Hit by flying soda can

No way, that was really good response. It just means that things are going well in your life you can take everything in your stride. They were the ones in the wrong not you.
Was driving through town last weekend, when a car behind me (which was momentarily stopped at a light) held something out to a homeless guy working the corner. As he approached the car, they threw a bunch of garbage at him. Sometimes the fact that we all share the same genetic material is saddening, but watcha gonna do. :confused:
That is just sick, those people should be punished, making fun of people because they are at a low point in their lives is just sick.
I've been hit by a lot of things but never with soda. It sounds terrible and dangerous even. Last time I was hit by a piece of wood. It was a big chunk and I have no idea how it hit or where did it come from. I live in a society where even police officers are cursing at you when you're on your bike so It is no wonder at all when you get hit by things.