Cateye CD300DW on Trek


New Member
Jan 29, 2004
(After accidentally posting on "Training", here goes...)

Anyone install this wireless unit on a Trek carbon fiber? I can't seem to figure out how to position the transmitter on the chainstay and get clearance between the crank-arm magnet and the receiver arm from the transmitter. The two hit no matter how I adjust. Any experience/ideas?
I can't tell you about installing on any Treks, but I do have one on my Cervelo P3, which has pretty fat chainstays and not much clearance. What I did was move the sensor further towards the dropouts. Not a ton, but when I had it tucked up near the bottom bracket, the chainstays were too close to the spokes, and I kept hitting the magnet on the sensor. I am interested in seeing if you can get it to work, because I was planning on putting another CD300DW on my Madone.