George Bush: Former Drunkard, Cocaine-user, War-dodger becomes War President

el Inglés said:
Just a small point but how many people actually believe that he fell off that sofa because he was consuming a pretzal ?
Are you insinuating he is still doing dope(coke)? Kitty Kelly, in her book, contends that W. did coke at camp david & laura sold pot in her youth.
davidmc said:
Are you insinuating he is still doing dope(coke)? Kitty Kelly, in her book, contends that W. did coke at camp david & laura sold pot in her youth.
Ah..thought so...I need not "discredit" just did it yourself..reading Kitty Kelly???hahahahahahahah LOL hahahahah LOL :p :D Are you sure you don't work for Rather? :p
Salsa Rider said:
One of the things he ran on was that Gore was an intellectual elitist. When did it become a bad thing for our president to be smarter than you or me??

As a side note Yale is a legacy school. Since GW's dad went, GW's entrance standards were significantly lower than yours or mine. Wonder if he could've gotten in on his own, or if he rode his Daddy'd coat tails on that one too.
One of his professor's supposedly asked him"How did you get in here?", I would guess because of his obvious slowness in thought & he replied "My daddy has important friends". This from one of his former Japanese national professors who changed his citizenship before giving the intrvw to thwart whatever "whim" Ashcroft might come up w/ to make him "disappear" because of Ashcroft's new found (our new lost :mad: ) powers.
lokstah said:
Though we haven't given up completely yet...
Thats what the repubs want. They want you to look at the polls and say "whats the use" & not vote so they can keep thier puppet in there & rape & pillage the country for 4 more yrs. Do not be discouraged, go to the polls. The repubs only make up 30% of the vote & they know this so they're trying thier best to discourage people from voting for thier opponent no matter how low they have to go on the decency scale.