seasons.

Kurgan Gringioni wrote in message ...
>"Bill" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> We should apologize for our misguided intentions. Send them a bill for
>> Marshall Plan adjusted to present value and call it a day.
>The Marshall Plan was very popular (as well it should have been).

There were a many reasons for the Marshall Plan. One was to keep Soviet Communism and the Red Army
out of Greece. Another was to keep Moscow-aligned Communist Parties in Italy and France from winning

Yet another was to help rebuild the economies of western Europe so that U.
S. manufacturers and farmers would be able to export there.

None of it was particularly altruistic, nor should it have been. The Marshall Plan was Cold War
geopolitics in action.
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