Cadel Evans vs Michael Rogers

aeek said:
Today, the TV news update mentioned Michael Rogers was 66th. Nothing about Cadell.
Canberra's Michael Rogers. Canberra TV news bulletin. Local hero depends on your location.

Where's Canberra? :D
aeek said:
Where's Melbourne? What stage is it?

Canberra is where Melbournians go to buy **** and fireworks. Melbourne is where Canberranites go to do anything fun.. well actually Sydney is closer but what the hell.. let the Battle of the CAPITALS commence!

he he hippy
On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 17:56:13 +1000, TimC
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On 2005-07-20, dewatf (aka Bruce)
> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> On 14 Jul 2005 23:40:35 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
>>>I get the impression Cadel is seen to be more of a local hero than
>>>Michael Rogers.
>>>Why is this?

>> Last night answered your question.

>Who's Michael Rogers?

I think he's mates with Baden Cooke and Brad McGee?

>I'm only half serious :)

Maybe he goes on training rides with Graham Brown?
hippy said:
Canberra is where Melbournians go to buy **** and fireworks. Melbourne is where Canberranites go to do anything fun.. well actually Sydney is closer but what the hell.. let the Battle of the CAPITALS commence!

he he hippy

Fun, a lot of people go to Melbourne to the footy.

Fireworks, Melbournian criminals, you're supposed to get a license that's good for only 2 nights of the year and only in the ACT, and you're only supposed to be able to buy them a few days before.