It's all Lance's Fault!!!

saluki said:
Betsy Andreu proved that Betsy Andreu is a bald faced liar. When asked why Lance's doctor denied her recollection of the conversation she said that he was not one of the two doctors that was there at the time. But she couldn't remember the name of the doctors that were there and she couldn't identify them either. So what is the point of your idiotic conspiracy theory when the doctor who you claim is in on it isn't even the doctor that little Betsy is claiming was there. No one can find Betsy's mystery doctors and none of the 10 people in the room at the time this was suppose to have happened can colaborate her story.

And here is what Frankie Andreu swore under oath.

I notice House hasn't commented on Frankie's testimony.
helmutRoole2 said:
Yes, because, prior to Armstrong, there were very few questions asked about doping by the press. Shameful but true. The cycling press corp turned a blind eye to doping in the same way pro cyclists stuck to the omerta.
Was more fun though wasnt it? :p
Serafino said:
I notice House hasn't commented on Frankie's testimony.
Fancy palor trick eh?

You edited out the sworn testimony whereby Franie Anderu confirms that Lance Armstrong confessed to steroids, growth hormones, EPO and corticosteroids.

Frankie Adreu corroborated his wife's testimony that lance is an admitted drug cheat and liar.

You also forgot Greg Lemond's testimony about Lance's EPO confession.

+2 for LAF, a foundation based upon steroid abuse

Mike Anderson also swore to witnessing an Armstrong steroid confession.
doctorSpoc said:
not sure he should be honored for being a big, pompous, loud mouth, ill repentant doper.. but ironically i think he is ultimately the cause of the press being fixated on doping in cycling... will it lead to reform? who knows? i don't think it was his intention to clean up the sport.. he was as dirty as the come.

i can remember seeing and reading LAs interviews and thinking to myself, everyone in the peleton must be just saying.. why the hell doesn't this dumb ass just shut the f!ck up! i mean everyone else in the peleton is smart enough to just give a one sentence response when doping came up and move the interview along but not LA.. he'd just go on and on and on, just daring the press to find dirt on him... he messed up the party for everyone...
The convoluted reasoning here is so fun! So it's Lance's fault that all the other riders dope, and it's Lance's fault that they get caught for doping. Still. He isn't there to compete against, so if they aren't doping to keep up with him, (since he wanted them to "come and get me") then why are they doing it now? He got them hooked? Now instead of saying "the devil made me do it" they can say "Lance made me do it." Oh, wait, that's the same thing. :rolleyes:

So, I'm getting as confused as IH8Lance. He's bad for drawing attention to doping. Or he's bad for doing it, or what? I thought everyone wanted cycling cleaned up. hahahahahaha
I suppose it's also Lance's fault that Ras got booted from the tour. He did seem pretty confident that A.C. would win the tour. Hence the reason why Levi was allowed to take second place on today's stage. It all makes sense now!
David_Zen said:
I suppose it's also Lance's fault that Ras got booted from the tour. He did seem pretty confident that A.C. would win the tour. Hence the reason why Levi was allowed to take second place on today's stage. It all makes sense now!
Well, duh. He controls the universe! He controls our thoughts! Except for those resistant to his omnipresent powers like Doc House
Doctor.House said:
Charlie Manson could more effectively manage T-Mobile.

Conspiracy to commit is NOT murder.

His PR team let him done. That's all. T-Mobile lives on fake PR.

Johnnie Cochran got high school doper Marion Jones off BEFORE OJ Simpson.
YOU should run Charles Manson's PR team.
Klodifan said:
cmon folks. clearly cycling is in its present state b/c of the evil LA.

sure festina happened, but that was swept under the rug. mr. 60% who?

doping/cheating has always surrounded the sport. it only reached an apex b/c of a smug, unlikeable guy kept evading the controls. do you really think events would have panned out differently if la would have been a likeable figure? the wrath that is coming down on the riders now stem from la. :D
doping/cheating has always surrounded the sport. it only reached an apex b/c of a smug, unlikeable AMERICAN guy kept evading the controls.

lance was cocky,but who wouldnt be if they were demonized by the french media on a constant basis.
... doping has always been part of the sport. you cant blame this on lance.. blame it on CYCLING and the UCI because if they honestly wanted to clean up the sport we woulnt be talking about this now....
I thought about it over night and I remembered Al Gore invented doping. He said so we he ran for President here in the USA. It was around the sametime he invented the internet......
azdroptop said:
I thought about it over night and I remembered Al Gore invented doping. He said so we he ran for President here in the USA. It was around the sametime he invented the internet......
Well Doping is probably at least named for him! :p
Indeed. Nike & the LAF have not fooled me.

I doubt Lance will fly to Paris now.

nns1400 said:
Well, duh. He controls the universe! He controls our thoughts! Except for those resistant to his omnipresent powers like Doc House
Doctor.House said:
I doubt Lance will fly to Paris now.
I hope he shows up in Paris and tells us how he feels sorry for those of us who don't believe in miracles. ;)
nns1400 said:
You know what? I bet Lance didn't even HAVE cancer! I think he cooked the whole thing up with Nike back then to pretend to beat the disease so he could be a big hero later and then start a foundation to get richer, after Nike, etc. already made him rich.

See how this makes perfect sense?! THAT is why he bribed the cancer doctor with all that money! That guy isn't even a doctor!! He just plays one on TV, to fool the media. It's all part of the conspiracy. The other Lance sponsors were in on the cover-up so they can sell totally unrelated products with the LiveStrong logo on them and laugh all the way to the bank.

Then they perform human sacrifices out in the woods and invoke the name of Satan. That's why they have to train in the Caymans. Can't you people connect the dots??!!!!
It was just an excuse to have a few grams removed. He's a psychopathic weight weenie.
nns1400 said:
The convoluted reasoning here is so fun! So it's Lance's fault that all the other riders dope, and it's Lance's fault that they get caught for doping. Still. He isn't there to compete against, so if they aren't doping to keep up with him, (since he wanted them to "come and get me") then why are they doing it now? He got them hooked? Now instead of saying "the devil made me do it" they can say "Lance made me do it." Oh, wait, that's the same thing. :rolleyes:

So, I'm getting as confused as IH8Lance. He's bad for drawing attention to doping. Or he's bad for doing it, or what? I thought everyone wanted cycling cleaned up. hahahahahaha
i think you need to take a reading comprehension class or something... my post doesn't say any of the things you say it does...:confused:

you're confused alright... whose post did you read???
doctorSpoc said:
i think you need to take a reading comprehension class or something... my post doesn't say any of the things you say it does...:confused:

you're confused alright... whose post did you read???
No, I need a speed reading class, because I admit to skimming sometimes :eek: . In post #34 I thought you were saying Lance's come and get me if you can attitude was in regard to the peleton, but after rereading it I see you were only talking about the French media (and the snotty attitude was a 2 way street in my biased American opinion).

I was tieing your posts in with the theme of the thread, and basically most of the forum, that EVERYTHING is Lance's fault, from doping to being caught doping.

My point is if "everyone" wants cycling cleaned up, they shouldn't complain about Lance bringing more attention to doping (in their minds) and causing more people to get in trouble (in their minds). You said he messed up the party for everyone, but I don't know if that was sarcasm or not, or if you're one who does want it cleaned up, or thinks they should just be allowed to do it. I read a lot of posts today.
stevebaby said:
It was just an excuse to have a few grams removed. He's a psychopathic weight weenie.
Perhaps he is also a reptilian alien in addition to being Satan.
Doctor.House said:
Fancy palor trick eh?

You edited out the sworn testimony whereby Franie Anderu confirms that Lance Armstrong confessed to steroids, growth hormones, EPO and corticosteroids.
I didn't edit out anything. When Andreu had to raise his hand and give sworn testimony, in front of a judge and a jury, and go to jail if he lied, that is what he said. You can find the same testimony in other locations. Whatever he may have said before this point, when he was in front of a jury and was afraid to lie, that is his testimony.

Where are Betsy Andreu's mystery doctors, doctor?
Bro Deal said:
I hope he shows up in Paris and tells us how he feels sorry for those of us who don't believe in miracles. ;)
You mean the way that you believed in Vino's miracle?