Chris Froome


New Member
Jan 31, 2015
Do you think its fair that Chris Froome is taking all the grief from fans and doping allegations after stage 10? How come nothing was mentioned yesterday when quintana rid away from everyone yesterday putting in attack after attack?

Yeah there all doping, but its disgraceful how he has been treated along with his team this year.
I know no one likes Britain and British people but come on!!!
The French hate everybody. It is just what they do.:) Besides who could suspect Quintana, he is so cute.
jhuskey said:
The French hate everybody. It is just what they do.:) Besides who could suspect Quintana, he is so cute.
His genetics are ideal, growing up at 3,000 meters above sea level ;)
Is Froome the champion already? The papers this morning said Froome is the virtual champion because he had weathered the attack of Quintana in the steep climb and had preserved his lead. Unfortunately, the newspaper did not indicate the exact lead of Froome in terms of time, how many seconds. And based on the report, Froome will be crowned for the second time in 3 tries. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.
Nobody is giving Quintana grief because he SHOULD be riding away on those big climbs. The dude weighs like 98 pounds WITH his bike.

Yet another year where the TDF was lost by someone in the first week due to something freaky. I'd say Quintana is definitely going to be up there for a years to come, but then again we said the same thing about Andy Schleck, and that never panned out.
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Corzhens said:
Is Froome the champion already? The papers this morning said Froome is the virtual champion because he had weathered the attack of Quintana in the steep climb and had preserved his lead. Unfortunately, the newspaper did not indicate the exact lead of Froome in terms of time, how many seconds. And based on the report, Froome will be crowned for the second time in 3 tries. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.

No one attacks the leader on the last stage. Except for the sprinters it is basically a ceremonial ride into Paris. If he crashed the peloton would wait on him.
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Let's the beginning there was Merckx doper. And the Lord looked down upon what a fine young cannibal he had created and said, "This is freakin' awesome!".

Skip past...Anquetil doper...Pantani doper...Lancer doper...Jan doper...The Chicken doper...the Cobra doper...other assorted animal dopers...


The CLEAN ERA™!!!!

Seekers! We've arrived! We're HERE! In the New Age of the Clean Era© of cycling...what...hang on...I've just been handed a bulletin!

FLASH! In addition to Davide Appalonio's Jun EPO positive, it now looks like Fabio Taborre's failed test for FG-4592 (a new type of oral oxygen vector drug) makes it two-for-two with Androni Giacattoli!

"I'm CLEAN!", shrieked the chorus in unison!

So...we're here at...what's his name, again?...oh...right...Froome. The man without a personality (until it came time to demand an apology from earnest one, I'm certain.).

Throwing **** on somebody can quickly get you Dead. Right. There. At least in America, where we sometimes do more than swear in Italian and lob bidons...whatever bidons are.

I've seen grown men...very large grown men...put into a coma for less than spitting on someone.

Is Froome doping? Who cares?

It's just a bunch of guys in lycra riding a child's toy. In France. In a race that has had cheaters and dopers since Day One. I say we lay off Froomestrong charge Oleg Tinkov with crimes against humanity. He actually make Yakov Smirnoff look talented.

Opulence! I haz it! No taste, but I haz opulence! Check out zees shoooes!


You that I think of it...Scaramanga and Tinkov have never been seen it the same room together!
Corzhens said:
And based on the report, Froome will be crowned for the second time in 3 tries. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.
I'm pretty sure he has started 5 tour de frances - 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Here in Ireland, Paul Kimmage has been discussing Froome & SKY at length.

His view is that what saw from SKY and Froome in this TDF was beyond anything in a sport claiming to be clean.
limerickman said:
Here in Ireland, Paul Kimmage has been discussing Froome & SKY at length.

His view is that what saw from SKY and Froome in this TDF was beyond anything in a sport claiming to be clean.
This is going to be an interesting topic to follow.

Froome says he’s looking into doing extra physiological testing, will make results public
Following on from a suggestion during the Tour de France that the team will increase its transparency after that race, Tour winner Chris Froome has told Sky Sports that this is likely to happen.

“I am actually probably looking into doing a bit more testing with the team now in terms of looking into things like lung capacity, in terms of VO2 max for example. Maybe that is something we will look at doing in this next period,” he said.
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steve said:
This is going to be an interesting topic to follow.
Froome's winning average speed was 39.6kmph in 2015 TDF

Year Av.speed
2010 39.6
2011 39.9
2012 39.9
2013 40.5
2014 40.7

2015 average speed is a return to the same average speed as 2010 TDF, the one that Bertie "won" but was subsequently stripped of because he ate a piece of steak with some banned products.
Dave Railsforth: "Chris has a 'unique physiology'!'.

Is that something like a heart the size of a football?

Froome looked a little spent those last two days in the Alps. They probably were riding on residual chemistry by that point. It looks like most of the peloton is on something as yet untested for just looking at the speed of that crash on...What was it? Stage 3? I've gone down on motorcycles and not slid that damn far. THAT was freaking fast. Just who the Hell can sit up front and motor that hard for that long without the rocket fuel? Is every other domestique an ITT champion nowadays as well a being a super-climber to assist the boss on the steep stuff too?

"Unique physiology", my skinny white ass.
Dave Railsforth: "Chris has a 'unique physiology'!'.

Is that something like a heart the size of a football?

Froome looked a little spent those last two days in the Alps. They probably were riding on residual chemistry by that point. It looks like most of the peloton is on something as yet untested for just looking at the speed of that crash on...What was it? Stage 3? I've gone down on motorcycles and not slid that damn far. THAT was freaking fast. Just who the Hell can sit up front and motor that hard for that long without the rocket fuel? Is every other domestique an ITT champion nowadays as well a being a super-climber to assist the boss on the steep stuff too?

"Unique physiology", my skinny white ass.

It sounds like a play from the Uniballers book.
Dave Railsforth: "Chris has a 'unique physiology'!'.

Is that something like a heart the size of a football?

Froome looked a little spent those last two days in the Alps. They probably were riding on residual chemistry by that point. It looks like most of the peloton is on something as yet untested for just looking at the speed of that crash on...What was it? Stage 3? I've gone down on motorcycles and not slid that damn far. THAT was freaking fast. Just who the Hell can sit up front and motor that hard for that long without the rocket fuel? Is every other domestique an ITT champion nowadays as well a being a super-climber to assist the boss on the steep stuff too?

"Unique physiology", my skinny white ass.
That crash on stage 3 was downhill. LOL. More interestingly, it was caused by the guy that offed Gee into the telegraph pole and the same guy that Tony Martin fell on to ultimately knocked Nibali over. That guy needs to be tested for drugs with that many crashes...
swampy1970 said:
That crash on stage 3 was downhill. LOL. More interestingly, it was caused by the guy that offed Gee into the telegraph pole and the same guy that Tony Martin fell on to ultimately knocked Nibali over. That guy needs to be tested for drugs with that many crashes...
Perhaps he's DUI? :lol:
Tony Martin caused his own moronic crash. Anyone he took out was as much a victim as G.


You're the one on drugs. Where's the "hill"?


I see no climb or descent in either direction.

Next: Killer Tailwind Propels Pro's To High Speed Crash.
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Froome's "dominance" in this Tour I think was really one good day, when his rivals all happened to had a bad one, followed by two weeks of solid defending. Towards the end of the Tour he looked absolutely shagged - I think if the Tour had been 3 stages longer he would have fallen apart. As the leader of a race it's his duty to answer the difficult questions, to be honest I think Chris and Team Sky could have handled it all a lot better.

Saying that, no-one deserves **** and spit in their face when trying to do their job.
It's not just Froome that raises the alarm. Porte shows all the characteristics of past cyclists that were not clean. The ability to spend yourself and then come back time after time with uncanny recovery. Coincidence? Only for me to
speculate. I would like to believe that the entire peloton is clean, I don't but I would like to.
Erm....Tommy D. just popped hot for T. oops...

You know...Tommy the Righteous...Tommy the Confessed.

He's doing a Lance-Quality deNile song and tweet routine right now...<sobbing> "I loves me some sport of cycling! NOTHING else compares!".

Maybe it was tainted Spanish burgers served on a toasted sesame seed bun full of plasticizers? I don't give a damn what anyone says. No bunch of freaks rides that fast without better living through chemistry.

Downhill my skinny white ass.
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