Do Mountain Bikers Have Any Balls?

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"Pete Hickey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Cameron <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >"Lou W" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >> If that's the case he should lead by example and be the 1st to
> >> himself.
> >>
> >
> >I agree. But their excuse for not doing so is, "We need to educate the
> >of the world".
> Lets hope that's all it is. Lets hope it isn't that he wants to bring as many with him when
> he goes.
> -Pete
> --

On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 23:24:12 GMT, "" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Bike are human powered. but up here we have noisey obnoctuous snow moblies that are loud and tear
>up the earth far worse than a bicycle. Then yoy have motorized dirt bikes?

Oh waah, people are using places I want to use with machines I don't like. Christ typical
environinut whiner.
>"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 12:41:45 -0800, "Jeff Strickland"
><[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>> . ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> .news:[email protected]... .> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 17:49:57 GMT, Mike
>> Vandeman <[email protected]> .wrote: .> .> .At 06:37 PM 11/28/02 -0700, Gunther, Jeff wrote: .>
>> . .> .> Mike, .> . .> .> Just so you know, I am a mountain biker and a mountaineer who cares .>
>> .deeply about the environment. .> . .> .Caring is as caring DOES. People who truly care reflect
>> that in their .ACTIONS. .> . .> .> I think it is wrong to say that mountain .> .bikers are out to
>> harm the environment. .> . .> .I never said it is INTENTIONAL! But it is still destructive. .> .
>> . .You have repeatedly stated that it is intentional. You have said that all .mountain bikers are
>> thugs, and the definition of a thug is one that .intentionally does destructive things.
>> To PEOPLE. Their destruction of the environment MAY not be intentional (I
>> being generous).
>> . .> .>Everyone that I ride with is very .> .conscious of leaving no trace when we are out and we
>> frequently pick
>> .> .after hikers that have left wrappers, tissues, etc. on the trail. .> . .> .Good. So keep your
>> bikes on pavement, and HIKE in nature. .> . . .How can concerned bikers pick up trash left on the
>> trail by hikers if
>> .are forced to keep the bikes on the pavement?
>> Your own position makes no .sense.
>> BS. YOU make no sense.
>> .> .> As you know, getting outside and into the mountains is a very .> .fulfilling and uplifting
>> experience that should not be off limits to .someone .> .just because they are on a bike. .> . .>
>> .You are LYING. There isn't a single trail in the world closed to
>> .> .bikers. It is only BIKES that are banned. You CAN walk, can't you? .> . . .There is no point
>> in walking when we can ride.
>> Thanks for demonstrating just how stupid you are. People walk so they can actually SEE something,
>> rather than just go from point A to point B
>> The statement made was that .the "uplifting experience that should not be off limits to someone
>> just .because they are on a bike." And your response is that the off limits is
>> .imposed if a person is walking. That makes no sense, because if the .uplifting experience is
>> denied because someone is riding, then walking
>> .not provide the same experience, and your solution is unrealistic. It is .selfish too, but that
>> is another topic.
>> BS. Walking gives a much BETTER experience of nature. It's selfish to
>> because bikes drive away wildlife and other trail users. Tell the truth,
>> once. (I know, you CAN'T.)
>> ===
>> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
>> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
In rec.bicycles.soc Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:
: On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 03:46:30 GMT, "Surgius" <[email protected]> wrote:
: .So, if I took a bucket full of soil and filled in a rut on a trail, your .saying that would NOT
: be replacing soil? Do youknow what the definition of .'replace' is?

: So you stole soil from one place, and MOVED it. You didn't replace the original soil. That's gone
: for good. Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.

Would it be ok if one used the soil excavated from the construction of _your_ house?

'People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time All day long I think of things
but nothing seems to satisfy' 'Make a joke and I will sigh And you will laugh and I will
cry' -Black Sabbath
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> .I contradicted your statement and you agree with me.. So you admit you
are a
> .liar and a hypocrite.
> BS. I agree that hiking is harmful, but it is much LESS harmful than
> biking. Learn to think.

You agree that hiking is harmful. Do you still hike? NOTE: this requires only a yes or no answer.
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
> .So, if I took a bucket full of soil and filled in a rut on a trail, your .saying that would NOT
> be replacing soil? Do youknow what the definition
> .'replace' is?
> So you stole soil from one place, and MOVED it. You didn't replace the
> soil. That's gone for good.

The soil is not gone, it may be displaced but it is not gone. You really should brush up on your
vocabulary Mikey.

> Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.

I am sure some microbes will adapt, and if not be replaced by the native population.

> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 03:44:37 GMT, "Surgius" <[email protected]> wrote:
> . ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> .news:[email protected]...

> .> .Hiking frightens wildlife. Hiking INCREASES impact over non-use. .Therefore .> .hiking is bad
> for the environment. .> .> I agree, of course, but mountain biking is much MORE destructive,
> .obviously. . .I contradicted your statement and you agree with me.. So you admit you
are a
> .liar and a hypocrite.
> BS. I agree that hiking is harmful, but it is much LESS harmful than
> biking. Learn to think.

So you agree that hiking is harmful, yet you advocate hiking. You advocate a harmful hobby. You sir,
are a hypocrite.

> .> === .> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to .> humans ("pure
> habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8 .> years fighting auto dependence and road
> construction.) .> .> .
> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
> > Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.

I should remain stationary by that logic. OMG I should move back to PA!!
"Surgius" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:1QVI9.288556$QZ.44204@sccrnsc02...
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 03:44:37 GMT, "Surgius" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> > . ."Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > .news:[email protected]...
> > .> .Hiking frightens wildlife. Hiking INCREASES impact over non-use. .Therefore .> .hiking is
> > bad for the environment. .> .> I agree, of course, but mountain biking is much MORE destructive,
> > .obviously. . .I contradicted your statement and you agree with me.. So you admit you
> are a
> > .liar and a hypocrite.
> >
> > BS. I agree that hiking is harmful, but it is much LESS harmful than
> mountain
> > biking. Learn to think.
> So you agree that hiking is harmful, yet you advocate hiking. You advocate
> harmful hobby. You sir, are a hypocrite.

Mike says that all bikes are worse than all boots, but this completely ignores facts such as, boots
make new trails where it isn't possible to ride, while bikes more often than not will remain on an
established trail. He completely ignores the fact that many hikers are much more destructive than
most bikers. While it is true that there are destructive bikers, not all bikers are destructive.
While it is true that hiking is not always as destructive as biking, there are many hikers that
destroy more in a single outing than some bikers will destroy in an entire year of going out. Mike
uses brash generalizations that are easily refuted, and almost never true when generally applied.

His generaliztions are derived from the actions of one or two bike riders and spread across the
entire population of bike riders, or (as in the case of hiking) he extrapolates the positive effects
of his own experience and spreads them over an entire population of hikers.

I would suggest the Mike is not qualified to pass judgement upon the rest of civilization, and he
should leave damage assessment to the professionals, like our park and forest service employees.
On Sat, 07 Dec 2002 01:43:16 GMT, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Sun, 01 Dec 2002 22:37:42 -0500, Ken B <[email protected]> wrote:
>.On 1 Dec 2002 12:31:00 -0800, [email protected] (Muddy) .wrote: . .>> "penny s"
><[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>... .>> >
>since you are new here. and you've already wasted tons of bandwidth .>> > replying to you know
>'s a hint. Don't bother. You'd be much better .>> > off either killfiling or ignoring MV
>threads. Read Jonathan Harris' AMB FAQ. .> .>Yes, MV does talk some bollock! But I only defend him
>cause there .>really are some thick as sh*t people here that honestly think biking .>doesn't cause
>destruction. . .It's not that people are thickheaded. It's called let's see some hard .data. Let's
>see unbiased work done by qualified scientists that are .experts in the field. This means research
>performed by scientists not .having some agenda or pet cause be it hugging trees or riding trails.
>.This does NOT mean subjective pseudo-research performed by unqualified .non-scientists (such as
>MV) that is made up of partially plagiarized .targeted (meaning agenda driven) research. Nor does
>it mean someone's .opinion. . .So far, MV has NOT provided this to the group and, therefore, has no
>.credibility. Why does he need to provide this? Because he is the one .making the accusations that
>mountain biking is destructive. The burden .of proof lies with him.
>BS. By law (NEPA), the burden of proof is on the developer: the person who wants to add bikes
>to trails. Where is the scientific research proving that mountain bikiing is harmless? It
>doesn't exist!
I never said it wasn't harmless. I said it wasn't destructive. There IS a difference. What the
studies below will prove is that biking does NOT cause any more damage to the trail system than
hiking and is, in fact, less destructive than hiking on DOWNHILL grades and that the damage caused
by biking is more sustainable and shorter lived than that caused by hiking.

That alone, tells me and the Council on Environmental Quality (the body formed by NEPA) that bikes
have just as much right to be on the trails as hikers, if not more.

But hey, read on....


2) Particularly interesting about this study is
that it shows hiking causing a significantly higher loss of vegitation and species diversity over
time when compared to biking.

3) This one was commissioned by hikers in an effort to prove
biking was causing more damage than hiking. They even voted for the group that did the study.

4) Here's an excript from a newsgroup posting a few years back. Funny, being almost a decade older
than link #2 (above) the science applied in the Guelph study seems to bear out the poster's
statements below...


Mountain bicycles have little, if any, more effect on the environment and trails than hikers, and
much less effect than horses do. There is little scientific information available, but what does
exist supports this claim.

5. The Kepner-Trego Analysis (U.S. Forest Service Santa Barbara, 1987, updated 1989): "During the
past 2-3 years of bicycle use, trails have not shown an increase in the erosion rate."

6. The Seney Study ( Joe Seney, Montana State University, Dept of Earth Science, Bozeman)
(Presented at Assn. of American Geographers, 1990 Toronto, Canada): "Results did not show
trail damage by bikes to be significant"

This study used trails of different soil types and slopes, wet and dry. Horses, bicyclists,
hikers, and motorcycles made passes over the trails. Runoff, sedimentation, compaction, and
micro relief were measured. Bicycles had no more effect than hikers. Horses, in many cases,
were worse than motorcycles. (Rototiller like digging up of the trail, and creating potholes
that fill with water, softening the surrounding surface.)

7. A negative declaration of environmental impact done by the Santa Clara (California) Dept. of
Parks and Recreation (1989) found the environmental impacts of bicycling on trails to be
generally insignificant, and easily mitigated.

8. The Use of Mountain Bikes in the Wilderness Areas of the Point Reyes National Seashore
(National Park Service, Point Reyes, California 1984): Flora and Fauna Disturbance: "A few
people assert that bicyclists are very disturbing to the wildlife and will trample endangered

So, it appears from this study that the excuse of "protecting the plants and animals" is not
viable. Cycists stay on trails. Hikers wander around and stomp things.

9. Finally, there's me. For many years I have built, maintained, and repaired trails, both as a
volunteer and as a paid professional. I have worked for State Parks, Open Space Districts,
Water Districts, etc. I have run trail crews, and inspected the work of contract crews. I have
hiked for over 30 years, was a ski mountaineering guide, and am a long time cyclist. I have a
Forest Technology degree, and have studied soils and geology.

It is my personal and professional opinion that bicycles do little, if any, more damage to a
trail than hikers. They certainly do much less damage than the horses we permit on most of our
trail systems here in California. Any damage they might do is easily mitigated by simple,
proper maintenance and construction techniques. The same goes for the impact hikers have. The
main things that cause trail damage are improper construction, location, and maintenance.


There's four varried sources. Can you provide THREE studies showing that biking is more damaging
than hiking?

Any one of the studies I listed would hold up to NEPA standards. (Number 4 not withstanding because
it's an opinion.) your opinion won't. Two and three are examples of good science because they don't
care about the outcome of the study -- only that the results are as accurate as possible. This is
most obvious in the third study I listed. Please provide the same quality support for your side of
the argument when you respond.

>.So far all I have seen here are OPINIONS. It is opinion that biking is .destructive to the
>environment until it is PROVEN otherwise. Hell, no .one here has even been able to tell me what
>'destruction' is.
>Is killing plants and animals good enough for you?

How was that salad you had for lunch? Do I really need to illustrate for all your hipocracy here? I
mean, really, that's just excessive abuse for yourself.

> My .definition would be something along the lines of '...completely unable .to support life...'
> That's my opinion, however. Like I said, there is .no hard data to go on.
>Because it is too obvious to be worth researching. Research is only needed when the facts
>aren't obvious.

When the Council on Environmental Quality asks you what support you have for your position, please
use THAT response. You'll save me from having to show up.
On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 13:48:55 GMT, "Lou W" <[email protected]> wrote:

>> > Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.
> I should remain stationary by that logic. OMG I should move back to PA!!
Mikey considers all humans to be a non-native species in the Americas, and therefore he wants to
remove all humans from these continents.

Happy trails, Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:36:49 -0800, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]> wrote:

>I would suggest the Mike is not qualified to pass judgement upon the rest of civilization, and he
>should leave damage assessment to the professionals, like our park and forest service employees.

Aw, come on! If he did THAT then we'd be short of our entertainment quota.

I mean seriously, Mike makes his "cause" (whatever the hell it is -- genocide, I think) look soooo
bad that everyone will advocate opening trails to even the most extreme free-riding in the mere hope
that one of the riders will run his sorry ass over.
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 08:59:00 -0800, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]> wrote: .It is still two
> animals per mile, so it is the same.
> So if you travel farther, you disturb more animals. DUH!


> ===
> I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Want to
> help? (I spent the previous 8 years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)
"Gary S." <Idontwantspam@net> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 13:48:55 GMT, "Lou W" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> > Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.
> >>
> > I should remain stationary by that logic. OMG I should move back to PA!!
> >
> Mikey considers all humans to be a non-native species in the Americas, and therefore he wants to
> remove all humans from these continents.

Well, tell him to go first and we'll follow! ;^)

Mike - yeah right.
"Gary S." <Idontwantspam@net> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 13:48:55 GMT, "Lou W" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> > Besides, you shouldn't be moving species around.
> >>
> > I should remain stationary by that logic. OMG I should move back to PA!!
> >
> Mikey considers all humans to be a non-native species in the Americas, and therefore he wants to
> remove all humans from these continents.
> Happy trails, Gary (net.yogi.bear)

Great! Now where do I go?
"Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:eek:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 19:28:57 +0000, "Just zis Guy, you know?" <[email protected]> wrote:
> .On Sun, 01 Dec 2002 00:49:00 GMT, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> .wrote: . .>.Just as well
> the New Forest fauna don't know that - and I'm not about .>.to tell them either. The thing which
> drives them away is motor .>.traffic. They don't like the noise, and they don't like the smell.
> .>.Fair enough, neither do I. They seem not to care too much about .>.walkers and cyclists -
> follow the trails far enough from the roads and .>.you start to see all the butterflies, mammals,
> birds, occasional .>.snakes - all the things you claim we've driven off. . .>BS. You are seeing
> only the ones that hold their noses and tolerate
> .>presence. . .Strange - this thousand-year-old forest doesn't seem to be suffering .any reduction
> in species diversity due to cyclists, walkers and .equestrians using it. Maybe the vast logging
> machines are more .significant - but no, the wildlife doesn't seem to care too much about .them
> either. Whaddya know. It's a managed forest, man made and used .for the enjoyment of all kinds of
> people, and it's full of wildlife, .including some rare species.
> So you ADMIT that it is reducing wildlife populations. QED


I don't understand your response, Mike. He specifically said, " ...this thousand-year-old forest
doesn't seem to be suffering any reduction in species ..." He went on to say that "maybe" the vast
logging machines are more significant, but he seems to discount them also because the animals don't
seem to care. He finally states that it is a managed forest with lots of wildlife, and used for the
enjoyment of all kinds of human activities.

Everything he said makes sense, and you come along with, "So you ADMIT that it is reducing wildlife
populations. QED", proving once again that you can't read.

It seems to me that perhaps my confusion on your statements comes from the fact that you cross-post
from several different groups into groups that are not participants in the discussions. I just
noticed that I am replying to what appears to be your reply to yourself because of your insistance
on cross-posting. Please stop cross-posting.
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,

I was trying really hard to keep out of this one but thats just making me **** my sides...

Well Mike, are you not going to retaliate?

You lot are such a bunch of pussies. You argue over such bollocks, everyone here must be a
liar...which would include me then. Ah well, I can handle being a liar.

But you to just crack me up....keep up the good work, I'll be spectating.

Muddy - "Its not the topic, its the abuse that counts!"

> >.Now, ****head, before you ever accuse me of lying again, be just as .prepared to backup your
> >case as I am, you worthless waste of sperm.
> >
> >You just lied. :)
> In what, that you're a waste of sperm? No, that's a fact. You are. I know it must be hard for you
> to accept but it is, indeed, the truth. Anyone here think that Mike ISN'T a waste of sperm???
> Face it dude, you should have been a blow job.
On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 15:09:54 GMT, Mike Vandeman <[email protected]> wrote:

>.Strange - this thousand-year-old forest doesn't seem to be suffering .any reduction in species
>diversity due to cyclists, walkers and .equestrians using it. Maybe the vast logging machines are
>more .significant - but no, the wildlife doesn't seem to care too much about .them either. Whaddya
>know. It's a managed forest, man made and used .for the enjoyment of all kinds of people, and it's
>full of wildlife, .including some rare species.

>So you ADMIT that it is reducing wildlife populations. QED

Forest - full of wildlife - despite extensive human activity. Vandemann's conclusion: an admission
of reduced wildlife populations. I think I'm probably glad I don't understand how you get from point
A to conclusion B.

** WARNING ** This posting may contain traces of irony. (BT ADSL and
dynamic DNS permitting)
NOTE: BT Openworld have now blocked port 25 (without notice), so old mail addresses may no longer
work. Apologies.
In article <qUVI9.288625$QZ.44139@sccrnsc02>, [email protected] says...
> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 08:59:00 -0800, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]> wrote: .It is still
> > two animals per mile, so it is the same.
> >
> > So if you travel farther, you disturb more animals. DUH!
> So?

One time this mountain biker went so far in the woods that he disturbed what he though was a Yeti.
In fact it was mikey, he had been lost in the wilderness for many years, since he was a child,
having learned no social skills and being oblivious to the fact that there are other people on this
earth he was happily living in his own filth. When this strange wheeled beast came along he was
enraged, he was able to follow the mountain bikers tracks which of course were 1 foot deep and 3
feet wide, back to civilization. Once there he decided that all these strange animals with clean
skin and trimmed hair must not be allowed to invade his home again. Lacking the opposable thumbs to
operate a sniper rifle, he did what any missing link would do, and got a job with the phone company.
There he learned a number of ways to harass people and cause them grief. He also had a co worker
write a number of phrases in English relating to mountain bikers and was able to have them put on
cue cards. Now every month on the anniversary of that day he followed the mountain biker home, he
takes one of these cue cards at random and over many hours types it into a news reader and posts it.
He is not able to understand what he is typing but he is able to reproduce the characters on the
cards, and that is enough for him. Mikey returned to his woodland home only to find that it had
become a golf course. Mikey believes that if a mountain biker had not led he away that day he could
have been there to stop the strange plaid wearing beasts on their 4 wheeled white mountain bikes,
now we must all pay.

Chris Phillipo - Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
On Mon, 9 Dec 2002 11:20:05 -0400, Chris Phillipo <[email protected]> wrote:

>In article <qUVI9.288625$QZ.44139@sccrnsc02>, [email protected] says...
>> "Mike Vandeman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>> > On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 08:59:00 -0800, "Jeff Strickland" <[email protected]> wrote: .It is still
>> > two animals per mile, so it is the same.
>> >
>> > So if you travel farther, you disturb more animals. DUH!
>> So?
>One time this mountain biker went so far in the woods that he disturbed what he though was a Yeti.
>In fact it was mikey, he had been lost in the wilderness for many years, since he was a child,
>having learned no social skills and being oblivious to the fact that there are other people on this
>earth he was happily living in his own filth. When this strange wheeled beast came along he was
>enraged, he was able to follow the mountain bikers tracks which of course were 1 foot deep and 3
>feet wide, back to civilization. Once there he decided that all these strange animals with clean
>skin and trimmed hair must not be allowed to invade his home again. Lacking the opposable thumbs to
>operate a sniper rifle, he did what any missing link would do, and got a job with the phone
>company. There he learned a number of ways to harass people and cause them grief. He also had a co
>worker write a number of phrases in English relating to mountain bikers and was able to have them
>put on cue cards. Now every month on the anniversary of that day he followed the mountain biker
>home, he takes one of these cue cards at random and over many hours types it into a news reader and
>posts it. He is not able to understand what he is typing but he is able to reproduce the characters
>on the cards, and that is enough for him. Mikey returned to his woodland home only to find that it
>had become a golf course. Mikey believes that if a mountain biker had not led he away that day he
>could have been there to stop the strange plaid wearing beasts on their 4 wheeled white mountain
>bikes, now we must all pay.

On Mon, 09 Dec 2002 21:09:04 GMT, "Lou W" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"Gary S." <Idontwantspam@net> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
>> Mikey considers all humans to be a non-native species in the Americas, and therefore he wants to
>> remove all humans from these continents.
> Great! Now where do I go?
I think he wants the human race reduced to a few thousand primitive hunter-gatherers in Kenya's
Oldavia Gorge, just the way it was 100,000 years ago. That is the only form of humanity that fits
his definition of "natural".

Mikey has not yet described what would happen to the extra 7 billion people, or how the world would
be restored to his version.

Happy trails, Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom
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