I cannot stand Chris Horner HYPE anymore!!!

Mtventoux said:
Horner is an unbelievably talented and strong rider. He didnt feel the Euro lifestyle was for him.
What does the Euro lifestyle have to do with the sport of cycling in Europe? He gets paid to be a cyclist. Sounds like an excuse to me.
I searched for topics about Horner. I wouldn`t open a new one for that picture. But it`s quite a beard for a cyclist!
where does anyone get access to horner interviews anyways? does he have like a myspace or something?
SaintAndrew said:
where does anyone get access to horner interviews anyways? does he have like a myspace or something?
I am a huge Chris Horner fan now from all of the pre-race interviews he did during this year's TdF. He is one of the most insightful athletes I have ever heard interviewed. Seems like a smart guy who tells it like it is. Check out velonews.com. He was interviewed every day before the race. Maybe they are archived on the site. He bashed T-Mobile after the second stage in the Pyrenees when T-Mobile tried to pull the entire field over four mountain passes, only to crack on the pla-de-beret and leave Kloden with no help. It was brilliant commentary.

I don't know Horner's history or life story so I can't comment on everything. I just know he is good when talking about cycling. I bet you will like Horner if you watch a couple interviews.
The guy dominated in the U.S. and has come close in a few world cup races - check out the results for the late season world cup races the last two years. It does not seem unreasonable to expect that he will have a big result in the near future. Alot of the hype is likely related to the fact that you get a lot information from english speaking forums and media, which are often American and therefore focus on American riders. I doubt spanish or french media give the guy much attention.
dclee said:
The guy dominated in the U.S. and has come close in a few world cup races - check out the results for the late season world cup races the last two years.
He has a good stage win, in the Tour de Suisse last year.
thebluetrain said:
What does the Euro lifestyle have to do with the sport of cycling in Europe? He gets paid to be a cyclist. Sounds like an excuse to me.
I don't know the specific case as far as Horner, but some people willingly give up being with the best to be in a better comfort zone in life overall. Like Landon Donovan in MLS soccer, he has chosen not to play in the major leagues in Europe.
Crankster said:
This is just so annoying. I visit a lot of american-populated forums. Can anyone else explain why Chris Horner is so popular?
Interesting mentality Crankster. Chris Horner gives you white knuckles and keeps you up at night and yet you spend the time and energy to create a thread about him.

This makes as much sense as bringing Margarita's to an AA meeting.

I never picked up onto what TrekDedicated wrote until now. We are all responding to a thread that Virenque revived that was dormant for over a year! Horner may not yet have gotten the Suisse win that I wrote about when the thread was started. :mad:

Crankster is probably long, long gone.

Edit: Just checked, his last post was over a year ago!
JRMDC said:
I never picked up onto what TrekDedicated wrote until now. We are all responding to a thread that Virenque revived that was dormant for over a year! Horner may not yet have gotten the Suisse win that I wrote about when the thread was started. :mad:

Crankster is probably long, long gone.

Edit: Just checked, his last post was over a year ago!
Crankster must have jumped off a cliff with a note pinned to his jersey condemning Chris Horner for all his troubles.

Frankly. I did not read passed Crankster’s original post on this thread.

Look on the bright side, at least Bode Miller isn't taking up cycling.

Imagine this - he gets the MJ, but then drops out of the race to hit on one of the podium girls.
thebluetrain said:
He's the best Alpine Skier in the world.:rolleyes:
He's among the best in the world on those days when he feels like focusing and competing. ;)
JRMDC said:
He's among the best in the world on those days when he feels like focusing and competing. ;)
I was being sarcastic. Honestly, there is no way he is the best Alpine Skier in the world with his blow up at the Olympics.
thebluetrain said:
I was being sarcastic. Honestly, there is no way he is the best Alpine Skier in the world with his blow up at the Olympics.
Sorry, missed it! :)
He focused a lot more on dating George Bush`s doughter and playing basketball than on skiing.:) His excuse for a poor performance on one of the races was that he sprained his ankle while playing basketball. Alpine skier playing basketball at winter olympics?:D :rolleyes:

It looks like I`ve reopened the topic in very interesting way. From Horner`s popularity to his beard, then back to his popularity and now to Bode Miller.:)
Crankster said:
This is just so annoying. I visit a lot of american-populated forums. Can anyone else explain why Chris Horner is so popular?

He is a decent rider, nothing special. He could have been a solid domestique in most Euro teams, not enough stuff to be a leader though. He went to Europe, realized he it was a lot tougher than he thought it would be, so he ran back to US, where he was spanking local yokels at various "high profile" canadian and american races.

Now he is 33 or 34 and decides to give Europe one last try. He has one significant win in Europe in his entire career - a stage at TdS. But come one, TdS is just a Tour tune up.

Horner symbolizes everything that could go wrong with an athlete, mentally. He is an arrogant smug jerk who doesn't miss a chance to badmouth anyone who happens to be better than him at a race. He doesn't have balls to race in Europe, instead prefers to be a big fish n small US pond. He is not a team player. He wasted his best years racing against mediocre riders because of his enormous ego. He has very little to show for it.

So why does everyone like him so much?

Americans complain that nobody in US cares about anything except the Tour. But by hyping up Horner they make it even worse - they imply that american races are somehow more special than spring classics or other grand Tours. They value brash, arrogant statement of Horner over quiet, unassuming and modest interviews of Levi Leipheimer (who actually won a thing or two!). Or Bobby Julich who was struggling for years to get good results in Europe, yet it never occurred to him to go back to US and enjoy beating on those cat 1 racers.

So many american (or non-american) riders deserve a lot more attention than bottle-throwing arrogant Horner. WHY, WHY, WHY do all americans hype up Horner so much? No, he is not going to be in top 10. Apparently he won't win a race at TdF this year. At his age he won't be able to make any strong statement at next year's Tour either.
I totally feel ya, dawg. We need more Hincapie threads!!!
Virenque said:
It looks like I`ve reopened the topic in very interesting way. From Horner`s popularity to his beard, then back to his popularity and now to Bode Miller.:)
Don't forget the Barilla Pasta ! ;)