Bike lanes in MA, dangerous bike lanes and a possible news story

On Aug 19, 2:11 am, [email protected] (Tom Keats) wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] writes:
> > On Aug 18, 6:34 pm, "Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman"
> > <[email protected]> wrote:

> >> ... Apartheid bicyclist farcilities (sic).

> > NEWSFLASH!!! Cyclists have more freedom than any other class of road
> > user. NEWSFLASH!!!

> That's because we're under the radar.
> Nobody looks for cyclists.
> Some riders gripe about it, but it
> really is something of which we can
> take advantage.
> And I love that freedom.
> Some car drivers hate it. Tough tittie
> for them, as they rag-on and bullshittingly
> characterize us about blowing stop signs
> and other death-wish razzmataz as if we
> wanna get clobbered, whilst those drivers
> portray themselves as innocent.
> Yeah, I enjoy and embrace the freedom of
> being a cyclist.
> And if the City deems it fit to give me
> Farcilities, I just might find ways to
> occasionally use 'em.
> I'll tell ya this much, though: LAB can
> shove their railroad-track idealoguery
> up where the moon don't shine, AFAIC.
> It seems they wanna turn bike riders into
> two-wheeled car drivers.
> That guy to whom Jeffrey Hiles mentioned
> in his "Listening to Bike Lanes" paper,
> who referred to bicycles as "folk
> transportation", was right.
> We can do anything. All we gotta do is
> keep our skin on, and keep from getting
> clobbered, and respect other road/street
> users' rights of way. It's so simple,
> and it works. It always has, and it
> always will.

Pretty much sums it up, imo. Thanks Tom.
On Aug 19, 12:19 pm, [email protected] wrote:
> On Aug 19, 3:18 am, [email protected] wrote:
> > NEWSFLASH!!! Bicycle facilities generally leave something to be
> > desired. Some are outright terrible. Likewise, bike lanes or not,
> > almost all streets leave something to be desired, and some are
> > downright terrible places to ride. But you may have to ride there
> > anyway. The world is an imperfect place and transportation facilities
> > are some of the least perfect of this world's many aspects. Even the
> > velodrome is cracked and has a sinkhole in the infield. Get used to
> > it. That is the world upon which we ride. NEWSFLASH!!!

> Nice sarcasm.
> But the problem we're addressing here really isn't the imperfections
> in the infrastructure. Those are just the symptom.
> The problem is that most bike advocates push bike lanes and paths as
> supposed "cures" for cycling's supposed problems. But they generally
> don't make things better; they more often make things worse.
> It's a bit like the American Medical Association offering smoking as a
> cure for lung disease.
> I know I can ignore bike lanes and ride properly. But many cyclists
> don't know to do that. (In fact, one of my friends, a guy with 30+
> years of avid cycling, nearly got hit recently because he was misled
> by a bike lane.) And, sadly, many potential cyclists think they
> cannot cycle safely without these useless stripes; the lack of
> stripes, plus the propaganda from "advocates" like LAB, actually keep
> them off the road.
> Again, I know I can ride properly even where bike lanes are
> installed. But it does mean I'll have to watch harder for glass
> shards, nails and other trash, since they'll be more common in the
> bike lanes. And when I have to leave the lane, I'll have to be more
> careful than I would without the stripe, since motorists think I'm not
> supposed to ride elsewhere. And if I ride with someone who's not so
> aware, I'll have to convince them that they are not in a magically
> protected space. I'll have to convince them that they must merge
> correctly left to avoid lane hazards, or to make proper left turns,
> etc.
> I can counter the bad effects of the "advocates," at least for my own
> riding. But it's a damned shame that so much advocacy effort goes into
> useless, or even harmful, "solutions."

Damned shame but that's pretty much the way the world works. I am not
advocating complete defeatism in the face of bad facilities, I'm just
urging folks to look at the big picture.

Just think how easy and coddled our lives here must be if we can spend
so much energy complaining about ill-designed bike lanes.

Per Bill Sornson:
>Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads) has a
>narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a freaking
>death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to the right. *I DO
>TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too close for comfort almost
>every single time.

Don't you get the feeling that the odds are going to catch up
with you eventually?
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (Tom Keats) wrote:

> We can do anything. All we gotta do is
> keep our skin on, and keep from getting
> clobbered, and respect other road/street
> users' rights of way. It's so simple,
> and it works. It always has, and it
> always will.

I works for me.

Michael Press
(PeteCresswell) wrote:
> Per Bill Sornson:
>> Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads)
>> has a narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a
>> freaking death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to
>> the right. *I DO TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too
>> close for comfort almost every single time.

> Don't you get the feeling that the odds are going to catch up
> with you eventually?

I pretty much have to take that road at least now and then. I ride
assertively and am not shy about signaling cars to move over to pass me, but
it's clearly more dangerous than virtually identical roads with bike lanes.
(You deleted the context of my comment, but that was the gist.)

Why anyone would prefer dodgy situations and close calls to fast,
uninterrupted smooth sailing is beyond me. Bike lanes work; good bike lanes
work great.

On Aug 19, 6:58 pm, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> (PeteCresswell) wrote:
> I pretty much have to take that road at least now and then. I ride
> assertively and am not shy about signaling cars to move over to pass me, but
> it's clearly more dangerous than virtually identical roads with bike lanes.


Got data?

I recall one study that combined a cyclist survey with measurements of
motorist passing distance. The cyclists said that motorists "clearly"
gave them more room when there was a bike lane present. But the
measurement data showed the opposite. (I think it was Wayne Pein who
pointed us to that study.)

Of course, I'm way past expecting Bill Sornson to actually read a
scientific paper!

> (You deleted the context of my comment, but that was the gist.)

:) This is the same guy that was yelling for people to TRIM in
another thread. I'm afraid Bill's never going to figure out Usenet!

- Frank Krygowski
[email protected] wrote:
> On Aug 19, 6:58 pm, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> (PeteCresswell) wrote:
>> I pretty much have to take that road at least now and then. I ride
>> assertively and am not shy about signaling cars to move over to pass me, but
>> it's clearly more dangerous than virtually identical roads with bike lanes.

> Clearly?
> Got data?
> I recall one study that combined a cyclist survey with measurements of
> motorist passing distance. The cyclists said that motorists "clearly"
> gave them more room when there was a bike lane present. But the
> measurement data showed the opposite. (I think it was Wayne Pein who
> pointed us to that study.)

Whatever. I know that when I'm in bike lanes around here I never get
crowded but two times in the last week I've had a couple cars get
waaaaaaaaaaaay to close to me in regular lanes. I'm getting to the
point where I'm going to start riding in the left side of the right hand
lane like a motorcycle so cars will move over a lane rather than pass me
with only inches to spare.

I mean, this is our reality, it's not some stupid "study".


Ticketmaster and Ticketweb suck, but everyone knows that:

Dethink to survive - Mclusky
G.T. wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
>> On Aug 19, 6:58 pm, "Bill Sornson" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> (PeteCresswell) wrote:
>>> I pretty much have to take that road at least now and then. I ride
>>> assertively and am not shy about signaling cars to move over to
>>> pass me, but it's clearly more dangerous than virtually identical
>>> roads with bike lanes.

>> Clearly?
>> Got data?
>> I recall one study that combined a cyclist survey with measurements
>> of motorist passing distance. The cyclists said that motorists
>> "clearly" gave them more room when there was a bike lane present. But the
>> measurement data showed the opposite. (I think it was Wayne
>> Pein who pointed us to that study.)

> Whatever. I know that when I'm in bike lanes around here I never get
> crowded but two times in the last week I've had a couple cars get
> waaaaaaaaaaaay to close to me in regular lanes.

But...but...that's not what STUDIES say! (Supposedly.)

> I'm getting to the
> point where I'm going to start riding in the left side of the right
> hand lane like a motorcycle so cars will move over a lane rather than
> pass me with only inches to spare.

Sometimes that's necessary. Sometimes that's tantamount to suicide, too. I
ride in the "sweet spot" that's outside of the door zone and yet lets cars
pass easily IF they'll just move close to the line. Too many asswipes
won't, however, and that is downright scary. (I use a mirror so I can move
LEFT if necessary to force 'em over; or move right if it's safe to do so.)
MUCH nicer when there's a bike lane, assuming it's well designed and
appropriate; don't have to sweat it at all.

> I mean, this is our reality, it's not some stupid "study".

Oh-oh, NOW you've stepped in it! <eg>

Bill "personal experience coupled with common sense has no place in
arguments with Frank" S.
"Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman" <[email protected]> writes:

> Bill Zaumen wrote:
> > "Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman" <[email protected]> writes:
> >
> >> Bill Zaumen wrote:
> >>
> >>> "Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman" <[email protected]> writes:
> >>>
> >>> You mean you are reduced to name-calling when your dishonesty was
> >>> pointed out: you obviously misrepresented what I had said, turning
> >>> "does not have any slots that could trap a wheel" and "plenty of
> >>> clearance" into "the grate is not a problem due to the angle of the
> >>> slots".
> >>
> >> The grate not being a problem was implied in your statement.

> > Liar - I said you can't trap a wheel in it, judging from what it
> > looked like in the picture, and I *also* said that a bicyclist's
> > nominal path of travel would avoid the grate. That means that you
> > might ride over it if you were momentarily inattentive or had to
> > swerve to avoid some obstacle, etc., but generally would not.
> >

> Even if the assumption of implication was not correct, it would still
> not be a lie. Zaumen must have failed logic, or maybe he learned to
> call everyone a liar from He Who Must Not Be Named.

ROFLMAO. What I said was perfectly clear, and the only thing I said
specifically about the grate is that it couldn't trap a wheel. You
turned that into something quite different. Since this seems to be
the standard mode of operation for you people, I've concluded that
you are reduced to lying - all the evidence indicates that.
> >
> >>>> Well duh, the grate is not where someone would normally ride. So why
> >>>> is the grate in the "bicycle lane"?
> >>> For the same reason that the grate would be in the righ-most lane if
> >>> there were no bike lane. Grates are typically by the curb because
> >>> the roads slope towards the curb to allow water to run along the
> >>> gutter and then down the drain. The design standards (for both bike
> >>> lanes and traffic lanes) allow the users of those lanes to use the
> >>> lanes without riding or driving in the gutter.

> >
> >> Yeah, but in this case avoiding the grate and the joint between the
> >> roadway pavement and the gutter leaves barely enough width for a rider
> >> to stay to the right of the white cyclist apartheid line.

> > Your "yeah" means you were shown to be completely wrong,
> >

> Huh? More illogic from Zaumen.

Reduced to inserting a response midsentence so that people can't see
what I actually said (which follows and which is not "illogic" in any
sense of the word.

> >
> > and 3 feet of
> > asphalt (the minimum the design standards allow) is more than enough
> > room to stay to the right of the stripe while avoiding the gutter.
> >

> If this <> is a normal
> 6 to 8 inch "mountable" (as opposed to barrier) curb, which it appears
> to be, then there is not anywhere near 3 feet of asphaltic concrete
> pavement to the right of the white line.

You don't know what it is from the picture. What *I* said about it is
that the configuration is not a problem *if* it meets the design standards,
which require 3 feet of asphalt between the bike lane stripe and the
gutter pan. This is a discussion about bike lanes in general, so one
should reasonably talk about ones that conform to the design standards.

You can always find some traffic lane or other facility somewhere that
is poorly designed. So what? All you should do is complain to
whoever is responsible and ask for it to be fixed.

> Furthermore, half of the asphaltic concrete to the right of the
> white line appears to be in rather poor condition, and no something
> one would want to ride on for any distance.

Speculation on your part - it was patched, but the picture shows no
indication of cracks or bumps.

> >
> >>>> Most steel surfaces are slippery when wet - must not get much rain in
> >>>> Silly Cone Valley, eh?
> >>> Most steel meshes are not slippery when wet, and that's what this
> >>> grate is. It is not a solid steel surface with a flat section that
> >>> could hold water on it.
> >> Really? Then why are railroad tracks slippery (even disused ones),
> >> since their upper surface is convex?

> > Barely convex. The grate in question is sharp enough to push into
> > the
> > tires a bit, providing far better support. Try riding over one and
> > see.

(not the lack of a response)

> > A "cut and paste error"? That's simply a lie. The dropped word was
> > in the
> > middle of a sentence. Are you claiming you have a word list of some sort
> > and cut and paste words into your posts rather than typing them?
> >

> Duh! I was using another program as a spell checker, and accidentally
> pasted over a couple of words.
> Is "that's a lie" your only argument?

It sounds like you "didn't inhale". Come off it. I've used other
programs for spell checking too, and simply copied *everything* I
wrote into that program, ran the spell checker, and copied it back.
If I had missed something, it wouldn't have been one or two words in
the middle of a sentence. So I think you are making it all up.

> >
> >>>> Only a cyclist hater or ignoramus would create the "bicycle lane" in
> >>>> question, and only Zaumen would defend it.
> >>> Only a fanatic would get as upset about bicycle lanes as you guys do.
> >> Only people like Zaumen are not bothered by Apartheid bicyclist
> >> farcilities (sic).

> > What a fanatic Tom Sherman is! He's totally overreacting.
> >

> No, Zaumen is the bicycle farcility (sic) fanatic.

Liar - you are the person with the obsession. I merely pointed out
that bike lanes that conform to the latest design standards aren't
a problem given the rules in the California Vehicle Code.

My real name backwards: nemuaZ lliB
[email protected] writes:

> On Aug 19, 2:12 am, "Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman"
> <[email protected]> wrote, regarding Bill Zaumen:
> >
> > Is "that's a lie" your only argument?

> :) It's obviously not Bill's _only_ argument. But it's the one he
> falls back on when he's losing the others!

More lies from Krygowksi - when I stated something was a lie, it was
a case of being deliberately misquoted, and I gave you perfectly
rational argument which all of you simply ignored.
> I described in detail the atrocious bike lanes our club has been
> (unsuccessfully) fighting to have redesigned. I mentioned a few
> details of our statements, and the park administration's responses.
> Since our experiences differ with Bill's preconceived notions of
> reality, he called me a liar.

Rather, I suggested that Krygowski's history of dissembling made
anything he said questionalble, all the more so after he cleimed
that his "park administration" called it a "multiuse path" (or
something equivalent), and if they call it that, it is not a bike

> Bill's attitude saves him a lot of difficult thinking. He can pretend
> all contrary evidence is lies, so he doesn't have to learn from his
> mistakes.

Krygowski is once again lying, and he has yet to explain the fact that
when riding in a standards-compliant bike lane next to a 12 foot
traffic lane, you will be riding in nearly the exact same position on
the road that John Forester in _Effective Cycling_ states that you
would be riding in a wide outside lane when going at less than the
normal speed of traffic, and you will have adequate clearance from the
curb and gutter (several feet). And Forester rants incessantly about
bike lanes. I'd conclude that you people are out of your minds - your
emotions have simply blinded you to reality.

> But with such an ignorance-is-blissful existence, you'd think he'd be
> a lot less bitter, wouldn't you?

Bitter about what? This is simply another lie from Krygowski.

My real name backwards: nemuaZ lliB
"Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman" <[email protected]> writes:

> Bill Zaumen wrote:
> > "Tom \"Johnny Sunset\" Sherman" <[email protected]> writes:
> >
> >> [email protected] aka Carl Fogel wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 17:45:19 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
> >>>
> >> "Dear Carl" is right. Since bicycles are toys ridden only by children
> >> and childish adults, getting off the bicycle at every intersection and
> >> crossing like a pedestrian should not be a burden, since it keeps the
> >> bicycle riders out of the way of the REAL road users, the motor
> >> vehicle operators.

> > More paranoia from Tom Sherman.
> >

> Sarcasm detector broken, Zaumen?

No, merely a hyperbole detector. I've yet to see a non-emotional
argument from you.

My real name backwards: nemuaZ lliB
[email protected] writes:

> On Aug 19, 3:18 am, [email protected] wrote:
> >
> >
> > NEWSFLASH!!! Bicycle facilities generally leave something to be
> > desired. Some are outright terrible. Likewise, bike lanes or not,
> > almost all streets leave something to be desired, and some are
> > downright terrible places to ride. But you may have to ride there
> > anyway. The world is an imperfect place and transportation facilities
> > are some of the least perfect of this world's many aspects. Even the
> > velodrome is cracked and has a sinkhole in the infield. Get used to
> > it. That is the world upon which we ride. NEWSFLASH!!!

> Nice sarcasm.

Aside from the "NEWSFLASH", it is not sarcasm but a pretty accurate
statement, and I might add that you can find some terribly designed
roads as well. With the number of roads in the U.S., you have a large
enough sample to find some unusually bad examples. Those bad examples
are not an indication that the state of the art for traffic engineering
is inadequate, but merely that if some task is repeated enough times,
someone will do something really dumb.

> But the problem we're addressing here really isn't the imperfections
> in the infrastructure. Those are just the symptom.
> The problem is that most bike advocates push bike lanes and paths as
> supposed "cures" for cycling's supposed problems. But they generally
> don't make things better; they more often make things worse.
> It's a bit like the American Medical Association offering smoking as a
> cure for lung disease.

This statement from Krygowski is ridiculous.

> I know I can ignore bike lanes and ride properly. But many cyclists
> don't know to do that. (In fact, one of my friends, a guy with 30+
> years of avid cycling, nearly got hit recently because he was misled
> by a bike lane.) And, sadly, many potential cyclists think they
> cannot cycle safely without these useless stripes; the lack of
> stripes, plus the propaganda from "advocates" like LAB, actually keep
> them off the road.

This is most likely another lie from Krygwoski - it is not believable
that someone with 30+ years of avid cycling would be misled by a
stripe on the road so as to be nearly hit by a vehicle.

<rest of his rhetoric snipped out of boredom - he's repeating himself>

My real name backwards: nemuaZ lliB
In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] writes:

> Pretty much sums it up, imo. Thanks Tom.

Well, yeah. So many people wanna make riding bike
into a big deal. A bigger deal than it natuarally is.

It's kind of like multicuturalism. That always existed
here in East Vancouver, on its own accord. Then the
Federal Gov't (under Lester B. Pearson) decided to
legislate it & take credit for it, and make it
Official Policy.

Y'see, gov'ts check-out what happens, and then they
butt-in and take the credit.

"But when The Lord
gets ready,
you gotta move."

-- (Miss'ippi) Fred McDowell
(my beloved mentor & Spiritual Guide.)
Him, 'n Jimmy Reed.

Actually, me 'n Jimmy hang, 'n party together.
Fred gets disgusted, and wags his finger at
us, telling us that we're going to hell.

I hope Kinsey Report plays there. But I
hate places with red lights, red upholtstery,
red carpets, red everything. Ugh.

Hell is too red, and heaven is too alice-blue &
white. We need a place with some Hawaiian shirt
colours in it.

Y'know what? Mick Jagger is one of the
best blues harpists going. Even up there
with Sonny Boy Williamson II, or Corky Siegal.

I've got a room with a view of The Blues.
Bill Sornson wrote:

> Wayne Pein wrote: {SANITY SNIP}
>>You obviously have zero experience with a wide outside lane, so you
>>shouldn't guess about how traffic uses it. You're wrong. And if you
>>did have experience with one, you would understand why they are
>>superior to bike lanes.

> Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads) has a
> narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a freaking
> death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to the right. *I DO
> TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too close for comfort almost
> every single time. (And a friend -- very experienced rider -- did get
> doored along there a year or so ago. Took him quite a while to ride it
> after that, too.)

What you say doesn't make sense. I'd love to see a picture of this road
with actual width dimensions. How can one be brushed to the left and
doored to the right? Is the available space 2' wide?

A wide lane is only a wide lane if there are 14 plus feet of CLEAR
space. Space that is consumed by parked cars and their open doors does
not count. Parked cars and their open doors consume 10'.

G.T. wrote:

I know that when I'm in bike lanes around here I never get
> crowded but two times in the last week I've had a couple cars get
> waaaaaaaaaaaay to close to me in regular lanes. I'm getting to the
> point where I'm going to start riding in the left side of the right hand
> lane like a motorcycle so cars will move over a lane rather than pass me
> with only inches to spare.


Wayne Pein wrote:
> Bill Sornson wrote:
>> Wayne Pein wrote: {SANITY SNIP}
>>> You obviously have zero experience with a wide outside lane, so you
>>> shouldn't guess about how traffic uses it. You're wrong. And if you
>>> did have experience with one, you would understand why they are
>>> superior to bike lanes.

>> Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads)
>> has a narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a
>> freaking death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to
>> the right. *I DO TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too
>> close for comfort almost every single time. (And a friend -- very
>> experienced rider -- did get doored along there a year or so ago. Took
>> him quite a while to ride it after that, too.)

> What you say doesn't make sense. I'd love to see a picture of this
> road with actual width dimensions. How can one be brushed to the left
> and doored to the right? Is the available space 2' wide?

It's a typical road -- 4 lanes with parking on both sides and a median in
the middle. No bike lane; can't recall off-hand whether there's a white
line for the parking zone, but it doesn't matter. Fast traffic. Limit 35
or 40; cars go 50+ all the time. (See below for further explanation; missed
the "wide lane" descriptor.)

If I stay out of the door zone I'm far enough in the right lane to make cars
cross the lane line (barely) to pass me with ample room. Some drivers
REFUSE to cross that sacrosanct line, and so pass way too close for comfort.
If I move farther left to really take the lane, I run the risk of being hit
(less likely of course) or brushed (often on purpose by idiots who can't
figure out why I'm out there; or by bad drivers who come right up behind me
and then suddenly see that they have to move over to get by).

This is NOT a unique situation by any means. Every road cyclist (as opposed
to path riders or sidewalk wobblers) will recognize it.

> A wide lane is only a wide lane if there are 14 plus feet of CLEAR
> space. Space that is consumed by parked cars and their open doors does
> not count. Parked cars and their open doors consume 10'.

I see that I missed your caveat that it be a "wide lane", which of course is
desirable. My bad. These are not wide lanes per se, although the right
lane is bigger than the left somewhat.

My POINT is that these types of roads are stressful to ride compared to
identical roads that provide bike lanes. I realize that they can't always
be widened even a little to accommodate them, but the ones that have 'em are
wonderful to ride compared to these types of "Squeezeways". (I don't see
anyone widening this road, for example -- adding bike lanes or not.)

I also forgot that I'm not supposed to bite on your trolling any more. My
double bad.

Wayne Pein wrote:
> G.T. wrote:
> I know that when I'm in bike lanes around here I never get
>> crowded but two times in the last week I've had a couple cars get
>> waaaaaaaaaaaay to close to me in regular lanes. I'm getting to the
>> point where I'm going to start riding in the left side of the right
>> hand lane like a motorcycle so cars will move over a lane rather
>> than pass me with only inches to spare.

> Bingo!

He "never gets crowded" in bike lanes. Bingo indeed! LOL
Bill Sornson wrote:

> Wayne Pein wrote:
>>Bill Sornson wrote:
>>>Wayne Pein wrote: {SANITY SNIP}
>>>>You obviously have zero experience with a wide outside lane, so you
>>>>shouldn't guess about how traffic uses it. You're wrong. And if you
>>>>did have experience with one, you would understand why they are
>>>>superior to bike lanes.

>>>Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads)
>>>has a narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a
>>>freaking death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to
>>>the right. *I DO TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too
>>>close for comfort almost every single time. (And a friend -- very
>>>experienced rider -- did get doored along there a year or so ago. Took
>>>him quite a while to ride it after that, too.)

>>What you say doesn't make sense. I'd love to see a picture of this
>>road with actual width dimensions. How can one be brushed to the left
>>and doored to the right? Is the available space 2' wide?

> It's a typical road -- 4 lanes with parking on both sides and a median in
> the middle. No bike lane; can't recall off-hand whether there's a white
> line for the parking zone, but it doesn't matter. Fast traffic. Limit 35
> or 40; cars go 50+ all the time. (See below for further explanation; missed
> the "wide lane" descriptor.)
> If I stay out of the door zone I'm far enough in the right lane to make cars
> cross the lane line (barely) to pass me with ample room. Some drivers
> REFUSE to cross that sacrosanct line, and so pass way too close for comfort.
> If I move farther left to really take the lane, I run the risk of being hit
> (less likely of course) or brushed (often on purpose by idiots who can't
> figure out why I'm out there; or by bad drivers who come right up behind me
> and then suddenly see that they have to move over to get by).
> This is NOT a unique situation by any means. Every road cyclist (as opposed
> to path riders or sidewalk wobblers) will recognize it.
>>A wide lane is only a wide lane if there are 14 plus feet of CLEAR
>>space. Space that is consumed by parked cars and their open doors does
>>not count. Parked cars and their open doors consume 10'.

> I see that I missed your caveat that it be a "wide lane", which of course is
> desirable. My bad. These are not wide lanes per se, although the right
> lane is bigger than the left somewhat.
> My POINT is that these types of roads are stressful to ride compared to
> identical roads that provide bike lanes. I realize that they can't always
> be widened even a little to accommodate them, but the ones that have 'em are
> wonderful to ride compared to these types of "Squeezeways". (I don't see
> anyone widening this road, for example -- adding bike lanes or not.)
> I also forgot that I'm not supposed to bite on your trolling any more. My
> double bad.
> BS
Bill Sornson wrote:

> Wayne Pein wrote:
>>Bill Sornson wrote:
>>>Wayne Pein wrote: {SANITY SNIP}
>>>>You obviously have zero experience with a wide outside lane, so you
>>>>shouldn't guess about how traffic uses it. You're wrong. And if you
>>>>did have experience with one, you would understand why they are
>>>>superior to bike lanes.

>>>Completely false. One road I take often (to get to decent roads)
>>>has a narrow left lane, wide right with cars parked on side. It's a
>>>freaking death trap for cyclists -- brushed to the left, doored to
>>>the right. *I DO TAKE THE LANE*, but I still get passed way too
>>>close for comfort almost every single time. (And a friend -- very
>>>experienced rider -- did get doored along there a year or so ago. Took
>>>him quite a while to ride it after that, too.)

>>What you say doesn't make sense. I'd love to see a picture of this
>>road with actual width dimensions. How can one be brushed to the left
>>and doored to the right? Is the available space 2' wide?

> It's a typical road -- 4 lanes with parking on both sides and a median in
> the middle. No bike lane; can't recall off-hand whether there's a white
> line for the parking zone, but it doesn't matter. Fast traffic. Limit 35
> or 40; cars go 50+ all the time. (See below for further explanation; missed
> the "wide lane" descriptor.)

I ride on a similar road everyday, except there is no parking. Cars may
do 50, but generally not in my presence. They slow down and move over.

> If I stay out of the door zone I'm far enough in the right lane to make cars
> cross the lane line (barely) to pass me with ample room. Some drivers
> REFUSE to cross that sacrosanct line, and so pass way too close for comfort.
> If I move farther left to really take the lane, I run the risk of being hit
> (less likely of course) or brushed (often on purpose by idiots who can't
> figure out why I'm out there; or by bad drivers who come right up behind me
> and then suddenly see that they have to move over to get by).
> My POINT is that these types of roads are stressful to ride compared to
> identical roads that provide bike lanes.

And MY point is that wide lanes are less stressful to ride.

> I also forgot that I'm not supposed to bite on your trolling any more. My
> double bad.

Just because you don't like or understand what I say doesn't mean my
posts are trolling. But if I do troll, I hope you don't bite because
arguing with you is like, as Dilbert put it, wallpapering fog.

Bill Sornson wrote:

> Wayne Pein wrote:
>>G.T. wrote:
>>I know that when I'm in bike lanes around here I never get
>>>crowded but two times in the last week I've had a couple cars get
>>>waaaaaaaaaaaay to close to me in regular lanes. I'm getting to the
>>>point where I'm going to start riding in the left side of the right
>>>hand lane like a motorcycle so cars will move over a lane rather
>>>than pass me with only inches to spare.


> He "never gets crowded" in bike lanes. Bingo indeed! LOL

He'd never get crowded in a wide lane or a lane that he fully used. So
why should he settle for a narrow Bike Lane, aka Bike Bantustan or Bike
