Long hair and cycling

HellonWheels said:
I "hit menopause" at 39...that's when I had a hysterectomy!

And I don't bleach or dye my hair, its very long, dark brown, all natural! Women inmy family don't start going grey until much later, late 50s, early 60s. My mom is 85 and only has some grey.

My hair started greying at 15. I'm early 40s now and nearly completely white. It looks cool and I like it.
Brunswick_kate said:
My hair started greying at 15. I'm early 40s now and nearly completely white. It looks cool and I like it.
i'm 31 but my hair is going a silvery colour over my ears, but cut short you can't tell.
I'll just take things back to the topic of hair care. I've got long hair (a couple of inches past my shoulders) and a few months ago it was a bit longer but i was having problems with split ends, so i went to my hairdresser and got those taken off and a style cut, leaving it long. The important thing is i thought cycling with all that sun, sweat and wind was affecting my hair so i had a good long chat with my hairdresser about it and found out that i was right, and he recommended these products that help to keep it clean, moisturised, shiny and healthy. I use them and get regular trims to maintain my style and the problem has been solved. I even CAN blowdry, as long as i use these moisturising products which stop the hair from becoming dried out. It can be expensive though using salon products, but if they help you to keep the long hair looking good, its worth it.
ausgirl said:
I'll just take things back to the topic of hair care. I've got long hair (a couple of inches past my shoulders) and a few months ago it was a bit longer but i was having problems with split ends, so i went to my hairdresser and got those taken off and a style cut, leaving it long. The important thing is i thought cycling with all that sun, sweat and wind was affecting my hair so i had a good long chat with my hairdresser about it and found out that i was right, and he recommended these products that help to keep it clean, moisturised, shiny and healthy. I use them and get regular trims to maintain my style and the problem has been solved. I even CAN blowdry, as long as i use these moisturising products which stop the hair from becoming dried out. It can be expensive though using salon products, but if they help you to keep the long hair looking good, its worth it.

I wish to thank you for providing information that may help others to make the decision to leave their hair long, gorgeous and sexy! If I ride behind, it doesn't necessarily mean I couldn't pass. It just means I didn't want to.

Beastt said:
I wish to thank you for providing information that may help others to make the decision to leave their hair long, gorgeous and sexy! If I ride behind, it doesn't necessarily mean I couldn't pass. It just means I didn't want to.


I second that! I'm on a personla mission to keep middle aged women from cutting their hair too--by being a role model (lol).....btw I use John Frieda BRUNETTE hair products, works for me!

PS to Beastt, LOVE your new animated avatar! Only thing is, I can't seem to read what it says on the bottom.
ausgirl said:
I'll just take things back to the topic of hair care. I've got long hair (a couple of inches past my shoulders) and a few months ago it was a bit longer but i was having problems with split ends, so i went to my hairdresser and got those taken off and a style cut, leaving it long. The important thing is i thought cycling with all that sun, sweat and wind was affecting my hair so i had a good long chat with my hairdresser about it and found out that i was right, and he recommended these products that help to keep it clean, moisturised, shiny and healthy. I use them and get regular trims to maintain my style and the problem has been solved. I even CAN blowdry, as long as i use these moisturising products which stop the hair from becoming dried out. It can be expensive though using salon products, but if they help you to keep the long hair looking good, its worth it.
my partner uses hair mask from boots, she says its great, smells nice too especially the banna flavour, also she costs me a fortune purchasing items from lush for her hair.

but she swears that using shampoo to often causes damage to her hair since it is a detergant, so she uses it maye once a week ut all the other times she uses conditioner, and maye a hair mas left on for longer periods of time.
I had - HAD - 2 feet of hair before I cut it in May for my first tri (too much of a pain shoving it all under a swimcap). I too could not envision sweating my butt off and not washing it every day. I switched to Matrix Essentials, shampoo plus spray on leave in conditioner, and it solved my dry-hair-from-overwashing issues.
HellonWheels said:
I second that! I'm on a personla mission to keep middle aged women from cutting their hair too--by being a role model (lol).....btw I use John Frieda BRUNETTE hair products, works for me!

PS to Beastt, LOVE your new animated avatar! Only thing is, I can't seem to read what it says on the bottom.

It says "Lance" on top and "Armstrong" at the bottom.
Beastt said:
It says "Lance" on top and "Armstrong" at the bottom.

The Lance was easy to see, but the bottom was not. I think its because of how it turns? Anyway, GREAT logo! Love it :)
first of all, lots of women (especially as they get older) really don't need to wash their hair everyday. my mom is 53 and has dry, coarse hair that she washels 2-3x a week max. and she goes to the gym everyday! really, sweat is mostly water and salt, and i kind of like the texture it gives my hair. so stop saying it's gross!

i had long hair up until a few weeks ago when i cut it just for kicks (not cycling related). I didn't know all helmets were not ponytail compatible, so I guess I was just lucky buying mine-it fit easily in the straps on the back that keep the thing forward on your head.
HellonWheels said:
The Lance was easy to see, but the bottom was not. I think its because of how it turns? Anyway, GREAT logo! Love it :)

Too many letters in A-r-m-s-t-r-o-n-g which means less space per letter so the letters are smaller and harder to see. The original was about 640 x 480 and a bit big for an avatar. I intended to switch back to my old avatar a few weeks after the Tour but I hear he's thrown his hat into the ring for the 2005 Tour de France so maybe I'll just wait and change the number.

HellonWheels said:
Oh I SOOOO agree with this! And what is it with middleaged women cutting their hair and wearing teddy bear tops? ARGH!!!!! One major reason why I wear my hair long is because I want to break that stupid 'rule" (I'm 45 yrs old.)

In one of my jobs, they had this guy come in for a seminar. He said that all women over 30 needed to have hair shorter than shoulder length.

Good thing I didn't have to go, I would have failed all of his rules. :p

My hair is maybe 6" past my shoulders? I used to have a lot of split end problems (perms when I was in school). I wash my hair at least once a day but use a conditioner esp in the winter. If I don't wash it, it feels flat and greasy.

But we're all different! My mom does every other day at best and thought we all should too, didn't work for me.

diane143 said:
In one of my jobs, they had this guy come in for a seminar. He said that all women over 30 needed to have hair shorter than shoulder length.

Good thing I didn't have to go, I would have failed all of his rules. :p

My hair is maybe 6" past my shoulders? I used to have a lot of split end problems (perms when I was in school). I wash my hair at least once a day but use a conditioner esp in the winter. If I don't wash it, it feels flat and greasy.

But we're all different! My mom does every other day at best and thought we all should too, didn't work for me.

my partner has naturally curly hair, she used to have lots of perms on it and the perms just caused more and more damage, she was the same she had to wash it every day or everyday, but last year i paid for her to have it ionically retexturized, now it stays soft smooth and shinny for a week or so before it loooks like it needs washing again, plus it is alot more fetching, since its soft like silk, with no mouse, relaxant, frizeeze and stuff on it, best £200 i have ever spent. plus i have saved a fortune on the hair products she used to purchase, more money for me and my bikes :D

but short hair on women! nahhh its not natural, plus i wouldn't want to give up the feeling of hair gently brushing ........... lets stop there hey, guess you know the rest.
I solved the problem I had, with sweat congealing at the base of my scalp, causing rashes, etc whenever I rode my bike with helmet on. I'd had the ponytail in a xcrunchie at the very base of my neck so the helmet would fit right, but I sweat so much while riding that the sweat gathered and made a mess.

I bought a GIRO Venus 2004 helmet recently...has a thing to hold the ponytail up off the base of the neck. Rode with it for the first time yesterday morning and NO problems!!
HellonWheels said:
I solved the problem I had, with sweat congealing at the base of my scalp, causing rashes, etc whenever I rode my bike with helmet on. I'd had the ponytail in a xcrunchie at the very base of my neck so the helmet would fit right, but I sweat so much while riding that the sweat gathered and made a mess.

I bought a GIRO Venus 2004 helmet recently...has a thing to hold the ponytail up off the base of the neck. Rode with it for the first time yesterday morning and NO problems!!
i'm glad it works for you, i'd much prefare to take my chances since i feel very silly wearing an helmet. where you from hellonwheels.
closesupport said:
i'm glad it works for you, i'd much prefare to take my chances since i feel very silly wearing an helmet. where you from hellonwheels.

I'm from the USA, East Coast (New Jersey/NewYork/Pennsylvania area).
diane143 said:
In one of my jobs, they had this guy come in for a seminar. He said that all women over 30 needed to have hair shorter than shoulder length.
What? Did he say why? (Sounds dumb to me... as if every woman over 30 has the same general lifestyle, approximate appearance, etc. Hah! Or maybe the hairdresser's guild/union/whatever was paying him a comission?)
Mouse Potato said:
What? Did he say why? (Sounds dumb to me... as if every woman over 30 has the same general lifestyle, approximate appearance, etc. Hah! Or maybe the hairdresser's guild/union/whatever was paying him a comission?)

With me it was the reverse. When I was young (teens, twenties) I had short hair. I finally got tired of having to shell out bucks every month for a haircut (I just had it cut in a basic, short fashion, nothing that needed maintenance...I was a runner then and didnt want anything that took upkeep).

Since my late 20s I've had long hair, and now that I'm 44 its longer than ever! I don't go to a beauty parlor, have not been to one since my 20s....when the hair gets scraggly on the ends, my husband trims it for me and that's that! I also don't wear makeup or get plastic surgery...I refuse to buy into our society's so-called beauty standards. The only beauty treatments I need is healthy food, lots of water, and daily exercise.
HellonWheels said:
With me it was the reverse. When I was young (teens, twenties) I had short hair. I finally got tired of having to shell out bucks every month for a haircut (I just had it cut in a basic, short fashion, nothing that needed maintenance...I was a runner then and didnt want anything that took upkeep).

Since my late 20s I've had long hair, and now that I'm 44 its longer than ever! I don't go to a beauty parlor, have not been to one since my 20s....when the hair gets scraggly on the ends, my husband trims it for me and that's that! I also don't wear makeup or get plastic surgery...I refuse to buy into our society's so-called beauty standards. The only beauty treatments I need is healthy food, lots of water, and daily exercise.

Good for you! Beauty from a bottle is little more than a cheap paint job. Who wants a sophisticated model type who takes off her nails, wig, breasts complexion and eye-color before going to bed at night? Natural beauty is the only true beauty, though a little makeup, applied to compliment not cover nature, can be an option.

Long hair rocks! :)
Beastt said:
Good for you! Beauty from a bottle is little more than a cheap paint job. Who wants a sophisticated model type who takes off her nails, wig, breasts complexion and eye-color before going to bed at night? Natural beauty is the only true beauty, though a little makeup, applied to compliment not cover nature, can be an option.

Long hair rocks! :)
my partner wears no makeup, although she does take care of her hair, she also ensures that i aam fed watered and cared for, i don't think that any appearance could make up for what she does for me.

real Beauty is a quality that is found within, the caring, compassionate and fun to be with!

Also its surprising what a couple of hours in photoshop can do, instant weight loss from size 18-10 in 10 minutes, plus perfect complexion and those eyes that you have always dreamed of :D want a make over....

Cost you! i can make you that size 10 or 8 that you have always wanted to be, shed pounds in seconds, kilos in minutes... :D all for a reasonable price. give your partner a picture he would love to carry around in his wallet :p