DiLuca A.K.A. The Count of Monte Cristo

padawan said:
+1 And how can you like someone nick-named "the killer!" - oooohh scary. :eek:
Jerry Lee Lewis was
a/ nicknamed the killer
b/ geniunely lived up to his nickname
c/ was scary.
confusedfan said:
(playing devil's advocate, because I really don't care one way or the other ;) ) - Regardless of what arrangement was made within the team, it would have been much more classy of DiLuca to wait until later to yell at Gasparotto/complain about what happened, and to do it in private rather than in public, so that he doesn't give the impression to some that he's arrogant and/or petulant. Presumably though, a heat of the moment reaction by DiLuca without thinking it through, but some would say those sorts of moments are when people show their true character...
what, like me extemporising you don't have a clue :p
huboon said:
I haven't really given much thought to the cultural implications. It's sports and sometimes it's fun to have "bad" guys to make the games more interesting. I've had biases against riders and later changed my mind, so who knows what I'll think tomorrow? For instance, if he's racing Levi Leipheimer I will instantly morph into il Numero Uno Danilo Fanboi.
LOL, excellent quote! I enjoyed that one!
A few interesting tidbits, DiLuca is known as someone who is not very controlled emotion wise (a bit like Simoni shooting off). He has, however, been able to deliver on most of what he has promised in terms of cycling.

He is also relatively well-known as one of the more limited number of champions from central-southern Italy (he is from Abruzzo - a region known for stubborn people who tend to speak their mind) which endears him somewhat to me - any of you that know about Italy will realise that we are occasionally nationalistic, but very provincial (I think in a good sense) - the guys from out of town are viewed more or less with the same suspicion, or should I say caution, as a foreigner...

Also DiLuca participates relatively actively in what you could call the Italian version of the make-a-wish foundation for children with terminal/serious illnesses, which I respect and enjoy. He gives his time and maglie rosa for those children, and does not use it for enhancing his media role.

All in all not the worst of these big stars.

Enough of always having to hear Lombard/Tuscan/Venetian/Trentino accents when they interview cyclists on TV! :rolleyes: